Recent content by jandavis

  1. jandavis

    Can a critter take eggs without breaking them?

    Rats will go up to a nest, sink their two big front teeth into the egg then carry the egg back unbroken to their rats nest to eat it. Its like putting the whole egg onto a forklift.
  2. jandavis

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Is she fully grown or still growing? While they are still growing, their bills and even the color of their feet often change and this change often starts with being mottled. Don't really remember if this happens after they are full grown. However, look at the male Rouen....he becomes a beautiful...
  3. jandavis

    Can a critter take eggs without breaking them?

    Quote: I saw a crow jumping up from eating something dead once. A hawk was perched right above the crow watching it jump up and down as he took bites off the carcass. When the hawk figured "okay, that's enough!" it just pounced down on top of the crow's head, ate the crow, then finished what...
  4. jandavis

    Help, new to Ducks

    You sound like a good "Mom."
  5. jandavis

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I wish you could too. I"d love to meet you.
  6. jandavis

    Knoxville Area Duck Moms.

    Hi I'm in Powell. Would like to form or belong to a group of other duck raisers like myself who just enjoy being around ducks. If you are in the Knoxville area and love ducks lets talk. [email protected] or on here. L to R: Carmen, Sivia, Freckles, Marge, Elsie, and PinkyTutu.
  7. jandavis

    Help, new to Ducks

    First of all they won't fly off. Tame ducks, except for Muscovys, can't fly very high or very far. Just a few feet, enough to save their lives if they have to get to a pond to escape a preditor etc. They will mate with any other duck no matter what breed. They will even mate with their own...
  8. jandavis

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I wish I was in the Conneticutt area...I'd take them immediately! Anyone in the Knoxville TN area want to get rid of some female ducks? I have a walk in pen to put them in for about three weeks and then I will let them out to roam in my yard and eventually they will incorporate with my other...
  9. jandavis

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Now THATS funny! Not trying to be smart but they are messy, wet, poopey, hungry and thirsty...always. All we can do as duckling raisers is to try to find the BEST brooder setup we can invent. What are you using for them to live in right now and what kind of flooring and waterer do you have...
  10. jandavis

    Pekin Duck Club!

    CAn't remember if my Pekin's bill changed color or not, but I know my "Blue...." did. It was pink and then it changed grey. His feet changed from pink to yellow.
  11. jandavis

    Do All Pekins Look Alike?

    Amiga, where do you buy the velcro wraps. That's a great idea. The wraps probably outlive the ducks. I definitely intend on buying some Pekins later on. They are my favorite ducks along with those beautiful mulit-colored gray ones with the white neck bands...they are called Blue something or...
  12. jandavis

    Do All Pekins Look Alike?

    Oh Banding. that's a great idea. Especially if they are different colors. Thanks.
  13. jandavis

    Pekin Duck Club!

    This is my Pekin Dr. Phil, keeping a watchful eye on his gal Brownie's nest. This is Brownie going back onto her nest after getting a drink and some corn. Notice Dr. Phil's beautiful drake tail. No wonder Brownie thought he was so handsome. Wonder what she thinks of Dr. Phil's other conquests?
  14. jandavis

    Do All Pekins Look Alike?

    Just out of curiosity....and I'm not new to ducks. Had several families of them over the last six yrs.....I've had two Pekins among the many other varieties of ducks. Sonny walked across the grass instead of coming up the driveway and he limped just slightly from an old injury. Dr. Phil was...
  15. jandavis

    Pekin Duck Club!

    LOL in my humble opinion DUCKS RULE!!! Thanks for sharing. lol
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