Recent content by Kotiya

  1. Kotiya

    Kotiyas Page

    - Cornish Rock Cross CockerelsDay 1 The Brooding pen is ready for babies! After I gave them their first drink I picked 20 to visit my son's 3rd Grade class. The kids spent about an hour touching the babies. They asked great questions. I wanted to make this page to they can see how much the...
  2. Kotiya

    3 yo lab needs 2 B trained - but how?

    I am so very grateful for the hope you have supplied me just when I needed it! We love this dog, and we love free ranging the chickens and our dogs. You've given me hope that it *can* happen, if I'm patient and work at it. Thank you so much.
  3. Kotiya

    3 yo lab needs 2 B trained - but how?

    We recently adopted a 3 yo female lab who is now great friends with our 10 yo lab. Problem is she chases and sniffs to death (or whatever she does) the chickens. She thinks they are fabulous toys. Since its cold here in Ohio, we've tried to bring a chicken into the house for her to smell...
  4. Kotiya

    wry neck? trying meds need help!

    I took away their food and put in some scrambled eggs (uncooked) to which I had added three crushed Selenium pills. I hope it can't hurt the others. I've seen two tasting it (out of 6). At some point they should get hungry, right?
  5. Kotiya

    wry neck? trying meds need help!

    ok so I'm trying this: Vitamin E gel caps and Polyvisol without iron. I also bought Selenium (could NOT find the E with it). I can hold the chick and place bitty drops of the E and Polyvisol at the side of the beak. Patience, and I can get him to take it. But the Selenium is supposed to help the...
  6. Kotiya

    wry neck? trying meds need help!

    We have 12 that hatched and are now 1 wk old. One of them is noticeably unable to hold his head straight. We aren't sure if we didn't notice it at first, because we thought he just looked like he was still cramped in the shell, or if it wasn't there. Now its obvious. If we force his head...
  7. Kotiya

    1wk old can't hold head straight up

    We have 12 that hatched and are now 1 wk old. One of them is noticeably unable to hold his head straight. We aren't sure if we didn't notice it at first, because we thought he just looked like he was still cramped in the shell, or if it wasn't there. Now its obvious. If we force his head...
  8. Kotiya

    Candling pics (day 8 in the incubator(help hairline crack in egg#2)

    You have all helped me so much. This is my first time trying to incubate eggs. I have 7 bantam (don't know kind cuz their for a friend) and they all look great with veining and all you need to see. then on to the Marans *I* wanted.....So far one looks good and a whole bunch that we don't know...
  9. Kotiya

    three Broody hens swapping nests?

    what would that look like? I have an extra large dog crate I could put the nesting boxes in outside with food and water. Is that what you mean?
  10. Kotiya

    three Broody hens swapping nests?

    We had three hens who chose to sit in one of three nests (each had 10-12 eggs). Every few days we noticed that they were switching nests. After a month, no eggs hatched so we pulled all the eggs. They still seem to want to brood. Should we let them try again? We only have 1 rooster and 30+ hens...
  11. Kotiya

    Bird poop

    Sorry this is so gross, but we have a tractor for our broilers (large movable pen), and the layers pasture range. Well, whenever we move the tractor, the layers think we've prepared a fantastic banquet just for them (dog loves it too ). I've heard that a large portion of their poop is...
  12. Kotiya

    Broody hen with dirty eggs - do I clean them?

    Not sure how it happened, but many of the eggs she's keeping are covered with poop. Should I wash then, or rinse them in warm water? I just don't want the babies being born into that, and then, doesn't the momma eat the shells? Ewwww!
  13. Kotiya

    Chicken is eating her eggs and her friends eggs :(

    Sorry to say, but I've heard that once they learn to crack open an egg for the delicious treat inside, they have to either be separated or culled. She might teach the other birds. It sounds so harsh, but if you want eggs for yourself, you can't let her eat them.
  14. Kotiya

    I got ripped off by my hen

    I save all of those that I get too. They are so precious!
  15. Kotiya

    why don't I have any broody hens?

    I have 32 hens, and at least 15 are Buff Orpingtons about 2 years old. Only 1 has gone broody (last year with some tragic results). We have a BO roo, so I expected they would be producing little BOs on their own. We collect the eggs everyday. Is that the problem? One BO likes to sleep in the...
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