
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Quiet,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Any and All Colors
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and Araucanas, then bred with many different breeds so they no longer fit either breed's standards. They usually have muffs and pea combs, but come in nearly every variety and color, some even have ear tufts or are rumpless. Each EE is different, but overall they are usually a smaller bird that lays pink, green, or blue eggs. They are normally friendly and calm, and their colorful eggs make them a popular choice in backyard flocks.

Easter Egger chicks

Easter Egger egg

Easter Egger rooster

Easter Egger hen

For more info on Easter Eggers and their owners' experiences, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

I feel bad that I have to give this chicken a 3-star.....
Pros: Cute fluffy cheeks, pretty eggs, small comb
Cons: Super skittish, not afraid to stand their ground
On all websites I've visited says that easter eggers are one of the sweetest chicken breeds you can get. Yes, that can be true....But all chicken's personalities vary! I can barely get close to my easter egger, she startles when I make the slightest movement. She is not afraid to stand up for herself. She will fight. She fights with a hen that is twice the size as her. On the other hand, she lays pretty eggs and her face is cute. She only has 2 friends in my entire flock, they were in the same batch. She only really hangs out with the chickens her age. She has a very weird laying time, will lay all throughout summer, and after Winter she starts back up again very early, about February.
Purchase Price
$4.00 at a local breeder
Purchase Date
March 2019
One of my very favorites!
Pros: Good layers, lay large pretty eggs, generally very healthy, cold hardy, heat tolerant, small for a standard chicken, so many colors!
Cons: They can fly high and tend to wander, can be skittish, often mislabeled
Easter Eggers are one of my very favorite chickens. I've found them to be the healthiest chickens I've raised and they live a long time. They lay lots of large and jumbo eggs and continue to lay a decent amount when they're older. Because they are mixes you never know what color you are going to get or if they'll have beards or not or what color eggs they are going to lay which is exciting to me. You can usually easily tell individuals apart too. They are on the small side for a standard chicken so they probably don't eat as much as, say, a dual purpose breed, but their size and weight allow them to fly quite well which can be a problem if you're trying to keep them within a fenced area or catch them.


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Amazingly sweet and to-be layers
Pros: Very cute
Much more weather tolerant than my silkies
Very sweet as well
Lay well in my friend's experience
Cutest chicks EVER
The muffs are too cute
Colorful eggs!!! What's not to love?
Cons: A bit smelly
Always jumping out of brooder because why wouldn't they
Easter Eggers are one of my favorite breeds, and I wanted to get them for a while. I got 3 chicks a week ago, and I absolutely love them! Very sweet and adventurous. Would recommend to a first time chicken owner.
Purchase Price
20$ for 3 chicks
Purchase Date
Jan 11, 2023


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I have 4 EE and are so friendly that are as friendly as a dog. Beat bread that could ever buy. love to fly and I love them for it!
I have 2 EE's. Love them, they are so friendly and cute. Mine didn't fly so soon. But when they were not even a year old, they could fly and sit on an 8' fence. Couldn't have that, so we had another seasoned chicken person show us how to clip their wings. It was scary at first, but we have to keep them inside the fence, or they will be gone forever.
Our EE'S love to fly also, to the point where I am scared they will fly into a neighbors yard and get eaten.
I have a number of EE's. Right now I have a new one that I hatched out I've named Red Green. He's black with Red of course. He and his hatch mate come to me when I reach out for them and Red lets me pick him up. He's so funny that way. They both will eat out of my hand which is unusual for a rooster. They're not yet crowing fully but they are very friendly. Red's hatch mate is a Marans/BR cross.

