

According to Hans Schippers, the Dutch authority on the Barnevelder breed, development of this breed started around 1850 and 1875...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Calm, Bears confinement well
Breed Colors/Varieties
Only the dark brown, double laced bird is available in the US.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

According to Hans Schippers, the Dutch authority on the Barnevelder breed, development of this breed started around 1850 and 1875 when Cochin, Malay, Brahma and Croad Lanshan chickens arrived from Asia and were crossed with local fowl. One particular strain of brown egg laying fowl were similar to Black Cochins in appearance and were kept as a meat birds. Around 1885 these birds were crossed with Brahmas and the resulting offspring of this cross was crossed with Langshan. In 1898 "American utility birds", a rough version of the Golden Wyandotte were crossed into the developing breed, followed in 1906 by the addition of Buff Orpingtons. The Croad Langshan continued to have the biggest influence and contributed hardiness, brown eggs and good winter egg production.

A similar account, without the influence of the "American utility birds", was given in 1930 by P. L. Wijk, District State Poultry Expert, Apeldoom and P. Ubbels, State Poultry Consultant, Beekbergen, The Netherlands, in his contribution on The Origin of the Barnevelder and Welsummer Breeds. The authors say that:

"In 1899 it was ascertained that the fowls on the farms in the neighbourhood of Barneveld showed some uniformity. This could be explained by the fact that poultry keepers always obtained their setting eggs from the farmers who came to market with the finest eggs, and who as a rule used dark-coloured cocks for breeding."

According to Wijk & Ubbels, efforts were made to obtain more uniformity in colour and type from 1910 onwards and the name Barnevelder dates from that time. An Association of Barneveld Breeders was established in 1921 which fixed the standard.
Indian Game (Cornish) may also have been crossed into the Barnevelders in Britain, sometime after their importation in the 1920s.

The breed gained worldwide recognition and was exported to many countries because of its ability to lay approximately 180-200 large brown eggs per year.

The double-laced (red/gold) form was accepted to the APA standard in 1991.

Barnevelder egg

Barnevelder chicks

Barnevelder juveniles

Barnevelder hen

Barnevelder rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-barnevelder.1092477/

Latest reviews

Master of the House
Pros: Large calm roo that is a hit with the ladies.
Cons: Not sure how good a guardian he'll be
A fellow poultry raiser gave me an excess Barney roo to add to my flock of Australorp hens. I had decided to let them free range and wanted a roo to help protect them. When he first joined the flock, Thenardier was fairly nervous and a bit hen pecked. A few weeks in, he was master of the house and all my eggs are fertile. He's gentle with the ladies, laid back and calm. He's certainly a handsome devil. Geese at his old home had plucked his tail feathers, but they look like they are growing back in. He's good with the grandkids and defers to me. I'm not sure how great a defender he'll be. He doesn't seem to be the most vigilant roo, but he's good about calling the ladies when he finds something tasty.
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Pros: Calm. Large, dual purpose, fast growth, independant but creates strong bonds with chickens they are raised with (will stand up for them).
Cons: Hard to find nice crisp silver lacing. Few breeders. Must get Mareks disease vaccine as chicks.
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Reactions: HawaiiHomestead
Pros: Not flighty, quiet,friendly, regal look, Black color looks green in sun light. Eggs are Medium tan with speckles.
Cons: Not the best laying hens. 8 months to get the first egg, Egg is smaller than average sized large egg.
Pretty, friendly, and not flighty. I was shocked by the very late laying age. Not the best choice if you want a reliable productive layer of large eggs. I wish I had know before buying about the very late average laying age. 8 months is my experience but many say up to 10 months to get the first egg.
BV Tiny 6 mon.jpg
Purchase Price
day old chicks $10 each
Purchase Date
july 2018


I have had Barnies for 3 years now and breed them. They are one of my favorites because they are the sweetest hens and they are not skittish at all! Mine are not up to standard but I am going to try working them into it. Their color is beautiful and the lacing so crisp and lovely.
I've heard they don't lay well in the heat or the cold. They like it temperate. Has it been too hot or too cold where you are? Have you tried to give her some crushed red pepper flakes?
My Barnvelder is quite flighty and not friendly. However, she is gorgous and lays dependably. Recently she went broody and hatched a small clutch of chicks. She was a good mother.

