Recent content by LittleCheepers

  1. LittleCheepers

    House chicken

    I would love updates. She’s adorable!
  2. LittleCheepers

    Review by 'LittleCheepers' in article 'Cape Cod Coop'

    What a great coop and what a talented and nice dad you have! Your chickens are adorable and I can tell how much you love and care for them.❤️ They are lucky girls!
  3. LittleCheepers

    Review by 'LittleCheepers' in article 'Accessorizing Your Run- How to Make Your Run More Fun For Your Chickens'

    I’ve been looking for information just like this - thanks!
  4. LittleCheepers

    Chicks have arrived

    Doesn’t get much cuter than that! :love
  5. LittleCheepers

    Broody Silkie turned adoptive mother!

    I’m so sorry about Nina, the sweet little thing. I can imagine how sad that was for you. You never get used to it.:hit
  6. LittleCheepers

    Wry neck?

    Marvin is precious! Please keep us posted on his progress!
  7. LittleCheepers

    My Punky's Gone

    Sweet Miss Punky. Your lovely tribute to her made me cry, I can tell she was a very special soul and you obviously loved her very much. I know she felt your love every day and was thankful for the care and good life you gave her. Rest In Peace little Punky.
  8. LittleCheepers

    Baby chick bullying older hen :( Advice needed

    Aw, poor sweet Blue! Just trying to live her little life and be a chicken and she gets attacked out of nowhere! I’m sure someone will have some good advice for you.
  9. LittleCheepers

    Crop issues and what I'm doing

    Poor Punky! She’s a cutie for sure! I’ll be praying for her.
  10. LittleCheepers

    Greetings! Wooster woes

    Aw, the poor guy! I don’t have any advice, but I know others will! And WELCOME!!!
  11. LittleCheepers

    Wheezing 6 MO Americauna Pullet

    That poor little sweetheart! I’m sure Eggcessive or others will have some advice for you. Just wanted you to know I’m rooting for her!
  12. LittleCheepers

    Is the fence on? Is the coop door closed?

    Very cool! I can relate to the paranoia, unfortunately. :rolleyes:
  13. LittleCheepers

    Lost my first girl to an impacted crop today

    I am crying reading your post and I just wanted to say I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your sweet little Pez and that your heart is breaking right now. I can tell how special she was and I am so sorry for your loss.
  14. LittleCheepers

    Hen with tumor behind eye and swollen crop, possible lymphoid leukosis?

    Just wanted to say that little Ruby is a true sweetheart and I am praying for her comfort and recovery.
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