Recent content by ktkoenig6

  1. ktkoenig6

    How Do You Contain The Excitement??!

    Monroe feed store in WA?? Im going there on March 11 for their silkies! Thats when theyre getting them. Ive called them 3 times so far just to ask dates and make sure.... I am sooo excited!
  2. ktkoenig6

    New pictures of the new additions!

    Quote: That is funny, because my daughter wanted to name her Peaches, then decided on Daisy! She kind of has a flower theme going with names. So far we have Buttercup, Bluebell, Poppy, Daisy and Pansy. The others are Abe, Dottie and Cordelia, but if she had her way, they would all have flower...
  3. ktkoenig6

    Ever seen a chicken yawn?

    Quote: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA everyone is all "oh so cute blah blah blah" and then this. Oh man I don't know why I find this so funny but I literally just laughed out loud. I don't think it's gapeworm though..My BO, especially when she was young, yawned all the time. And with gapeworm you usually...
  4. ktkoenig6

    New pictures of the new additions!

    My BO's name was Daisy! And then it changed to Peach, and then Rose, and now it is officially Callie haha. I love her soo much, BO's are amazing Your chicks are super cute!
  5. ktkoenig6

    sad day, bad luck :( and a question..??

    so today our young hen (born March 10, 2010) passed away. i saw all 3 chickens walking around this morning just fine, then a couple hours later she was laying there, cold. we really have no idea what happened. there was no sign of trauma, and the others are just fine. we have already had a...
  6. ktkoenig6

    how old are we all??

    not the freezer...
  7. ktkoenig6

    how old are we all??

    Quote: haha i like that
  8. ktkoenig6

    how old are we all??

    and how old were you when you first started raising chickens? i just turned 16, and got my chick Callie march 6 of this year. i love her my family has had chickens before, when i was little and growing up. like at various times when i was ages 5 and under.
  9. ktkoenig6

    OMG, I killed a chick!

    im sooo sorry. but i totally understand. pm me if you want!
  10. ktkoenig6

    people with house chickens

    just another picture of my and callie!! oh i love her sooo much. last night we had her out in the living room and we got another one of the birds and put them out too and then fed them meal worms. they were soo funny! 1 of our chickens is just plain special needs, like im not even kidding. but...
  11. ktkoenig6


    hahahah tether anything would be cool! what are some Indoor games? i have an indoor chicken, she is my babay
  12. ktkoenig6


    what are some games your chickens enjoy? i always feel like mine are bored!
  13. ktkoenig6


    hahahah no they were just making fun of you. cuz you said "happy?" and then they acted like they were sad..
  14. ktkoenig6


    im convinced shes trying to tell us something...
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