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  1. threehorses

    Tylan vs Sulmet vs Gallimycin

    Actually, Sulmet in combination with erythromycin (gallimycin) in 1/2 doses each work in a synergistic fashion to help against Mycoplasma. Studies show that sulmet can actually be moderately effective against CRD/MG although Erythromycin (gallimycin) works best. Tylan is second, but has been...
  2. threehorses

    NEED HELP ASAP--hen w/impacted crop...HOW TO GET OLIVE OIL DOWN HER?

    One of the best threads I've ever seen about impacted crops and backed up crops is this one: page 2, Posey's post that includes information from Prissy. One thing I'd like to suggest, coming in so late and I haven't been able...
  3. threehorses

    Help rescued hens in poor shape!

    She definitely has breakoffs - her whole back and all the white nubs are what I call break-offs and aren't going to come back until she goes through her full moult. She's apparently replaced some feathers, but not any evidence of what I see as a full moult with only 2 days a week of roosters...
  4. threehorses

    Help rescued hens in poor shape!

    Hi there, Tim. I just read your post. I am going to make a few suggestions and ask a couple of questions if you don't mind. First, on the Penicillin. Stop using it. Penicillin is very difficult on the digestive tract bacteria and should only be used if there is a marked wound or enteritis...
  5. threehorses

    Weakness & Starvation from Internal Fungus and Mites

    It's definitely worth another worming with the wormers you used. Although I don't 'think that's it in all - I think it might be a combination of all sorts of things. The worms if there were some, mites definitely - I'd lean towards high protein and blood building foods to put muscle back on...
  6. threehorses

    Swelling Below Vent: Photo

    Quote: Wow, congrats on the surgery. She won't eat voluntarily. You'll have to give her bits frequently in the beak in a not-very-wet paste (so it doesn't drip down the back of her throat but she has to swallow it). Frequent and low volume to catch her up. The high density of nutrition...
  7. threehorses

    Swelling Below Vent: Photo

    Quote: If it feels like clay, it's probably packed like clay. And the dark green means she had not much food, a lot of bile. ZGood on the dropping in the evening. Keep massaging that crop. It really needs to be done again and again for a good two-three days to keep the stuff from...
  8. threehorses

    Weakness & Starvation from Internal Fungus and Mites

    Quote: There are several things that could do it. Mites/worms I think are the worst. By the way, did you spray the wood in the coops for the mites? That's where most of the killing takes place as that's where they spend most of their time. Goat Lice Spray (10% permethrin) or livestock lice...
  9. threehorses

    Swelling Below Vent: Photo

    Quote: Oh crap, a bad crop. Sometimes in her digestive tract is not working because of this or something else. Yes - fast her today, keep 2 tablespoons per quarter of water as her drink (add honey if she won't drink). Give her little bites of crustless bread with olive oil - nothing else to...
  10. threehorses

    Swelling Below Vent: Photo

    ...going to approach a vet, I can't recommend a "C&S - Culture and Sensitivity" enough - because it will not only identify the problemative bacteria **exactly** but also the **exact** antibiotic with which to treat. VERY IMPORTANT: Using the wrong antibiotic is guaranteed to make the problem...
  11. threehorses

    UPDATE!!! Please Help! Twisting backward neck....URGENT!!!! PLEASE!!

    A full course is not only the right full dosage, but at least 7 days, more likely 10 days, often 14 days, and it's not unheard of to do 21 days. BUT with an oral antibiotic you want to do the probiotics daily. With a cycline, you must not use yogurt. Or any strong dairy product (milk...
  12. threehorses

    wazine given - should should one expect in the 14 days?

    I'd love to hear what you hear! It's puzzling indeed!
  13. threehorses

    pullet with profuse tearing one eye-UPDATE post 4; 2nd pullet affected

    Agreed - that's pox in a particularly tricky place. Just keep treating with the antibiotic ointment, keep them clean. If you gave any antibiotics, I'd give penicillin shots as they aim towards skin infections (rather than respiratory), IM penicillin G procaine for example. Might not be a bad...
  14. threehorses

    1 round worm found in poop, must I deworm? I try to be organic

    Quote: First, your barnyard birds are genetically different from their wild cousins. Wild chickens either have a natural resistance to internal parasites that maintains an equilibrium or they die and hopefully don't pass susceptibility on to their offspring. This is a natural consequence of...
  15. threehorses

    Swelling Below Vent: Photo

    Quote: OK, phew. I thought you might have meant that you used a syringe..... well I just thought I didn't put things clearly. lol! Oh good on not inflammed, and if it's not liquid (and you can't feel liquid) I'd not try to aspirate it in case it's a hernia. I can't really see, and it...
  16. threehorses

    1 round worm found in poop, must I deworm? I try to be organic

    I think I read that you can use piperazine/Wazine17 on chicks over 6 weeks of age, which is very helpful if you get birds who have been on ground with adults. I had a friend who had birds that were quite young that did have adult rounds. Scary. BUT if you worm young, do 2-3 days of probiotics...
  17. threehorses

    1 round worm found in poop, must I deworm? I try to be organic

    Quote: Thank you! It's hard won by years of trying things one way, another way, researching, and learning exactly what the mechanism of 'wormers' and preventatives are. And yes, Wazine (piperazine) because it doesn't kill larvae is actually made to be used repeatedly to catch the next batch...
  18. threehorses

    1 round worm found in poop, must I deworm? I try to be organic

    Quote: Verm-X is not yet a proven wormer. It falls into the category of possibly very effective worm preventions. It's not an antihelmetic. Rooster booster (triple-action wormer) IS a wormer. Use that wormer, follow up with Verm-X to hopefully control populations inbetween worming. Both...
  19. threehorses

    1 round worm found in poop, must I deworm? I try to be organic

    Phyll'sFarmFamily : Would it be easier on the chickens if I used the ground-up pumpkin seeds to get rid of the worms, then Wazine next day, then ivermectin a week later, and lastly the Wormazole a week later? I don't want to stress them. I have a 9 year old all the way down to 4 month olds who...
  20. threehorses

    Swelling Below Vent: Photo

    Quote: Well, by flush in this case I meant feed them a gently cleansing and flushing food so that as it passes through the digestive tract (where the paralyzed/dying worms are languishing) it cleanses them (and undigested food) out, the yogurt replacing the good bacteria. If your'e talking...
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