Recent content by lady feathers

  1. lady feathers

    Need help identifying the culprit!

    Thanks... I did check the body of my duck today and there weren't any talon marks on the body.
  2. lady feathers

    Need help identifying the culprit!

    Another note ask birds have ben light colored....faverolles and fawn runners, besides the two guineas.Pp
  3. lady feathers

    Need help identifying the culprit!

    Over the past few months I have slowly my mixed flock has dwindled in size. The first victim was a guinea hen. We found her in the morning about 10 feet from the coop (she had been roosting on top of the coop when I last checked them). I found a lot of feathers and down closer to the coop...
  4. lady feathers

    New Hen limping and not looking good.

    If she was previously laying but has since stopped and is walking abnormally I would definately be concerned that she may be egg bound, although it doesn't sound like the normal presentation. But still I would check!
  5. lady feathers

    HELP, My rabbit isnt acting right!

    I wonder of the older rabbit didn't bite it on the neck or something causing a bit of nerve damage, I would seperate all of the bunnies from each other in case this is what happened you wouldn't want the other young one to get hurt also. The only other thing I could offer is to check for spider...
  6. lady feathers

    6wk old chicks with broken back feathers - advice please, pics inside

    I know chicken apons are for mating.... but perhaps you could make your own "little chick" pattern and create coats i their feathers don't show any improvement and you are worried about the cold still. Good Luck!
  7. lady feathers

    6wk old chicks with broken back feathers - advice please, pics inside

    Wonderful idea to make some blukote of your own.... if you can get some though it may be a good idea I generally have seen regrowth start within a few days to a week and dependng on the damage it may be a few weeks until the new feathers cover fully. You may also try to increase their protein...
  8. lady feathers

    Help My Chick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you don't have the powders designed to stop bleeding you can put flour on it.... one the bleeding has stopped definately use the blukote works wonders! It they are bored try rearranging the brooder, giving more space, adding a new toy (any new object for them to check out), treats depending...
  9. lady feathers

    White Rock Developing faster

    I am still going whith white rock pullet, but there are a few other breeds that come in white with a single comb most notably the cornich xs, white langshan and white leghorn (to big for that)..... don't worry too much if she is a cross she should at this point be near butcher weight (a full...
  10. lady feathers

    White Rock Developing faster

    I was wondering the same as the legs look pretty short (in the second picture) in comparison to the red chicken in the background, all I can do is offer a guess and based on his/her shape and full tail I'd go with pullet. Very pretty one at that, I think she? may be a white rock afterall. Hope...
  11. lady feathers

    White Rock Developing faster

    I don't have any white rocks but I do have barred rocks and partridge rocks also from the "plymouth rock family" and they seem to develop at about the same rate. Can't say for sure without some pictures, but it sounds as though you may have a rooster in your small flock. They generally tend to...
  12. lady feathers

    Today my rooster atack my 8 week old hen

    I wouldn't put my chickens together until they were nearly full grown.... I too think you have a barred rock roo!
  13. lady feathers

    runt not doing good

    I had an EE that was growing with everyone just fine until week 5 everyone else started to surpass her.... she had a severely curved beak like a parrots it was making it so she couldn't grab food easily. Unfortunately we didn't catch it soon enough even with beak trimming she didn't survive...
  14. lady feathers

    Baby chick with head/neck drawn down

    I currently am treating a silkie or the same sort of thing..... just letting you know it may take a few days/weeks for a complete recovery but you should see some improvement quickly!
  15. lady feathers

    (Pics now... any idea?)Unsure about a possible pasty butt situation...

    Yes it's where the chick was attached to the egg.... just leave it be it will dry up and fall off as a babies umbilical stub does. as olng as it doesn't look infected or stink, leave it alone and your chicks wll be just fine! The worst thing it will do is pull a few feathers out as it dries and...
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