

Cochins came from China in the 19th Century. They were recognized by the APA in 1874. They were...
Pros: Sweet, docile, like to cuddle, and a good pet breed.
Cons: Sometimes aggressive, get dirty easily, hard to show, and not the best layer.
Cochins are one of my favorite breeds! They usually are good mannered and sweet. They are also sooo cute!!!! The only bad parts with them are that they get dirty REALLY easily, they can be aggressive sometimes, they are difficult to show because there frequently dirty, and they're not the best layers on laying 1-4 eggs a week. Overall, I love the breed and I hope to get more in the future! I'd definitely recommend them!
Pros: Gental, Curious, Docile, Good Egg production, Motherly
Cons: Broody, Love to Eat
This review is based on my experience with Partridge Cochins. I know there are many varieties out there, so I wanted to be a little specific. My hens are some of my best layers when not in brooding, saying this, my hens brood after laying 6 eggs. Now I don't complain too much in the fall and winter when my incubators are full or in use so I let them brood away, but in spring and summer it can get tedious. I say my hens are good mothers, because there hatch rate is so close to 100% it can get scary at times. And with all that fluff the chicks are happier then in any brooder. My Roster is protective of both his hens and chicks and never hurts either, intentionally. With all this I'm very happy, however a dark side could be the appetite of these birds is in short veracious. I have them in a chicken tractor that I must move every day compared to my other trios every 2-3 days or they will have the ground to top soil. They eat about a Quart of scratch each day and could keep eating if left to their devices. These are great birds, and I love my very productive trio to death, but feeding them can be a chore. To give an idea of hatch rate, I've had them for one year and have produced 213 offspring in that time with no extra lighting.
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Pros: Sweet, docile
Cons: very low to the ground so they get dirty easily
Cochins are my kids favorite chickens! They are super sweet and always greet us and follow us around. They are like little puppies. They are great brooders too. And our cochins lay with the same frequency as our layers. Highly recommended
Pros: Calm and friendly, but large and hardy
Cons: Doesn't like to be touched much
My big black cochin rooster Snape takes the cake. He's adorable and always lets his hens have everything first, treats, food, etc. When I come in the coop with treats he waits until they've all had what they wanted. They follow him around like crazy. He even is sweet to my full grown female turkey. I like to call him the "b!@#$ magnet!" He is so big but never takes advantage of my small silkies. He lets me hold him (if i can catch him) and even lets me play with his gobble!
Pros: Beautiful, friendly to people and other birds, could go on and on but to sum it up one of my top favorite breeds you can’t go wrong with one
Cons: Does go broody so if you dont want that it can be a problem but is well worth it
Over all great breed the look,temperament can't be beat.
Pros: Very kind, sweet, a perfect pet, was a great egg layer
Cons: You will cry until no more tears will come out when the Cochin dies/ A snob!
My White Cochin's name was JC.
JC was a very wonderful pet to me.
She would do what I called a ROCKET SQUAT!
For some reason(s) JC was NOT a poor egg layer.
She would lay 7 days a week!
If I couldn't count on my other chickens to lay, my lovely JC would have an egg for me!

One of the funny "cons" would be that JC was quite the snob!
To the point of her snobbiness you COULDN'T HELP BUT LOVE HER!!!
She would always give you a "Are you serious?" Look~

Nobody in my flocked loved food more than good ole' JC the White Cochin.
If you're interested in a breed that's fluffly and sweet... So squishable...
Try your hand at a WHITE COCHIN!

But please note that not all Cochins will lay well.
Pros: beautiful sweet nice huge birds
Cons: can go broody alot/stop laying for months
I Have a pair of standard cochins my male (Splash) is of course a splash standard cochin and my hen (Lemon Lime) she is a lemon blue standard cochin and she lays everyday big brown beautiful eggs. They make great mothers and in my opinion they are the best brooders they go broody nonstop which sometimes gets annoying. Lemon Lime has gone broody once and hatched out one of her eggs a goose egg I bought and a golden campine egg she was a great mother and I finally took the baby's away from her so she would start to lay once again and she did over time. Splash Is going to be going to the Cabarrus county fair and hopefully will get some ribbons wish us luck!! :)
Pros: Great foster mother, cold hardy, great temperament towards other birds and people.
Cons: With all those feathers, poo, mud and chicks get stuck in them. So-so layer.
I started out with five white Cochin chickens; one rooster, one hen and three babies. Very nice temperament on rooster. Actually, he was so docile that another rooster beat him up.

