Recent content by Hoosiercluck

  1. Hoosiercluck

    One chicken, three eggs, 24 hours

    some have laid very light tan, but this is definitely white. She may have laid one later in the day on Sunday, after 5, but with the sun setting so early these days I am stumped. Even to lay one late and two the next day I thought was a feat. Yes, all hard shells. I have to rename her super...
  2. Hoosiercluck

    One chicken, three eggs, 24 hours

    I have a Leghorn who has been on winter hiatus, and just yesterday started laying again. I cleaned the pen Sunday morning, gathered, and went back that evening for an egg check, no white eggs. I went to do egg check yesterday afternoon and there were 3 white eggs!! OMG, how is this possible...
  3. Hoosiercluck

    Buying chickens from local vender

    I can see that for sure. I special ordered mine and I think the chicks are separated with orders and "packaged" so they are not in the big arena in the store, but can't say that for sure. They called when the chicks came in, and when I arrived they were boxed and ready. My other unfortunate...
  4. Hoosiercluck

    Leghorn longevity

    good to know, as she has already been a stand out daily layer with large eggs, occasionally double yolks. She recently finished a molt too, and I know that is stress to system, so I am hopeful it will be soon as I associate egg production with a happy, healthy chicken.
  5. Hoosiercluck

    Buying chickens from local vender

    since I buy chicks, I know what the chick looks like, but I also know from other breeders, IsaBrown can be hard to distinguish at chick age from RIR if you don't know what you are doing. I will look into Rural King too, about 40 minutes away.
  6. Hoosiercluck

    Buying chickens from local vender

    I love my local Tractor Supply store, good, friendly people. However, I ordered what was suppose to be Isa Brown from them last year, and pretty sure they are RIR. I even have posted pictures before and the response seems to be they are NOT Isa Brown as I hoped. They are currently doing Chick...
  7. Hoosiercluck

    Leghorn longevity

    I love, love,love my white Leghorn, Shelley She is super friendly and was the first to start laying. She is 1 1/2 years old. We had a winter cold snap, and the girls fell into a cease fire, but now it is warming in the end of February, and she has not started back up. It has been 3-4 weeks...
  8. Hoosiercluck

    What does this sound mean?

    I agree either a victory song or encouragement to others. I think it is hilarious how the one white speckled chicken is seeming to check out all the boxes for the "best hood" for egg deposits
  9. Hoosiercluck


    Ok, I will wait and see how far the damage goes. I know not to "trim" any areas, but will I see the result of the frostbite yet this winter or will it take awhile for the comb to drop the damaged tips?
  10. Hoosiercluck


    what can I expect of a damaged RIR rooster and leghorn hen comb frostbite? Will it basically drop off in warmer weather and forever be altered or will any part of it repair and grow back? They both now have vaseline on comb and wattle.
  11. Hoosiercluck

    How Cold of Weather Can Chickens Stand Outside of Coop?

    I have a cold weather question, while on Christmas vacation the temperature took a nose dive and I did not put vaseline on my RIR comb or my leghorn hen before we left. My son was watching the chicks, but I did not tell him to do the treatment. Now home, I see some white tipping and darkened...
  12. Hoosiercluck

    Border Collie training for chicken herding ?

    I can not say for sure on BC, but I have an English Shepherd who is excellent with them. The breed is known as a low herder, and is instinctive for them to want to group and monitor, so she loves to be with stock. She has been with them as a pup at 11 weeks, started on a leash. I am not a pro...
  13. Hoosiercluck

    Head Injury and Shock

    other than brain damage, if she has swollen eyes limiting her view, she may be hesitant to walk. I know with humans there is equilibruim involved with the ear, and damage to it effects sense of balance. Don't know if chickens would be effected like that, but it is a thought. Good luck and if...
  14. Hoosiercluck

    Attached run - chicken wire/poultry netting OK?

    my husband and I had hogs years back and I incorporated old hog panel on my sides. It works well as a deterent for sure and I am recycling! I haven't priced, so I don't know how economical it would be. Maybe a farmer in your area has some old too? Good luck!
  15. Hoosiercluck

    Need something bad tasting...

    blue kote is suppose to taste aweful when chickens are pecking feathers...........Wear gloves as it will stain hands big time (and anything else) Happy winter to you and your girls!
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