Recent content by Hobbley_Farm

  1. Hobbley_Farm

    Items For Sale Or Trade

    5 used 60 inch (5 foot long) 6.5 inches wide, metal trough feeder some with stands. Much smaller versions (39 inches long) retail new @ 18.99 at tracter supply co. $10 each or $45 if you buy all 5. Metal round cage. 74 inches around and 36 inches tall. No picture available $95.00 I have a black...
  2. Hobbley_Farm

    Chicken Breed Chart

    Here are some of the breeds I like to keep. The Following is curtousy of Henderson's Chicken Breed Chart. Ameraucana FS PB club Black, Blue, Blue-wheaten, Brown-red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten, & White Easter Eggers are common. Standard Ameraucanas are rare. 88%/8% (EEs/pure) 5.5 lb/2.5 kg...
  3. Hobbley_Farm

    Hobbley Farms Page

    Hobbley Farm Mark & Heather Bright We Buy/Sale/Trade Poultry, Fowl, Rabbits, Goats We currently have 100 chicks for sale and more hatching currently. Prices range from $2.50 and up. Straight run only. Some of the breeds are Barred rock RIR Red sex link Black Sex...
  4. Hobbley_Farm

    NC: Where is the best prices on feed in Surry County?

    I'm so tired of going to Tractor Supply and Southern States. I loved Performance feed in Lawsonville, but there have been issues and the drive STINKS! Any other suggestions. Feed for chickens, Turkey, Ducks....Also Goat and horse feed
  5. Hobbley_Farm

    Another chicken dinner spoiled

    How did you catch it? Did you have to do a stake out? I really REALLY don't want to sit on my porch waiting for an animal with a shot gun. I believe I have skunks dipping into my egg production as it has STOPPED and my dog has been sprayed recently. Would love to hear how you solved this...
  6. Hobbley_Farm

    interesting mutation -- naked chick

    I have GOT to get a camera. I had one hatch that looked very very similar to that but not Quite so naked. Also the few feathers it did have on the wings once they started growing, looked/looks frizzled. It's still alive. I just assumed it was half frizzle and that's what frizzles look like...
  7. Hobbley_Farm

    Is something wrong with my chickens?

    I don't see anything wrong with your chickens. What price are you asking for your eggs? I am not on here enough to know what prices you are asking.
  8. Hobbley_Farm

    Am I doing something wrong...

    I hardly get any replies to my posts. I don't know what the secret is either. If you find it, pass it along to me
  9. Hobbley_Farm

    Sometimes I just don't understand people....animal re-homing rant

    Well if you're refering to me, when I was typing my post it wasn't to anyone in particular. And yes, I did "get" that you are a military wife. I suppose I was just offering up my thoughts on the matter. She shouldn't have been rude to you. That was wrong. But I remember some days around or...
  10. Hobbley_Farm

    Sometimes I just don't understand people....animal re-homing rant

    As a military spouse, I have to say that there are any number of reasons that they may not be able to keep their dog. Ignorance and selfishness are definately posible. But there may be other reasons to. There may be medical reasons on top of finance, on top of who knows what. My husband...
  11. Hobbley_Farm

    Need experienced donkey owner advice...

    K, well we BOUGHT him a goat. After three hours of them not seeming to give a flip about one another, my Donk jumped on him (the goat) and killed him. Actually, it was more like the donkey caught the goat and laid on him (which killed the goat). Now we're finding out more about Entire (or in...
  12. Hobbley_Farm

    Need experienced donkey owner advice...

    My husband bought me a 13 year old mammoth donkey for my birthday. *yes it is what I wanted and not a big joke lol* This is a GREAT donkey and we just got it last night. THe thing is, he is pacing back and forth infront of the gate. He has adequate room and not in a little run, or anything...
  13. Hobbley_Farm

    North Carolina Traders

    Doesn't anyone have Guineas close to me (within 20 or 30 minuts) that they want to sell. Ijust want 2 females and a male. Come on.....Someone MUST have at a reasonable price and pet quality
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