Recent content by maria09

  1. maria09

    Many Eggs Form Inside The Chicken

    Thanks for your replies... I can remember as a child my mother cooked a chicken and there were quite a few eggs inside the chicken, some bigger than other..only the yolk.
  2. maria09

    Many Eggs Form Inside The Chicken

    Do Many Eggs Form Inside The Chicken And Then Come Out One By One. And Then Take A While To Form Again And Come Out Again, Or Does One Egg Form And Come Out And Then One Egg Form Inside The Chicken And Come Out?
  3. maria09

    Anyone like my coop? Think repairs are needed?

    Seeing that you grow fruittrees, I would like some advice on my fig tree. How can i keep the birds from eating the figs before they are even bigger than a grape?
  4. maria09

    Anyone like my coop? Think repairs are needed?

    Your coop is beautifull and looks so snug. O how I envy you. I have been thinking my brains out how to build a coop for my 11 chickens. They sleep in a tree. My husband recons that it would be difficult to to change them to sleep in a coop. We have 2 roosters as well. Luckily we don't have...
  5. maria09

    fluffy chicken who will not leave the coop "HELP"

    :yaYes I would say she's broody. Normally it takes 21 days for the eggs to hatch and I find that if the eggs are taken away they sit there for much longer. To me it feels like 2 months. There is nothing more exciting than gett:yaing babies!
  6. maria09

    Pest Control

    Thank you:)
  7. maria09


    Thank you very much for your feedback. I actually buy what they call "mixed fowl" it has crushed maize, corn as well as sunflower seeds. I also put a little apple cider vinager in their water. Fortunately my chickens are very healthy so far. Well I hope so, it looks like it anyway. If they do...
  8. maria09


    Can you please tell me what is scratch. I give my chickens left over food such as rice, bread, spaghetti, eggs. Can it be harmfull to them?
  9. maria09

    Pest Control

    How Can I Use Chickens For Pest Control. Do They Eat Termites?
  10. maria09

    Are We Crazy?

    I also talk to my chickens and spend a lot of time with them. I also think I am a little crazy.I just don't know how you people get to touch them because they wont let me. They are very wild. They stay in a large area in our backyard..about 300square meters. I give them all the left-over rice...
  11. maria09

    Are We Crazy?

    I also talk to my chickens and spend a lot of time with them. I also think I am a little crazy.I just don't know how you people get to touch them because they wont let me. They are very wild. They stay in a large area in our backyard..about 300square meters. I give them all the left-over rice...
  12. maria09

    Now why did Eagle (Arend in Afrikaans) have to go and do that for?

    We have 9 hens and 2 roosters. I have noticed that there are always 6 hens that are with the roos and the other are "brooding" allthough not really brooding because the eggs are taken away everyday. The photo is of our hen named Eagle (Arend in Afrikaans) that I just could not find one day. I...
  13. maria09

    teensy weensy egg

    At last my small egg picture:
  14. maria09

    trouble loading pictures

    Yes I have a problem loading pics, but I think I am just ignorant. I know I click on img tag ...and then I don't know anymore:idunno
  15. maria09

    teensy weensy egg

    Wow.. that sounds like a busy family.
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