Recent content by karma

  1. karma

    Not sure what is going on.....very worried!

    so sorry. somehow i missed the last 3 post on page 4 before posting my comment. :(
  2. karma

    Not sure what is going on.....very worried!

    when my girl had this it looked red at first cause there was a thin skin like covering streched over the egg. Kinda like a third eye lid(?) with lubed finger I felt around till i found the opening & the egg & helped push it out from grabbing around the back of the egg from the outside of her...
  3. karma

    Weird orange poop?

    What is the difference between the normal orangey ceacum poop vs the orangey "worm" poop in the abnormal section?
  4. karma

    Not sure what is going on.....very worried!

    I had a chicken acting similiar. She was egg bound. I used lube & tried to get the egg out, but could not do it without breaking it. There was some blood due to pushing out sharp egg shell pieces. The reason she couldnt push it out without breakage is because she had a second large egg right...
  5. karma

    How long do i throw away eggs when i'm medicating with tylan 50?

    what about doxycycline hyclate? I dont see it on the list
  6. karma

    Marek's incubation

    A few years ago i sent a suspected Mareks chicken to the state agriculture for necropsy(free), and it was positive. I recomend doing this so you know for sure what you have. I lost a couple birds, but the ones who were vacinated or strong never got it and survived just fine. Mareks is shed...
  7. karma

    asymptomatic carriers?

    I ended up bringing my birds to the vet to get a definitive answer on what they had because I wanted to know what I was dealing with. There are many diseases with puffy eye & respiratory symptoms which is what i had. The new birds started sneezing & in 2 weeks the original birds got it. But...
  8. karma

    asymptomatic carriers?

    Its a risk buying birds from others. I have done it many times, thinking people sometimes need to get rid of their birds because of moving, complaining neighbors, etc. Now I must have a closed flock and no breeding because the last group of birds i bought although looked healthy and beautiful...
  9. karma

    Chicken with one Swollen eye

    hmmm, thats how my chickens eye started out with the slight brown nose on the same side. Thought maybe she was pecked in the eye, but other chickens started sneezing & looked up ilnesses with puffy eye & sneezing & there are alot of diseases with a puffy eye. It is often a swelling of the...
  10. karma

    vet diagnosis in on chickens with sneezing, rattling, and one with a puffy closed eye:

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum & infectious bronchitis. Well I did what this site always warns about. Bought 5 beautiful healthy looking birds off craigslist and did not fully quarantine. Noticed sneezing in a couple of new birds, and within 2 weeks my original birds are sick. Sneezing...
  11. karma

    please read chick skin ripped off any hope

    I had a large brahma attacked by a hawk & had her front breast skinned. She healed up just fine, but it was not during fly season, which would have been hard.
  12. karma

    feathers every where ... help

    Are you sure the others aren't picking on someone? Hens definitly have a hierchy in my coop.
  13. karma

    Hen can't Stand/ nasty bright green/white poo

    doesn't sound good if she has maggots in/on her. They eat dead tissue. poor girl, good luck.
  14. karma

    How long do mites take to die?

    I use food grade diatamacius(sp) earth(de's) and it takes a few days, but you can still eat the eggs and there are no poisions. I also put this fossil dust in the nest boxes & on the floor.
  15. karma

    Mareks experience needed. prelim results pg 9

    Had a confirmed case of Mareks in 2 year old hen. Original hen lasted the longest-I finally culled after seeing the classic posture of one foot forward,one back & then sent body for necropsy. Started with lose of balance, poor appetite, lethargy, cried out in later symptoms, lose of weight...
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