Neck area attacks can be an indication of weasels, ermine, mink or generally the Mustela genus. They often kill entire flocks, the initial birds for nutrition, the remaining for sport. Quite vicious. One cannot be certain without visually seeing them, as noted before it could be a animal...
I second the vetiricine. It's proven effective for us many times. Were most of the injuries in the same area of the birds like above? I'm so sorry for your loss.
Nice build. The hen has good color in the hackles. I would work on the tails. You need a tail that's 45 degrees from horizontal. The cock has a tail that's about 90 and its a bit scruffy. The female has a tail that's too horizontal. They look very healthy.
Yesterday I Pruned back hardy kiwi berries, planted asparagus, transplanted a Saskatoon berry & some divided hostas, planted a climbing rose, pruned grape vines, planted some three sisters mounds, and filled in a path between garden rows with wood chips. Today we processed 9 chickens and will...
I stand by Speckled Sussex having a distinctively superiority in flesh and skin flavor and texture over any other chickens that I have raised in the same conditions and w/ the same rations in the same coop. I suppose they were the Kings table bird for a while for a reason.
I’m a bit confused. If the farms can’t test because of supply chain issues, then how do they keep their NPIP status? I’m trying to understand premiums for NPIP flocks if the testing is not occurring?
What are you seeing in the posture that indicates pullet over cockerel specifically. I’m new to Brahma’s and trying to glean any experience I can.
I don’t know much about NPIP certification, but isn’t this supposed to be something it purports to mitigate or is it more suited to post infection tracking?
I’m using the Brinsea Octagon Eco 20 and have never had more stable temps. I don’t know much about them other than my experience. Humidity fluctuations occur, but don’t go too low for me. I use humidity strips. The rotator works well but since the rotator is external, you have to ensure you seat...
I’ve seen a few posts indicating that some people are under the impression that wafer thermostats either need to be, or are benefited from breaking in (stretching) a wafer thermostat before first use.
can anyone provide the process used for this in any form of detail please?