Reviews by alexa009


Super Admin
Pros: Dark brown eggs, a potential show breed, doesn't destroy grass, better egg layers than I expected.
Cons: The hens are bullies to smaller chickens, embryo development during incubation is difficult to detect.
Black Copper Marans are one of the nicest breeds I have owned so far. They lay extra large dark brown eggs but gradually get lighter as the hen's age increases. I also get 5 double yolks from 3 hens each month by my best evaluation. The hens and rooster are easy to catch and don't mind being touched. They are far more docile than my easter eggers. I have also kept the rooster with only 2 hens and he doesn't overbreed at all. He always feeds the hens and chicks and takes well care of them and has been acting like this since he was only 6 months. They are so non destructive for some odd reason, they don't eat the grass. I actually had taken such enthusiasm in this breed that I commenced a breeding program.

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Rooster. (Molting Pic)
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Purchase Price
Purchase Date
October, 2017
Pros: Great egg-layers, Excellent disposition, docile.
Cons: Definitely not a show breed, short lifespan, get picked on easily.
Love my red sexlink! Awesome egg-layer and not to mention would make great pets. Last in the pecking order and seems to get picked on the most. Also, my red sexlink is a 1.5 years and is pretty healthy but you usually hear of these chickens dying from being prone to egg-laying issues. Its sad to hear, especially when you get attached to them. Love the breed and personality though!
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Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Febuary 2017.


Super Admin
Pros: Good egg-layers, docile, quiet, their feathers are a shiny green blue in the sunlight.
Cons: aggressive, feather pickers, really mean to other breeds.
I got my Australorp with another batch of chicks from a hatchery last Febuary. Very quiet bird, really docile and doesn't mind being pet. She wasn't as docile as a chick but as she matured into a hen she was really friendly. She is two years old now. Her eggs are a different color from all the rest of chickens, usually pink with sometimes a purple tint in them. She is a really good egg layer and started laying at 4.5 months.

The only negative aspect of the breed is that they constantly attack other chickens and she has even drawn blood from my other hens before. Thank goodness I only purchased one because I was considering to purchase more. I believe they would of ended up tearing the flock with bloodshed. She has plenty of space and usually gets access to free range, a spacious coop with plenty of nesting boxes and high protein feed too. I will also mention that my other breeds get along really well so I presume that it has to do with the breed and genetics. Australorps probably aren't the worst breed but I never would consider buying again.

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Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Febuary 2017.


Super Admin
Pros: Social and interactive with humans and make your flock sparkle.
Cons: None really.
A beautiful bird with a distinguished feather pattern than others of the same breed. Never had any problems with bullying, they get along well with their flock mates.
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Pros: Sweet, tame and docile.
Cons: Bossy and aggresive
My production red is sweet, docile and loves being held, she comes when you call her and not to mention one of the best egg-layers! I have never seen a chicken lay such big eggs! The only problem is, she can get very aggressive with the other hens and will hurt them if they even go near the feeder. She pecks them when they try to share the nesting box with her. I still love her though and would get another one just like her!
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