Lost my first girl to an impacted crop today


5 Years
Jun 29, 2018
Hey guys,

I know if anyone can understand how I am feeling right now, its you all.

I had to have my not even 10 month old sweet Pez euthanized today and I'm devastated.

3 days ago I noticed her wattle was pale and she was a little less active and had some watery poo.
Yesterday she was pretty lethargic but still eating.
This morning I came out and she was still up in the coop which she never does.

I picked her up and immediately felt that her crop was huge and very hard.

I brought her inside and gave her a warm Epsom bath just to try to make her feel better and gave her a little olive oil.

By the time I had finished drying her off, she was panting and in obvious pain.

We took her to the vet and everyone ooohed and awed over how beautiful she was but the vets expression when he felt her crop told me it wasn't good.

We did xrays and they showed her crop was solid packed and her stomach and intestines were bloated.

There was nothing they could do. Even if they were able to operate successfully on her crop there was nothing they could do for her stomach or intestines.

If we hadn't decided to allow them to preform euthanasia, she would have suffered a very painful death.

I held her, kissed her, snuggled her, cried on her, told her I loved her, that I was sorry, that she was a good girl.

My husband, big tough strong man, cried with me, held her, we said goodbye.

It was heartbreaking.

We had them do a necropsy on her to find out what had killed her.
It was mulch.
She was filled solid with mulch and her little body couldn't get rid of it.

I've had to say goodbye to a lot of things I've loved but I honestly wasn't prepared for how hard saying goodbye to one of my chickens would be.

I guess love is love.
Loss is loss.

Hurting tonight guys, thanks for reading.
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MULCH??? how on earth did that happen?? the reason I ask is we have mulch all over our yard. The girls love digging, pecking and making a mess. Is this something we all should worry about? I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, it's heart breaking to have to put to sleep a loved pet. :hit
I know, I couldn't believe it either. All of our girls are in the mulch all of the time. I always thought mulch was ok. I guess anything that is too big or isn't "food" poses a risk.

I wish I had known.

Thank you. <3
I am crying reading your post and I just wanted to say I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to your sweet little Pez and that your heart is breaking right now. I can tell how special she was and I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you so much, really, that means a lot to me.
I loved her very much. She was a very special girl - she made everyone happy and smile and laugh. I'll never forget her. heartbroken.
So sorry for your loss :( devastating.

MULCH??? how on earth did that happen?? the reason I ask is we have mulch all over our yard. The girls love digging, pecking and making a mess. Is this something we all should worry about?
Wondering exactly what kind of mulch and what were other aspects to the situation? Many many chicken keepers use mulch/wood chips/shavings/etc...and it's not common for a bird to gorge on them unto compaction.

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