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  1. The Yakima Kid


    The basic drill is that as pullets approach the point of lay you keep them all penned up until they have established good laying habits.
  2. The Yakima Kid


    Swollen and moist is good - that means she is darn close. Remember to keep them penned in the run with nest boxes with golf balls or nest eggs in them until they establish good laying habits. Once they are acclimated to using the nest boxes, they keep using them.
  3. The Yakima Kid


    Look at her vent. If it is small and shrunken and sort of a puckered circular shape, she isn't in lay. If it is moist, larger, and sort of resembles an upside down smile, she is either laying or is very close to laying. To keep pullets from laying all over the back 4/10ths, keep them confined...
  4. The Yakima Kid


    Give them less treats, period. In hot weather they tend to eat less. Some people used to shift to 20% layer rations in summer to help with this. Try a very shallow pan with a bunch of ice cubes or a block of ice made by freezing water in a frozen food storage container. They'll explore, it...
  5. The Yakima Kid


    Give them less fruit, sunflower seeds, and dried meal worms. All of the snack foods are chicken ice cream and cake and should be fed very sparingly. Use a fan or possibly put some ice in their waterer is you need to cool them. Heat will stress them and one problem with heat is that they tend to...
  6. The Yakima Kid


    What is that pretty hen?
  7. The Yakima Kid

    Nevadans? the police, be sure and cover her escalating pattern of opinion. Complaints about barking dogs, then complaints about noises from birds that are *inside* your house with the windows closed, to attempting to videotape the inside of your house. Get a neighbor who can confirm this, You might...
  8. The Yakima Kid


    See if any of the witnesses are willing to come to court or tell the police about her videotaping you if you file a complaint. This woman could be dangerous and you need to let the police know - with witnesses - that she is stalking you. People who become obsessed with someone, filming them...
  9. The Yakima Kid


    Just how is she videotaping you? There might be a case here for her teasing your dogs into barking. I'd talk to the Senior Law Center because it sounds like you have a neighbor with a sense of entitlement. Get the statements of the animal control officer as to their definition of nuisance...
  10. The Yakima Kid


    Back when I was working full time and trying to go to school part time, I was ordered to vacate an apartment for allegedly making too much noise. Some weeks later I ran into the manager who started profusely apologizing. It seems the woman who complained about me began to complain about another...
  11. The Yakima Kid


    We're between Welington and Hwy 395, off of Hwy 208 to the south. No problem with any sort of chicken here, from what I can tell. They're a lot quieter than the stud horses and Jacks and no one seems to object to lustful Desert Canary calls, either. (Desert or Mountain Canary == Burro, because...
  12. The Yakima Kid


    Quote: Hay Sunny, Yes, we have been very busy this summer. Went camping for 10 days in June to Kings Canyon to see the Giant Sequoia. I bought some Giant Sequoia seeds from the forestry department there so, now, I am growing a Giant Sequoia. Then in July, my son Paul went white water...
  13. The Yakima Kid


    I'm with our friend from Dayton. Where I live there is only one real lawn on the whole road - and they're the ones who have the coyote, bear, and other issues. It's like every predator from miles around wants to live on that patch of grass. B^)
  14. The Yakima Kid


    Quote: I need to go to bed too. The only thing more addicting than BYC is Angry birds and sometimes Facebook. What's angry birds?
  15. The Yakima Kid


    Quote: We use a live trap and then place the trapped animal, the trap, and a bowl of water with dry ice in it all together in a garbage can. The CO2 suffocates the trapped animal. If you can get it, N gas is even better because the animal doesn't realize that it is suffocating. For future...
  16. The Yakima Kid


    Quote: Keep us posted on how Petey does. A friend ours mini-dachshund that they'd had for at least 8 years died this afternoon in an animal hospital. A rat bit her on Saturday and she had blood poisoning by Sunday. People don't realize how deadly animal bites can be - not only to chickens...
  17. The Yakima Kid


    Quote: You're asking me? I use a teapot dome gas station as my avatar. B^)
  18. The Yakima Kid


    Quote: I'm so glad I'm a guy and don't have to worry about this whole make-up thing. Women don't have to wear it either if they don't want to. I admire those that don't stress about it but I also get a kick out of it myself so I'll keep messin' around with it. I'm from the San Francisco...
  19. The Yakima Kid


    Hmmmm..... we need to set a time and date - maybe we could even set up a booth to hang around in and teach people about the BYC? I'd like to come - but I think I'll leave the girls at home because of the weather and the distance. Nadja
  20. The Yakima Kid


    Quote: Not much. I'm pretty disgusted.
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