Search results for query: hot weather

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  1. N

    Can ducks survive in hot temperatures?

    ...I made water with Ice for them and after drinking he seemed fine. He is fine rn but What can I do to make them more comfortable in this hot weather? Due to the space I can't give them a large bucket of water to swim 24/7(I can let them swim in bathroom but due to work I can only do this once...
  2. BYC Project Manager

    Official BYC Poll: How often do you change your chickens' water in hot weather?

    Keeping our feathered friends hydrated is crucial, especially during the sweltering summer months. As temperatures rise, ensuring your chickens have access to fresh, clean water becomes even more important. We're curious about your routine: how often do you change your chickens' water when the...
  3. G

    Hen shivering in hot weather.

    My hen with ovarian cancer started to shiver occasionally, dispite the weather being in the upper 70s to 80s. She got the hormone implant to stop laying but she has only lost a few feathers. Do you think it’s from the pain of cancer, or the beginning of her molt?
  4. E

    Aussie coop. Medium-large. Mobile, hot and wet weather.

    This coop is made almost entirely from pine fence pailings and 70x35 pine framing. Exceptions being the areas of hardware cloth and the roof. This was an effort to keep costs down and to keep durability and rustic look up. It's a raised coop to provide certain features. Such as; mobility...
  5. Johnchickens2

    Very hot weather, eggs have pips

    Hi! Its day 19 of our eggs under a broody serama. Most of the eggs have pips :). But, the mother didn't eat or drink today (perhaps because of the chicks starting to hatch she went quickly back to the nest after pooping) and I am worried because the weather is pretty hot today. I offered her...
  6. DuckDuckSook

    Poll: Wyandottes or Orpingtons for PA Weather (Hot&Humid Summers; Variable Winters)

    It gets pretty hot and humid here in the summer and Winters are a mixed bag these days.
  7. R

    Hatching Headaches and Hot Weather

    ...a good size broody, healthy Sussex. She has her own cage and run and it’s in a shady spot most of the day. Australia has had some very hot weather here; up to 39 or 40 degrees.celcius. Looks like my spoiled hand-fed hen and eggs survived. They are hatching 2 days early- judging by this one...
  8. CountryChic63

    Asprin Added to Water in Hot Weather?

    Hello, I've read that its good to add Asprin to chickens water when its hot out. Well, here in Indiana, the temps are going from a comfortable 72° last week to 100° this week. Does Asprin help? If so, how? Thanks!
  9. katmvincent

    Hot weather feeding

    It’s been super hot and dry where we are in south Louisiana. I’ve been giving my girls a tray of frozen fruit and whatever leftover protein from dinner to help cool them off. The problem is now they are not eating their chicken feed at all. Should I stop giving them frozen treats until they...
  10. mrskenmore

    Hot Weather and "Bloody" Poop- with photos

    Hi all, Need some help/advice here. It has been super hot and humid in the north east 90+ several days for several weeks now. Is this normal? I read about intestinal shedding? Anything I can do? This is a flock of nine hens and just effecting the three. Please let me know your thoughts 1)...
  11. AndreaR4

    Best Southern Missouri Breeds

    Hi! I'm moving to Southern Missouri and I'm wondering what breeds to raise, do I look for cold hardy or heat hardy chickens? I love Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Ameraucaunas, Speckled Sussex, but am wondering if they fit best further North? Thanks!
  12. C

    What to feed chickens in HOT weather

    We live in deep east Texas and it is barely summer and already reaching triple digits!!! We have started wetting the ground the coop and are going to start putting frozen water bottles in their water to keep it cool but we were wondering what else could help to keep them cool??
  13. kbroom

    Cool'em Down In The Hot Weather!

    Here in south east Texas the temperatures can get well above 100 degrees sometimes in the Summer. I do my best to break the pinnacle of the day heat by bringing my chickies pans of cold fruit, and replacing the inner water bottles I place into their main water bucket with frozen bottles. I also...
  14. Amelise

    Hot weather causing poop problems?

    Today it’s 97 F in Texas. Recently, two of my girls (both of which have always had naturally just a bit runnier poops) are getting small buildups of poop around their vents. I have three pullet ameraucanas and one 3 year old EE. Two of my ameraucanas have perfectly clean vents but the EE has...
  15. ArizonaDream

    Eggs in hot weather

    I’m sorry if this has been answered already. I’m in Arizona and temperature’s are up around 100° already and it’s only May! How long can an egg be left outside in this heat? 1 hour? 3 hours? 5 hours Thank You
  16. MommaG2023

    Hot Weather Mash

    ...and we are all feeling the heat...especially my pullets and cockerels. To cool things off and let my babies have a treat I whip up a hot weather mash. It isn't anything more than crumbles and scratch and very cold water with several ice cubes to keep it cool. My Chickies LOVE it! Also they...
  17. S

    Hot weather hens

    Hi y'all I'm a life time farmer rancher just retired to the Sonoran desert from the opposite climate miss having hens looking for contenders I'm still having to pack water for my garden other pets and personal use so would need to take that into consideration also sand is the only ground I have...
  18. InNC

    Should I force water to my broody hen?

    I have an 8 month old black Bantam Silkie. I have 6 hens but this is the first to go full on broody. She won't leave her 1 little egg. She is all puffed up and making crazy sounds. It's scary to see this change in behavior (for me as a semi new chicken mama). I walk them a few times a day so I...
  19. ChookieG

    Hatching Eggs in Summer/Hot Weather

    Hey guys, I was told a year back that hatch rate drops significantly during the Summer/Hot months. I've been getting 80% hatch rates when I incubate in the cooler months but my most recent hatch this Summer (first time doing so in hot days) has only been about 60-65%. Has this been your...
  20. Melko

    Hot weather Coop design - Is this enough ventilation?

    Hi, newcomer to the forums. Read a lot but never posted! Preface: I live in a very hot climate, it's winter now and it's ~25C. Midday summer (especially July-August) it easily goes up to 45C. I intend to keep 10 chickens in this coop, and will build an attached run for it after I finish setting...
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