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  1. trumpeting_angel


    Best of luck! Can you post a photo of your coop, or dimensions? Is i t something that will break down easily, or be moved easily? I'm also interested in the automatic door. Thanks! Where in VT are you? You can PM me.
  2. trumpeting_angel


    I found that my local feed store also carries shavings. They keep them under roof. It’s open, like a lean-to, but dry, with the feed. Poulin, too, the local stuff!
  3. trumpeting_angel


    I’ll let you know after we install them! They make a lot of these - mine are designed for large predators. I think they were marketed specifically for bears.
  4. trumpeting_angel


    ...was so loud I thought someone was knocking down huge trees. We had some heavy, loud dog fencing sections stacked against the window that the bear exited through, with huge garbage can, knocking over the fence sections. Sounded like Armageddon! Hmm. Maybe I should install the #%*€£! alarms...
  5. trumpeting_angel

    Vermont Vermont Dept of Fish and Wildlife has issued guidance for chicken owners. Apparently a lot of new chicken owners are losing their birds to predators. Fish and Wildlife issued some...
  6. trumpeting_angel


    Thanks, @MilesFluffybutt ! The only way to approach them in our brooder is from above. :( I speak softly, move slowly, and they always come toward me when I come near the brooder. It’s the next step that’s still hard for them. Sometimes they take food from my hand, sometimes not. Meal worms...
  7. trumpeting_angel


    I took them out a few days ago in a poultry net feeble enclosure. I didn’t want them to fly so I covered it with a sheet. Then wind! Armageddon! One slipped out. I captured the others, who were all trying to get out, then went to find her. She was trying to get back in. I’m anxious about...
  8. trumpeting_angel


    Oh, I’m so sorry. Weasels can weasel in through the smallest spaces, they say! How sad for you. Are you sure you need to wait? I wanted to put tarps down in the bedroom where I have the brooder, but DH is against it. I can’t completely disagree , it’s not a bathroom. But I know they want to...
  9. trumpeting_angel


    They dust bathe whenever (and wherever) I add a pile of shavings, and watching it is hysterical. I have one (Australorp) who really goes to town, lying on her side and kicking shavings all over everyone. The BOs love to nestle down and go to sleep in their dust baths. I thought they were cold...
  10. trumpeting_angel


    Every coop suggesting I made was nixed by DH. Because, of course, he has no time to build a coop but nothing else is acceptable. So he is building a coop! I love it. Our permanent coop will be attached to a garage, which will be moved up here next summer (it’s across the street and has no...
  11. trumpeting_angel


    @MilesFluffybutt - I am behind on this thread! How did things go with Hawke? And everybody: Who has inside knowledge on when the rain will stop? :confused: :he :idunno
  12. trumpeting_angel


    @GhislaineDel - Thanks for the WCAX link! Great little chicken wheelchair!
  13. trumpeting_angel


    Oh! For crying out loud! Cuteness explosion!
  14. trumpeting_angel


    So sweet-looking! Good luck to you and her! I’ve heard several people saying they walked into TSC “just to get feed” and came out with ducklings, chicks, and other impulse buys. I’m avoiding TSC with great self-restraint. #don’twantadivorce
  15. trumpeting_angel


    There’s a place in Southern Vermont, I think it’s called the Jamaica Cottage Shop, that makes beautiful sheds and tiny houses, etc. I’m not crazy about any of their coops. But I’ve been thinking of buying their “frame only” package for a shed instead of waiting for everything here to be finished...
  16. trumpeting_angel


    What a good idea! Sadly for me, I have to put off getting chickens. DH has many projects that are higher on the priority list, and I’m not sure about my ability to build a coop without him.
  17. trumpeting_angel


    I hear you! My beloved kindly lit a fire. Not thinking, I suppose, about the backdraft. My house seems to be effectively insulated against letting the smoky air out. :rolleyes:
  18. trumpeting_angel


    Are you folks doing anything special to protect your flocks from the wind? It’s wicked out there today.
  19. trumpeting_angel


    Hello Egghead! Orleans County, brrr! Thanks for the advice! I want to get “beginner” chickens, cold-hardy. I’m interested in heritage breeds, but I think it would be smart to start with beginners - someone recommended Orpington. I’m a little wary of chicks in the mail, Tractor Supply, and...
  20. trumpeting_angel


    Maybe I’ll be in touch about the Brahmas! I’m in Windsor County. Hospital nurses had a system for tracking medications. I don’t know how it was spelled, but it was pronounced Pyxis. Now, of course, it’s all computerized.
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