Search results for query: Incubation

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  1. Homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator

    Homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator

    I have a broody who has added about 4 eggs to her clutch over the last couple weeks, and she started hatching the eggs I gave her yesterday. My incubator (china-bator) has been doing great, but it's full! So I decided to make my own lock down incubator! My plan is to keep my china-bator with the...


    DETAILS I decided to build a homemade chicken incubator to hatch baby chicks when it's convenient to do so. It allows us replace our layers as needed without depending on a hatchery or a broody hen. Building a homemade incubator is not that difficult, but it could be a tad bit time consuming...
  3. Preparing hatching eggs for incubation, and hatching.

    Preparing hatching eggs for incubation, and hatching. hatch this does not apply. For instance - waterfowl, emus, etc...) because they are the strongest, to "carry" your chick throughout the incubation period. If you use an egg that is not the right shape, you could have too small of an air cell inside the egg. Here's a picture of a deformed...
  4. Caring for, incubating, and raising Coturnix quail

    Caring for, incubating, and raising Coturnix quail

    ...other hour. For the first 14 days the humidity should be around 30%-40%, but should be increased to around 50%-60% during lockdown. The incubation period for coturnix quail eggs is typically 16-18 days. During this time, remember to monitor the temperature and humidity levels regularly, as...
  5. Pressure Canner Incubator for Rescue of a Staggered Hatch

    Pressure Canner Incubator for Rescue of a Staggered Hatch

    ...I made the classic mistake - I set eggs in my new incubator, and then I kept adding to them, giving me a staggered hatch for my first incubation. One day after I set 21 eggs in my Nurture Right 360, I threw in a tan one because the hen was an excellent layer, and then I finally positively...
  6. Looking to buy an incubator,  check this out first!

    Looking to buy an incubator, check this out first! the moment, and what we will primarily be using for comparison) where there are two different water ports, one you fill during normal incubation and then another you also fill the during lockdown. These two ports typically give you the desired climate. In summary with the humidity, you...
  7. How to incubate Coturnix quail eggs

    How to incubate Coturnix quail eggs

    ...that the incubator is clean and disinfected before use, and set it up according to the manufacturer's instructions. Preparing before Incubation: Coturnix quail eggs should be stored at room temperature (around 70°F or 21°C) for no more than ten days before incubation. Marking & turning the...
  8. BYC Project Manager

    The Ultimate Guide to Chicken Egg Incubators: Types, Pros, and Cons

    If you're a chicken farmer, you know how important it is to have a reliable incubator for hatching eggs. But with so many different types of incubators on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, we'll take a look at the most common types of chicken egg...
  9. How to take care of coturnix quail egg-end of life.

    How to take care of coturnix quail egg-end of life.

    It all starts when you collect or buy your eggs, you decide to eat or incubate them. Eating them is good but incubating them into little fluff balls is even better. First things first you’re going to need an incubator that is reliable. If you don’t know about it yet always do a test run without...
  10. Incubating eggs to hatch females

    Incubating eggs to hatch females

    I have a different method that may help you hatch more female hands then roosters. I'm not an expert but thankfully I'm not a beginner and this has worked for me. Keep the temperature inside the incubator between 99.2 Fahrenheit to 99.4 Fahrenheit try to keep it far away 101-4 because you are...
  11. Incubating Emu Eggs

    Incubating Emu Eggs

    ...too large for the incubator to close over them. And, there is no room for hatching the chicks in them, so while you can use them for the incubation period, you'd need to find something else to use as a hatcher. *** Nurture Right 360 *** If you have one or two eggs on the smaller side, you...
  12. How to Stay Sane During Incubation

    How to Stay Sane During Incubation

    How to stay sane during incubation - especially lockdown. I’m not sure if anyone has had the same problem as I have-sleeplessness, insanity, and a healthy dose of impatience, especially when it comes to those torturous last three days… but hopefully these ideas can help you through. I...
  13. Call Duck Incubation: Day by Day Candleing

    Call Duck Incubation: Day by Day Candleing

    I am going to candle every day of incubation of a call duck egg to show the stages of growth. Day 1 - 1 full 24 hours of incubating; Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: The back of Day 8 to show that duck eggs progress mostly on one side in the beginnings: Day 9: Day 10...
  14. Official BYC Pop-Quiz Contest: Incubating and hatching eggs

    Official BYC Pop-Quiz Contest: Incubating and hatching eggs

    ...BYC Sponsors (click to view & support them) Official BYC Pop-Quiz contest: Incubating and hatching eggs For millennia, people have used incubation to hatch eggs artificially. So you're a know-it-all when it comes to the incubation and hatching of eggs? Put your knowledge to the test with...
  15. Mutchi

    how to make a DIY incubator

    We live on a small hobby farm and have been raising chickens for 11 years. This year I decided to try hatching our own chicks. Initially, I researched name-brand incubators but found them to be too expensive (upwards of $200). And after researching numerous DIY projects online, I found them to...
  16. Homemade cabinet incubator

    Homemade cabinet incubator

    ...Remember that the temperature inside of the eggs changes much slower than the air temperature! There is no water pan because I do dry incubation and only add water after day 18. So far I'm still just moving the eggs to a different incubator for hatching so I haven't needed water. I would...
  17. FeatherTay

    How to Store Eggs before Incubating.

  18. Top 5 Types of Incubators

    Top 5 Types of Incubators

    ...Eggs section of our forum. Further Recommended Reading: Guide To Letting Broody Hens Hatch & Raise Chicks The Beginners Guide to Incubation Incubation Cheat Sheet How To Incubate & Hatch Chicken Eggs - Just 21 Days From Egg To Chicken! Just in case you are looking for a store-bought...
  19. Homemade Egg Incubator - No Gas! No Electricity!

    Homemade Egg Incubator - No Gas! No Electricity!

    ...• Purpose (Significance of the project) ABSTRACT My Homemade incubator does not make use of gas and electricity; mimics natural incubation process(a hen sitting on eggs), this is dry incubation method by the way because I didn't mist the eggs. This is eco friendly and doesn't pollute the...
  20. Waterfowl Incubation Guide by BYC's @pete55

    Waterfowl Incubation Guide by BYC's @pete55

    Waterfowl Incubation Guide by BYC's @pete55 Hi Everybody Well here's My GUIDE to incubation and hatching which is applicable to ALL SPECIES. However as I've had so many appreciative comments and input on previous threads I've decided to post it in the Geese section and use EXHIBITION DEWLAP...
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