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  1. calliexw

    April 1 chicks @ 17weeks UPDATED 7/31 - PIC HEAVY.

    any new pics? Have you figured out who're roos and not?
  2. calliexw

    Beating the Heat: How to keep your chickens cool in the summer

    I put a frozen gatorade bottle inside their 1 gallon waterer, and periodically put ice in their "chicken pool." It's just a big plate. When they hear the ice hit the water they come running! Lol
  3. calliexw

    Gave away my chickens today, I didn't think I would be this bummed.

    They weren't practical. I wanted to go on vacation. They poop everywhere. The neighbors were starting to notice. Most people thought I was nuts for having them. I guess this is one of those times where you realize what's really important to you and what makes you happy... Thinkin I should...
  4. calliexw

    I only have 3 hens.

    Just out of curiosity why do you want 3 more? Will it make more work for him?
  5. calliexw

    Can't Find Baby Chick Grit

    I gave my chicks both sand and decomposed granite around that age. They were fine with both. One still loves to eat sand when she can find it. They are close to three months now.
  6. calliexw

    Differences between a Dominique and a barred Wyandotte?

    Stinkin green legs! Maybe she will lay me green eggs :)
  7. calliexw

    Differences between a Dominique and a barred Wyandotte?

    I'm not sure what kind of chicken I have, thought it was a Dom, but her tail is very short, so now I'm thinking maybe a barred Wyandotte... They look pretty simular in pics, only difference I can see is that Wyandottes seem to have a flatter back due to the shorter tail. Can anybody help?
  8. calliexw

    dog shot in front yard

    My aunts bulldog was shot in her front yard yesterday. As a person with two very small dogs I can relate to not wanting random vicious dogs roaming the nieghborhood... but using leathel force against a dog that is protecting its own living space just seems wrong to me. Wonder what other people...
  9. calliexw

    Ran out of chicken starter, help!

    They are about 8 weeks old I think. Thx for your Reply!
  10. calliexw

    Ran out of chicken starter, help!

    My car had to go to the shop a few days ago for unexpected repairs and it has taken longer than expected to get it back. I ran out of chicken food last night. My 2 chickens run around the back yard and eat grass but they were starving this morn so I gave them cracked corn, wild bird seed and...
  11. calliexw

    Chickens and dogs

    I have a Pomeranian and a Japanese Chin. Wouldn't trust the Pom around little chicks, they just look and sound to much like his favorite toys. Both are good enough with the chickens that I leave them out in the backyard together alone. The dogs keep cats from coming in the yard. Main thing...
  12. calliexw

    When can greens be introduced to chicks?

    Also you may want to consider transitioning them to their outside coop/ run before 10 weeks if the weather there is nice enough. I started leaving mine out in their secure run durring the day at between 4 n 5 weeks, it means cleaning up a lot less poo! lol. By five weeks I was leaving them...
  13. calliexw

    When can greens be introduced to chicks?

    I gave mine some short grass clippings from the backyard at about 3 weeks, I also sprinkled some sand in with it. I thought they would just scratch around in it for fun, but they gobbled the whole mess up in less than 24 hours! Around the same time I started taking them outside in their...
  14. calliexw

    Help me defend against my neighbors arguments---point me to the evidence!

    Do his cats live outside, or come on your property? A lot of places have ordinances and laws against that.... just sayin
  15. calliexw

    Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

    Do they have a laws where you live about killing other peoples livestock on their own property? I would find out. And also what the laws are about what sort of force you can use to protect your property. Also I would get a survailence cam and a shotgun. And let him know. He has no right to...
  16. calliexw

    Hen attacked by dogs-need help treating her!!

    I would be too. I think if the dogs are still around they will come back looking for more "fun". So sorry again.
  17. calliexw

    Hen attacked by dogs-need help treating her!!

    I am so sorry that happened, I know birds get shockey and hypothermia is the worst thing, if she is still alive i would put her under a heat lamp and leave her alone till she shows some improvement. I wouldnt put her out of her misery because I get the impression that when they are in shock...
  18. calliexw

    Got my wisdom teeth removed today...

    Had mine done a few years ago, I think I did one side and then the other, so always had a side to chew regular food on. Was afraid of dry socket, but it wasn't a problem.. But I do remember that I had weird little chips of bone migrating up out of my gums for 2 or 3 weeks afterward. That kind...
  19. calliexw

    POLL: Chickens - easier, same or harder then you thought, once you got them?

    I bought 2 chicks the day before Easter, and had no idea what I was getting myself into... The set up cost more than I expected, but taking care of them was way easier than I would have guessed. They do poo a-lot so, between letting them sleep back in their brooder when they get cold and whiney...
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