

Showgirls are a mixed breed between Silkie and Naked Neck Turken. They are a Bantam. It took...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light Brown
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Easily handled, Calm, Bears confinement well, Quiet, Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
White, black, buff, blue, lavender, splash, other colors are being worked on
Breed Size

If you like a unique looking chicken, Showgirls may be the breed for you. Showgirls are a recent creation, becoming increasingly popular in the last ten years or so. They are generally the result of crossing Transylvanian Naked Necks / Turkens to Silkies. The Turken is used in the first generation to incorporate the incompletely dominant Naked Neck gene into the breeding program, then for multiple generations continue by crossing the Naked Necked chicks back to Silkies to improve type. The goal is usually a bird that is essentially a Silkie but with a naked neck (and perhaps with bowties and/or beards).

Like Silkies, the Showgirl hens are very broody and exceptional mothers, and they are often used to hatch the eggs of other breeds. Showgirl females are usually very calm, sweet and gentle birds, they usually make excellent pets, especially for children. Because of their gentle nature Showgirls may not do well in mixed flocks with breeds that have a more aggressive temperament. Their silkied feathers make them vulnerable to extreme cold, especially in wet weather, the feathered feet also require some care. They generally are not very predator aware, do not do well free ranging, and should be kept in a fenced in area. Like Silkies they are usually five toed, dark skinned, and have a walnut comb. They come in many colours, white probably being the most popular.

Showgirl chick

Showgirl hen

Showgirl rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-showgirl.1073376/

Latest reviews

Such a unique cutie :love
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Pros: Awesome, good broody, excellent temperament
Cons: Delicate, not rain resistant
Beautifle! Easily the prettiest and weirdest bird I’ve seen. Lovely breed and I would buy one!
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Pros: Interesting looking, fluffy, friendly, docile, go broody
Cons: easy target for predators, not too heat tolerant
I have a showgirl rooster and a showgirl hen. They have all the good qualities of a silkie. They are sweet and soft. They go broody and make good mothers. They lay every other day or so. They make a good conversation starter. ;-) I love my showgirls and the rooster is friendly too.

Just like the silkies, they don't tolerate the heat very well. They need shade, cool water, and possibly a fan when it is really hot. I lost two this past summer due to heat. They need lots of protection against predators because they are slow and maybe not so smart.






The first time I saw one in a picture I went EWWWW. But they really grow on you and am now considering starting out with one to see how it goes. I think they are adorable.
Pennie you know I get that a lot. I have several people who came to me looking only for Silkies and were just as you stated "EEEWWW Showgirls". They have since then fallen in love with them and literally beg me for any I will let go of. I think most probably saw their first Showgirl from Google pics which is not always the best representation of a QUALITY breed Showgirl. I also agree that the lesser quality Showgirls are not as easy on the eyes. When you get ready let me know I'd love to add another breeder for the Showgirls.
So funny! My friend and I first saw them at a poultry show and we laughed so hard I thought they would kick us out! Now I have 6 in the 'bator and I can barely wait for those cuties to hatch!
Aren't they ADORABLE??!! My favorite breeds are Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Silkie, and Polish, but I really love all breeds. My list of favorites is always getting longer, and longer, and longer... (and longer)...
I have 2 Showgirls - well their Dad is a Showgirl & mother is a Silky. The one I thought to be a female has a red comb at 3 months, and the one I thought to be a roo at 3 1/2 months still is flat and black.
You are joking, hopefully. Chickens and guineas are two very different species. Like a cow and horse. A cowhorse would also be cool, but is also a joke, lol.
Yes, i believe i said all those things when i first saw them too, lol. And more things that can't be written, but they kinda grow on you! I don't have any but a friend does and after the initial shock i have come to look forward to more pics of these kinds of birds!
ick... i dont like those showgirls. i neeeed some silkies they are so g=cute!! Silkie is a loveely chiiicken acccoring to me.
My show girls run with Americaunas, Buff Orphingtons, Giants, Guineas, Speced Sussex, Gold Lace Cochins (standard) and Royal Palm turkeys and other smaller breeds, Japanese, bantam cochins, silkies. The really area a hardy bird.
Hey folks! guess we can officially change that con of not being an accepted breed into the standard :) bearded whites are in! ;)
I am in Dayton, TN. seeking at least 6 fertile eggs for my incubator.
If you can advise me as to where I can get a few; I'd be appreciative. Lauren

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Chicken Breeds
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Super Admin
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4.72 star(s) 18 ratings

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