

The Andalusian breed of chicken, like the beautiful Andalusian horse, was developed in the...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Flighty, Noisy, Hardy
Breed Colors/Varieties
Blue / Black / Splash
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Blue Andalusian aka Andaluza Azul is an ancient breed, originating as a landrace in south-west Spain in the region of Andalusia from whence it takes its name. The municipality of Utrera is considered the heartland of the breed. The exact make up of the Andalusian Breed is unknown, but the Castilian chicken breed was probably used as the root stock.

Andalusians were first imported into both the UK and US around 1850. The original birds were a dull gray/blue color and the show Andalusian with the striking blue-laced plumage we know today, was developed primarily in England for the showpen, and were first exhibited in 1853. While Blue is the only color shown, Andalusians, as is usual with Blue colored fowl, are also found in Black and Splash. They have very large single combs, large wattles and white skins and earlobes.

Andalusians are fast maturing and the hens are excellent layers of large white eggs, non-setters and good winter layers. They are a tough, hardy and active breed, though quite flighty. They do not take well to close confinement and will often become feather pickers if kept in those conditions. They are very good foragers, have good predator awareness and an excellent choice for a free range flock. They are fairly cold tolerant, thought their large combs and wattles, especially in the males, are susceptible to frostbite.

It was recognized by the APA in 1874 and is on The Livestock Conservancy's Threatened list.

Andalusian chick

Andalusian Juvenile

Andalusian hen

Andalusian rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-blue-andalusian.1065043/

Latest reviews

Pros: Quiet
Great free-ranger
Reliable egg layer
Cons: Flighty
Hidden nests
The good and the bad about our Andalusian:

The good- She is a great layer of small round eggs (about 6-7 a week). She is a likable bird in the coop, somewhere in the middle of the pecking order and I have never seen her bully any of the other hens. Very quiet and I hardly notice she's there half the time, but she will come running as soon as I call her.
The bad- She loves to make hidden nests. Just the other day I found 6 eggs in the hay bales. She also likes to sleep in the rafters of the coop instead of the roosting bars which kinda makes a mess in the water... oh well. Doesn't like to be pet or held in the slightest (will screech like your trying to burn her alive).

In all a we love our Andalusian and may get more in the future.
Phone pictures 063.JPG
Phone pictures 064.JPG
Purchase Price
Pros: Great personalities
Cons: Small white eggs
Ok. Generally speaking, people either love Mediterranean birds or they hate them. I love them. And I recognize that they are not for everyone.

They are extremely active. They don't like confinement, and are escape artists. Heck, they can fly. And I don't mean fly like a big fat chicken. I mean they can fly. You may see them hanging out on top of the coop. Just because they can.

Mine laid smallish white eggs, and they did not lay as much as my other breeds. I just loved them for their beauty and their quirky little personalities.
Pros: beautiful colors, friendly
Cons: rarely laying
nice chicken but rarely lays
Purchase Price
15 usd
Purchase Date


I don't have to keep out of it. I'm right. I do know a little bit about turkeys but I know a lot more about Turkens/Naked Necks and.....poultry physiology in general.
Too bad about them being aggressive. They're pretty.
I live in the country with quite literally miles of space and my visitors take theit chance coming to visit at the best of times so a few aggressive chickens wouldn't add too much "people deterrent".
One day I will get some.
I have one and shes a total lap bird. She is an escape artist though. Tough to keep her contained but dmart when shes out. She avoided the pack of.aprox 2 dozen coyotes on our property without any close calls. Smart and sweet. I do recommend them so long as you dont mind a smart strong willed.bird with a tendency to being nice but bold and assertive.
Beautiful birds! These are on my "wish list" for sometime down the road. That's a darling picture of your little girl and the 2 birds. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
They are a very pretty breed with great markings...I may try these. We don't get many different breeds in our Tractor Supply...usually the cornish leghorns and RIR are about all we get..so of course I would have to order these I am sure..Have to do some checking..I am interested in the temperment and what kind of luck u have with them....
In the past I have gotten chicks and ducks from Tractor Supply and I have never had any trouble as far as sickness etc go..
Perhaps it is best to not post a review of a breed until you have had them for at least a year.
I have one girl. Disagree with the mean description. She doesn't pick on any of my Ameraucana, but she does hold her own against any aggression. She has also taken on the rooster role when I remove roosters from the main flock. So, I find them to be great lookouts for predators.
She is also very talky. Always saying something all the time it seems. I don't find her to be too flighty. While not wanting to be caught, once she is, she is calm enough.
She has been a great layer of large white eggs. In her fourth year and it is the first time I have noticed just a bit of a slow down. But. she is a sweet girl and has earned her keep.
I will agree with the free range description. She does not do well confined. To the point of not eating or drinking. They do need a very large yard or just let out everyday. She hates confinement.
I have one and you are absolutely right! They don't cackle after laying an egg! I can't believe after four years of owning her I have never noticed that! Thanks for pointing that out. I guess all that talking she does all day long leaves nothing for after the egg laying. :)
She also has never gone broody. Really sweet girl.
I have a black Andalusian named Andi. She is still only a few weeks old, but she is friendlier than the brahma chicks she is raised with! She hops up on the side of the brooder to greet me and perches on my leg. She is in a mixed flock, and I hope she turns out really friendly.
Could it be that your flighty birds are too big of a hand full for the preds in your area to make a mouth full out of them?
I love your Andalusians!
We ordered a batch of chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery. The specialty breed was an Andalusian. Unfortunately, 23 of 28 of them died during shipping, and that involved the poor little Andy...
Thanks for your review and pictures. I hope to be able to add a couple of these to my mixed flock some day.
I do agree with the aggressive behavior. I watched mine come into the coop and pull my Australorp out of nesting box so she could get into it. Everytime the Astralorp came back she came out and tried to rip her head off. She isn't that way towards the other hens, but does peck at them.
Completely agree with your review. I have 5 and will never have any again. They tend to be agressive and very nervous birds.

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Chicken Breeds
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Super Admin
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3.89 star(s) 53 ratings

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