This last year, I bought a black Cochin (Patty) from a flea market. She hasn't laid very many eggs, but as of this year she is an awesome foster mother. First time that I have seen this, but Patty and another hen sat on the same clutch of eggs. They hatched three chicks and are now fostering ten more chicks (Five buckeyes and an assortment of Cochin chicks) . Patty will even take over all of the chicks if the other hen wants to do her own thing.
Pros: GREAT broodies, easily handled/kid-friendly, sooooo sweet!
Cons: Not-as-good layer
Our cochin was an average layer so this one and only:) con isn't really a con. Overall wonderful birds and they're SOOOOOO SOFT!! Great broodies and mamas, on the top of my broody list along with BO.
Pros: They are friendly,cute and curious.
Cons: Don't lay the most eggs,or very big ones but-WHO CARES? I love these birds.
They make me smile and laugh.

They are just the friendliest chickens.
Just have to have some around all the time.
Love the variety of colors with the breed.
My current group will probably die of old age here.

Pros: Decent layers, not overly shy, good with other birds
Cons: Too docile (easily bullied)
I've had cochins for about seven months and I love them! Mine are about three years old now, and though they lay regularly, I haven't had any go broody yet.
Pros: excellent foragers, all weather birds, fairly decent layers too
Cons: other than going broody; none
I have bantam Cochins purchased as young adults from a private breeder.. This breed has done exceedingly well for me in my southwestern desert climate. My birds have been in temps from 14ºF in winter to 116ºF in summer! They are very resourceful at finding their own food, which cuts down tremendously on feed costs. I free range my birds all year long over several acres & they roam amongst prickly cactus & other thorny plants without issue. They are great as a form of pest control because of their small size, they can get into very small spaces looking for bugs, spiders, scorpions & other nasty critters that they LOVE to eat. Of all my chickens, Cochins are the absolute favorite because of their personality. They seem to enjoy human company more than the other breeds I keep. Vocally, they make some amusing noises compared to the Large Fowl breeds. Also, they will go out foraging in all weather conditions, rain or mud or snow does not deter them.
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Pros: Very sweet, if train them they will come when you call, great broody hens, very cute!
Cons: It is hard to watch them get picked on because they often do, if you have a mucky run and have a white Cochin they won't be white for long!
Cochins are soooooo sweet! I have a little Golden Laced Cochin pullet, and if I tap the ground she comes to me, and if I tap my lap she hops up on it. :D
Pros: Sweet, cuddly, run right up to you.
Cons: A little TOO snugly they think you are mommy and will keep them safe from anything; also you have to watch where you step, they tend to go under you.
I love mine, my oldest pullet gets bullied a lot by my other girls; so when I come out she runs up to me and sits there until I pick her up. I am a little worried that my roo will be evil.. I have never had a roo, and I can't find any info on Partridge Cochin roosters...
Pros: very nice, cuddly, good mother, great pet
Cons: none
Cochins are among my favorite breeds. I had never had an aggressive cochin, even the roosters are super sweet.
They are very cuddly and love attention making them wonderful pets. Even though I have heard cochins are poor layers mine lay an egg a day, except for in the winter.
Pros: VERY friendly, calm, sweet, gets along well with other breeds
Cons: You'll get attached to them, mud may stay get on their feet
These are the best chickens I have had.
They are SO friendly and sweet.
I love them so much :) Great with kids too
and their feet are so adorable
Pros: Cute, amazing temerment,hardy in cold and hot weather,
Cons: You might fall in love with them.
I have 3 batam cochins 2 hens 1 roo and I just recently bought 3 more chicks who are also cochins .I absolutly love them they are my favorates of my flock.My first cochin who I still have is a tiny little white hen and she is amazing she follows me around like a puppy and if you hold your hand out too her she'll jump up on it to perch on your arm .
I just can't get enough of theese little birds.
Pros: friendly, cold tolerable
Cons: none so far
love these sweet fluffy butts. super friendly and cuddly, good mommas too.
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Cons: Their Feathers drag
Cochin's are adorable, sweet birds. They are soft, and friendly.
Pros: Very Docile, super sweet
Cons: A little lazy
Our roo, is so adorable. He is very docile and my 6 yr old carries him around everywhere. Unfortunately, he's so docile, 2 of my Tom's attacked him recently and although he is recovering I think his vision is damaged. He seems to be healing ok otherwise.
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