I recommend this breed!
I would only get them from a private breeder with good quality stock, as you did. I got mine from a hatchery, and am quite disappointed with them. Yes, they're beautiful, but they're quite needy and disruptive to the rest of the flock. I had to separate them from the others at night because they constantly were trying to get underneath other birds, to the point that no one was sleeping. Now they just push each other around on the perches. They are dominant and aggressive, despite being quite undersized. I slaughtered all the cockerels at 6 months old, they were so problematic, despite initially wanting to breed them. I've kept 6 hens in my layer flock, and after 2 years I'm going to slaughter 4 of the 6. I rarely slaughter my hens, as I have plenty of room to let them live out their lives as long as they're not disruptive. But these girls are quite problematic. This is a good example of the difference between hatchery quality and breeder quality birds. This is not a negative comment on the breed, as almost all hatchery birds will be a sad reflection of the breed's potential. Would probably try this breed again from a real breeder if I still wanted the breed, but have found that my interests lie elsewhere.
I'm bummed the eggs really aren't that dark! I am dying to get some deep chocolate colored eggs.
Of course there are individuals within a breed that can be an oddball and actually be extremely good pets but I researched some dark egg breeds - different varieties of Marans, Welsummers, Barnevelders, and some who claim Langshan eggs can be dark. So we tried a Cuckoo Marans through a breeder since they were the "in" breed for "chocolate" eggs. But we found our girl nippy, combative, calm around humans, but a snot to her flockmates and always challenging the alpha hen or bullying the Silkies. We re-homed her into an egg-layer flock where she is a lower pecking order status but still takes unpleasant "nips" at passers-by. Her eggs were so-so on the egg color chart but we were more concerned to have a bird that played "nice" with the other breeds. Our friend's BCMs from a breeder were a bit bossy too. The breeder ended her BCMs to breed the nicer rare Coronation Sussex. When I researched the Wellies they were not reportedly touchy-feely pets and a bit flighty or standoffish and most of the eggs I saw were not uniform - spotty, dark, light, etc, just like our Marans was. I get all sorts of different feedback re Barnevelders but my main concern with them is their large size next to our Silkies.

Apparently it's a matter of finding a breeder that breeds more for egg color rather than SOP appearance if dark eggs is your goal. If you want a show bird the egg color kind of seems to take a back seat in breeding. I know, I know, there will be 50 people disagreeing but it's the most common feedback I got and I found the dark egg breeds not the best flockmates with other breeds. After having Cuckoo and BC Marans my friend and I felt they'd be best kept in a flock of their own breed. They didn't do well in her confined pens with other egg breeds and mine didn't do well in a free-range small backyard with our gentle breeds. Just sharing and throwing out there what happened to me. As fun as it might seem to have a colorful egg basket, not all the breeds necessarily make good flockmates. Our blue egg layer is so sweet, gentle, and shy, and our dark egg layer was a holy terror on her mates. Be prepared to face that a dark egg layer is rarely a lap pet (ours only approached us for food) but if eggs is all you want then be prepared to watch the dual purpose birds duke it out in the flock a bit more vigorously then other gentler docile breeds. LOL.
Well the Barnevelder (B) experience was different. As chicks they are flighty and I ended up with four roosters and five hens. As you see I'm just out of the brooder so I'm making mistakes. Anyhow I had four B roosters. One white, one splash and two brown ones. I had no idea how rare the white was so I ate it because it was very brutal to our hens. Had I known how rare he was I would have found a way to calm him. Anyhow, I also got a white hen from the seller and she is doing great. Her first egg had no shell. It was just membrane, yolk, and egg white - weird, but they are all laying now finally. B birds are definitely distinct. I have one white, one splash, and four brown ones. Beautiful birds.
Well, we have Silver, Brown and Blue double laced barnevelders and we love them.
While the hens can be a bit suspicious and stand offish, the males of this breed are especially friendly and affectionate, and make great daddies too.
The feed per-egg-laid ratio is great with these birds as they are great foragers !
They tolerate heat and cold equally well, and are absolutely beautiful.
This is one of the few chicken breeds where the females are as beautiful as the males !
I highly recommend them.
I have 2 4 week old barnevelders. Can't wait till they are a little bigger. The chicks are so sweet.
I have this beauty that I got as a young chick. She was supposed to be a pure breed Barnavelder... Does anyone know if this is truely a Barnavelder. She has the same beautiful double lacing that my others have. She is just this beautiful red instead. I did find one person who wrote about partridge Barnavelders and said they were rare.... Is this a rare Partridge Barnavelder?


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