Recent content by L.L Farm

  1. L.L Farm

    What kind of duck will this duckling turn out to be?

    Not that I am noticing.... I've seen Indian Runners in pictures before, and they are not standing more upright than the other. I found a picture that looked like their coloring, but the picture is of geese. The Emden gooslings look a lot like the ducklings I have... but I ordered an assorted...
  2. L.L Farm

    What kind of duck will this duckling turn out to be?

    Hi all, I recently orders 15 ducklings from the local farm store, and I ended up getting the assorted mixture because it was cheaper, and I got 2 breeds. I got 5 pekins, 6 rouens ( gave me a free one for ordering 15), then 5 more of the other breed. I used to breed way back when but never...
  3. L.L Farm

    One of my Pekin ducklings is wheezing?

    Hi all, been forever since I have been on the forums, I recently relocated from Alaska all the way to the other side off the map to Maine. I didn't bring any of my birds with me but decided I wanted to get back into it, this time with ducks. I recently purchases 6 Pekin ducklings and have...
  4. L.L Farm

    L L Farms Member Page

    L.L Farm is a small farm located in Central Maine. We raise our own beef, pork and chicken. We also have our own milk from our Milk cow and Dairy Goat. Our goat is a Nubian, and all of the cows we raise are Holstien. We currently have 2 horses on the farm, Flame who is an 11 year old grey...
  5. L.L Farm

    putting them in the LG tomorrow want to join me?

    Been forever since i've been on BYC, but im happy to say I have one orp hatched as we speak! 2 more are zipping as it is. The one that is hatched looks like a lavendar, but it might be a splash. I'll be able to take a picture once he's into the temporary brooder
  6. L.L Farm

    putting them in the LG tomorrow want to join me?

    Praying for everyone right now... It's amazing how destructive the tornadoes are this year. All those people are in my thoughts and it's pushed me to live life a little more. I'm in Maine so were not at a huge risk of tornadoes, but we've had a few. You never know when they'll hit. Good...
  7. L.L Farm

    Boys VS Girls

    95 lets not start over when we reach 100!! Lets keep going!
  8. L.L Farm

    putting them in the LG tomorrow want to join me?

    I'm glad to be in this group I've candled my Old English eggs since there very easy to see thru, and there all developing nicely and tonight i could see the black speck that is the eye. Tried to candle a few Orpington eggs and they are still progressing nicely.
  9. L.L Farm

    putting them in the LG tomorrow want to join me?

    I have 30 B/B/S/Lav/White Orp eggs from Tony that are on day 4. 4 Old English Bantams form my own flock on day 4 as well. I got 4 other of the Old English on day 1, and 5 Peacock eggs on day 2, then I got 10 Lav Orp eggs going in in 2 days. My incubators always got something hatching I've...
  10. L.L Farm

    Boys VS Girls

  11. L.L Farm

    Boys VS Girls

  12. L.L Farm

    Boys VS Girls

  13. L.L Farm

    Hatching Buddies needed soon!

    So far out of the 30 eggs that Tony shipped me, 29 are developing! From what i've heard about shipped eggs this is a very good development rate. I'm just hoping my LG will continue to keep a steady temp and the eggs will keep developing. How are you coming along?
  14. L.L Farm

    Had to take the rest of the eggs from my hens!

    Unless you make a homemade incubator which is a super cheap alternative to an incubator, i think the only choice would be to find someone close by to incubate them for you
  15. L.L Farm

    So what do I put in the nest boxes?

    We use shaving. The hens tend to scratch around and kick them all out, so we screwed in a piece of wood in form of the nest box which stops most of them from falling out
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