EE's are good layers and prone to go broody. I've had a number of them all go at once. I recommend them to all newbies to chickens. Once you get that first colored egg you'll be hooked.
If you had that giant beard, you might have trouble seeing where your feet were, too. Besides, you can't judge the entire EE breed by your dumb birds. I have dumb RIRs, but I would never say that in a breed review.
Okay I just found out that the hens I thought were Ameraucanas are actually EEs they are smart, happy, thrifty, delightful olive egg (1 blue layer) laying hens. Now they knew what they were all along..me I just had help and figured it out. Who is dumb..(I don't think it's them). Really I would recommend this breed to anyone and especially someone who is just starting out in chickens. They are easy keepers, give you lots of eggs, play well with others, and are cold tolerant. Thank you!
EEs like APA Ameraucanas are slow to mature. Because of their gentle nature, and possibly a little vision obstruction from muffs, they start out seemingly kooky as they dart about, alert and jumpy about every sight and sound in the yard, wary of the other flock members until they finally settle into a place in the flock. They are such gentle-natured, sweet, human-friendly birds it pays to be patient with these lovely chickens for the large colorful eggs they will later give you. Not a particularly broody bunch but have heard of an occasional broody. These birds would appear kooky and spooky but as they mature they will be one of the smartest and agile in the flock. Our APA Ameraucana is always the first to sight the Cooper's Hawk and chase stray cats and wild birds out of the yard and she's not even at the top of the pecking order. Because of their gentle usually non-aggressive nature I would hesitate to mix them with larger bully breeds like Orps, Lorps, Marans, RIR, BRs, New Hamps, etc simply because these larger breeds though not normally aggressive will tend to chase the non-aggressive smaller EEs around the pen or yard. Our alpha Silkie chases ours around the yard because our Ameraucana has no interest in flock politics and submits to the two older Silkies even though she's twice their size. I love all chickens but if narrowed to just ONE breed a colorful assortment of EEs or APA Ameraucanas would be ideal.
I think stupid is an upside! how cute that would be lol XD One of my chickens (now missing :( ) used to be the stupidest in the world! she would stand in the doorway thinking weather to come out or not for ALL ******* DAY until...SHE FELL ASLEEP LOL!!! XD
To speedbird - what we might think strange behavior for these birds might be a very good reason for the kooky things they do. I couldn't figure out why our APA Ameraucana wouldn't come out of the coop when the others were snoozing under an outdoor lean-to cover. On second look around the yard I saw a Cooper's Hawk on the neighbor's fence. She knew better than me why she wasn't coming out. They eventually mature and grow out of the other kooky things they do and I've become accustomed to the unexpected unexplainable behavior of these birds, i.e. she has to sit in a broody's nest with two broodies to lay her eggs rather than pick a roomier place to lay. They are a strange chicken compared to other breeds but their sweet nature and beautiful eggs have endeared them to us. Way too gentle a breed for a mixed flock of heavy LF so we have ours in an under 5-lb bird flock. She continues being gentle, sweet, talkative, submissive to the older Silkies, so we love having her. Plus she's more prolific than our White Leghorn ever was!
I do the same thing, bring out the chicken viewing chair, and view...haha. But no, my easter eggers want nothing to do with me unless theres food, then they will get close. My red stars, polish, and brahmas on the other hand....they fight over who gets to sit on my lap.
Wow, I'm surprised about your EEs being skittish. I have Rhode Island Red, Leghorn-mix, Buff Orpingtons, Cochin, etc, and my little EE is the first hen to jump up into my lap when I sit on a bench or anywhere in our yard. She often tries to jump onto my arm--maybe she's part parrot? Lol I guess there's a lot of variety in EE personality as well as egg color.
Right now, we have RIR's and 1 EE. I agree with you about them having so much personality. Ours doesn't like to be picked up but she is the friendliest and always comes right up to us for a "chat" whenever we're around the coop/run. Plus, she's a gorgeous girl and her strawberry blonde & black coloration really makes her a standout among the RIR's. Glad to hear your girl was ok after her outing!
Excellent review! If I weren't up to my eyebrows with other interests, this review would entice me to give them a try...Who knows...I'm just crazy enough to add some of these to my farm's shifting landscape.
I am trying to find babies. No one here has them and I'm concerned about ordering and having them shipped! I want three EE and three Barred Rock. as close in age as possible, chicks and female. Not an easy task! Your EE in the pic is adorable!
We have an Ameraucana. She is four years old now. We can count on at least four eggs a week from her. They are a beautiful green. We've heard of some EEs that lay pink eggs. We'd love to have a couple of those.
I grew up with EE's that layed pastels, green, blue, pink! I loved them and sort of want to re-create what I remember! I'm afraid of getting Ameraucana's and having only green eggs. I'd like to get the variety!

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