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  1. Roberts2100

    Not sure if my rooster is fertilizing the eggs.

    I have never seen my last rooster jump on the girls back to do his thing. I have 20 something eggs in an incubator and I an not seeing anything in them. Is there anything I can do? I really wanted to have some more buff chicks. I use standard egg laying pellet feed and they free roam. please help!
  2. Roberts2100

    Hawk? what to do?

    I have a hawk flying around what can I do about it? I don't want it to get my girls.
  3. Roberts2100

    Bald back and butt!

    I have a hen who is bald on her back and butt. We have a 3 roosters but we have a about 8 young ones coming up. What can I do to help this hen out? I washed her up and there was a string on her leg I cut off. Please help me! Thanks James PS: She hasn't moved from the deck since I put her...
  4. Roberts2100

    anyone make there own breed mix

    I was just wondering if anyone make there own breed of chickens... Is there any reason to do this other than to see what you might get. We have EE, Buff O, white leghorns, tera tin. How should we mix them?
  5. Roberts2100

    Heat control

    I have noticed my chicken panting inside the coop. Is there anything I can do to help control the temperature, like cut more windows or vents? Here are some picture to help with some ideas. The coop faces south so the back is to the north. Its has house vents on each side that are always open...
  6. Roberts2100

    My flock has found new food... What is it????

    My birds just found some new plant but I don't know what it is... Is it ok for them to eat?
  7. Roberts2100

    Aggressive Roo What to do?

    I have 3 roos for my flock and they free range in the back yard. My one and always been more aggressive but now he is chasing my kid around the yard. When she plays outside they have always left her alone now not any more. The last time she was on the swing he just kept attacking her and she is...
  8. Roberts2100

    aggressive around kids? What to do?

    I have 3 roos for my flock and they free range in the back yard. My one and always been more aggressive but now he is chasing my kid around the yard. When she plays outside they have always left her alone now not any more. The last time she was on the swing he just kept attacking her and she is...
  9. Roberts2100

    I have a broody hen that keep sitting on the wrong eggs... What do I do?

    I have one hen that wants to be a mom but I have 4 nesting boxes right next to each other. I don't know when she is going out to eat/drink. But when she does she goes from box 2 to box 3 or sometimes box 1. How do I keep her going to the correct box? Should I make a small cage just for her? I...
  10. Roberts2100

    Help with my run

    OK here is my idea. Where the post is for the outside run I want to fence off of it to the back to give them a 30x40ish. Would that be enough for all my 19 chickens now? I would like to add another 18 or so chickens to a total of 38. The total run now is 30x85. Also, it looks like they have...
  11. Roberts2100

    Redesign my run... Need Help!

    OK here is my idea. Where the post is for the outside run I want to fence off of it to the back to give them a 30x40ish. Would that be enough for all my 19 chickens now? I would like to add another 18 or so chickens to a total of 38. The total run now is 30x85. Also, it looks like they have...
  12. Roberts2100

    Moving a hen to a new broody box

    ...I moved her this afternoon. I know you most say move her at night. I put a black sock on her head and moved her to the new area. She seems a little ****** off right now. lol Is there anything I can to do make her happy again? Will she start sitting on the eggs anytime soon?Also, Every time I...
  13. Roberts2100

    Hatching with a Hen??????

    I am wanting to hatch with a hen that seems to be going broody. I would like any tips on how to help her out. She has been sitting on her eggs but my rooster was beating her up this evening. I wanted to ring his neck. What do I need to do to keep this from happening again. I have about 15 hens...
  14. Roberts2100

    Best Chicken to be broody and hatch and raise?

    I want to know what the best breed is for hatching and raising baby chicks? I have 3 buffs but they will not sit all day. So I guess I need a new breed to try next. I just want a normal way of hatching chicks with there mommy. Thanks, James PS: I new to this!
  15. Roberts2100

    What eats it way out of a live cage trap? Pic

    I would like some guesses as to what pests I might have caught and ate it way out of the back of the trap.
  16. Roberts2100

    I want to naturally hatch eggs! Need HELP!

    like back in the day. So I bought some Buff Orpington help because they will sit on eggs more likely. Well I have one of my 3 girls will sit on them most of the day and then when its night time she, along with everyone else, get on the roost poles. I don't know how to make her stay on the eggs...
  17. Roberts2100

    2 Roosters and 17 Hens What to do?

    I have 2 roosters and both want to mate with the girls. But roo 1 is king and roo 2 well he tries but always gets run off. Today roo 1 chased roo 2 all over the free rang run. They are not going to hurt one another are they? Do I need to do anything about it?
  18. Roberts2100

    Broken Toe

    One of my roosters has, I think, a broken toe. What should or can I do about it. It doesn't seem to affect him but is weired looking.
  19. Roberts2100

    My chicken died today... What happened to him?

    My chicken (Rooster) was trying to get it on with my duck so I chased him off of her. I chased him around the yard till I get him. When I picked him up from his legs. I held him by his legs and picked him up. When I did he spasmed out I guess and started spitting up water. I turned him up and...
  20. Roberts2100

    Rooster trying to mate with my duck?

    I have two Peking ducks and a few roosters will one of them tries to get it on with the ducks. The ducks don't like it and run from him. What do I do to stop this or what should I do?
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