Recent content by GreenGables

  1. GreenGables

    Any Hen keepers in or near Bedford MA ?

    You might contact the Board of Health. I believe you would be grandfathered in because you had 10 chickens prior to the new ordinance. All the best! I'm in Leominster and have 10 hens.
  2. GreenGables

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hi Lisa, 3 of my grand daughters live in the sunny state of Texas. Have a nice weekend!
  3. GreenGables

    The Front Porch Swing

    Youtube is great for DIY instructions. I was able to use less wallpaper because of the instructions there. Otherwise, I would have run out of paper (*_*) Cloudy rainy day here with temps to go up to 50, major snow melting today. We have accumulated about 3 feet of snow that has to melt. I'm...
  4. GreenGables

    The Front Porch Swing

    Good morning from MA! This morning I'm having Chai tea to warm myself up : ) I finally finished wallpapering our bathroom last week. Snow days do come in handy! I've had this paper since December and now it's done! God's blessings, to all of you.
  5. GreenGables

    One of my chickens pecking the others and cutting them!

    You might try separating this chicken for a few days. Otherwise, I would get rid of it. I had the same problem and it didn't stop after separating this chicken. I found a gaping hole on the back of one of my hens:( I ended up giving this pecking hen away to a friend who had 1 hen and 1 chick...
  6. GreenGables

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    God bless you and thank you for sharing your story, SClark73. Also, thank you Erinszoo for the yogurt recipe! I can't wait to try it. This may be a silly question, but when you put it in the cooler, did you cover it with ice?
  7. GreenGables

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Hi Erinszoo, I would like to see the recipe for your yogurt! We drink goat's milk and eat goat's yogurt. Look forward to seeing your recipe. Thank you.
  8. GreenGables

    Where can I find city ordinance on chickens for Fitchburg, MA

    My husband went to the Board of Health when I wanted chickens. I have to give him the credit : )
  9. GreenGables

    Where can I find city ordinance on chickens for Fitchburg, MA

    Melissa, did you ask the Board of Health? They should know. Here in Leominster we're allowed up to 10 hens. I currently have 7 hens. All the best to you!
  10. GreenGables

    Where can I find city ordinance on chickens for Fitchburg, MA

    I was wondering how the meeting went last night. I had to work late and was unable to attend. Let me know if I can be of any assistance with this matter in Fitchburg.
  11. GreenGables

    Where can I find city ordinance on chickens for Fitchburg, MA

    Has anyone asked Rosemary Reynolds to the meeting? I believe she is a Representative in the town and she is all for letting families have chickens. If I could be of any help, I live in Leominster and have 9 hens, let me know and I'll try to make the meeting on Monday. There shouldn't be any...
  12. GreenGables

    Chick Bedding

    I used newspaper while the chicks were little and switched to pine shavings when they went outside. Wishing you all the best with your new little flock!
  13. GreenGables

    Large Open Wound on 5 month old hen.

    It has been one week since I started treating my chicken's wound. I think it's looking pretty good. The first picture is how I found her and the second is how she looks today. She layed her first egg today too. What a trooper! Graphic photos
  14. GreenGables

    can I wrap a chicken wound in gauze?

    Be careful not to rinse too much with any Iodine solution because it kills off the good and bad cells and prevents healing. Rinsing now with warm water will be fine, then apply the neosporin without the pain killer. (I spoke to a RNP yesterday who has done research on wound care and she...
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