Baby chick with head/neck drawn down

LD Jackson

8 Years
May 1, 2011
Roland, OK
I just went to check on our baby chicks and one of the Black Australorp chicks was sitting with her head and neck down between her feet. When I picked her up to check on her, her head curled completely underneath her and it was almost as if she had a seizure. I put her back down and let her set there for a few minutes and when I tried to pick her up again, she got up and ran around the brooder, then went back down in the same position. We now have her in a plastic tub in the house on a heating pad, but her symptoms seem to be remaining the same. The only thing that has changed today is the fact that I moved them to a bigger brooder in a section of the coop they will live in. Same aspen shavings and same feed and water. I did notice her crop seemed to be empty, but she doesn't act hungry and will not eat.
You need some vitamins. Poly vi sol with no iron infant vitamins are sold just about any store. I use 1ml per 4 cups water. It sounds like your chick has wry neck.
Is that a baby vitamin?

Yes, it is recommend for chickens as well. Make sure you don't buy the one that says with iron.
Okay, I now have a bottle of the vitamins and have mixed it in their water, according to the directions I found on BYC. I gave the chick a drink with an eye dropper and we will see how she does overnight. Thanks for the quick response to my questions.
I currently am treating a silkie or the same sort of thing..... just letting you know it may take a few days/weeks for a complete recovery but you should see some improvement quickly!
Ugh, these symptoms sound very familiar. I lost a silkie chick to wry neck a couple months ago. I tried Vits, nutri-drench, selenium, vit E. It went on for over a week. I had to hand feed her with a dropper. mixed hard boiled yolk w/ water, chick food mash in water. I tried everything and I lost her. I was and still am devastated. I hope you have a better outcome. I will find my thread and will post the link so you will have as much info as possible.

this link works. Otherwise search Wry Neck Help.

Good Luck!

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