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  1. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Barn Cat in Nest Box

    Anyone have this issue? There are plenty of places for this kitty to lay around at that are filled with straw, out of the elements, etc. However I keep finding her in the laying boxes. She doesn’t bother the hens and somehow hasn’t broken a single egg she lays on top of but I don’t want my new...
  2. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Turkey, Chicken and GuineaFowl together?

    Tried to throw a captivating title to get some answers but will explain more: Our chickens have their own coop. Our guinea fowl have their own coop. My husband wants to put the turkeys in a brooder in the guineafowl coop and then have that be a shared coop for the two. There are only 8 guinea...
  3. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Help! Foot Problem

    I’m not sure what’s going on with my Guinea’s feet, she seems off and I see her limping or laying down away from the rest. I’ve never had any with feet problems before so I have no idea what I’m looking at. It looks like her skin on her feet is just peeling off. No blood or swelling. Just looks...
  4. HeathenHavenHomestead

    1st snow - Guinea’s missing now

    It started snowing yesterday and the guineas mostly stuck around and by the time it was coop up time all but one went in. The one stayed out all night in a tree after refusing to go into the coop. This morning I saw it alive in the tree still I went and opened up the coop in hopes it would fly...
  5. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Unsure what’s wrong?? a towel laying on my chest while I work from home. I plan to make her a cage in the cooler part of the home so she doesn’t get shocked when she *hopefully* recovers and goes back out. I plan to get her some fluids and scrambled eggs. Any ideas on what this could be? Would a molt cause...
  6. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Egg bound??

    I’ve noticed a hen for the past 2 night being fluffed up it had been really cold and I noticed other puffed so I didn’t think too much of it. Today I wanted to see if she even left the coop and how she acted. She was out but still visibly puffed up while no one else was. I noticed her feathers...
  7. HeathenHavenHomestead

    HELP Scalped chick ALIVE (pics attached)

    I came home to find our chicks were in the garden as I got them all out I counted and we came up one short. I looked all around and then checked in the coop to find this. My favorite chick too - however she’s still alive her crop is full and she drank some water I’ve moved her inside in a cat...
  8. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Chickens Vanishing

    We have not had such a loss in a year like we have had in the last month. It all started when our LSD had to be inside for a week due to an open wound. We lost 5 in one day. And now steady we’re losing 1-2 a day. Whatever it is has taken our beloved, Lady Belle, who had been with us since we...
  9. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Chickens no longer foraging

    We had a rooster that was with our flock a long time and another to spare. Our main rooster lost his spurs and then started challenging me and ultimately flogged me a few times. I know this is not good rooster behavior so I decided his time in the flock was over and rehomed him to another farm...
  10. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Best Litter?? Struggling after years

    Hey, I have a 12ftx6ftx8ft coop where my 25 chickens free range all day long. However after years of having chickens I’ve never been satisfied with the litter situation. I attempt deep litter but I can only get 6-7 inches deep and I know it requires a least a foot deep. I feel like I’m...
  11. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Lethargic duck please help

    Hey, I bought 6 ducklings from TSC yesterday the smallest in the group seems to be rather sleepy. While all the other ducklings are playing, eating and drinking it’s just laying under the heat sleeping. I’ve been offering purina flock raiser crumbles and I’ve now put out some hydro hen water in...
  12. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Mama hen roosting baby chick

    I have 2 mean mamas with 1 chick they are caring for. The chick is 2 going on 3 weeks old and they are somehow getting that chick up on a 7ft roost in the coop. Is this safe?! I worry in the morning shuffle or through out the night the baby will fall off and hit another roost or nest boxes on...
  13. HeathenHavenHomestead

    6 month pullet found dead no injuries

    Somehow every chicken my husband loves dies. does he have the kiss of death?? tonight at lock up of our free range chickens we found our California tan laying near the coop dead. She had no injuries. She was the only one who interacted with us and literally made herself at home anytime our...
  14. HeathenHavenHomestead

    When to close up coop for cold weather

    Hey everyone this will be our first fall/winter with chickens. The youngest are 15 weeks old and the oldest are roughly 21 weeks. We have a very ventilated coop due to the extreme heat here in central Arkansas. It’s been in the 50s for the lows this week but the highs are still around 75-85...
  15. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Will my pullet mourn?

    Hey y’all, I have 1-2 Pullets that our main cockrel always courts around the yard, dances for and happily mates with them with their approval. They even roost together at night. Unfortunately this cockrel has become over confident in his roll and decided to attempt to flog my daughter twice...
  16. HeathenHavenHomestead

    RIR cockerel - central AR

    We have a RIR cockerel about 20wks old. He isn’t aggressive to people and we just have too many males! He’s ready to have a lady of his own as ours are already spoken for by a larger Sapphire Gem Cockrel. He does good around dogs, toddlers and adults. Doesn’t try to attack any of us and...
  17. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Vaccination for Fowl Pox

    I live in central Arkansas in a densely wooded area. No matter how much we have battled the woods I feel like the mosquitoes are getting worse every year. I get torn up by them anytime I’m around the coop (or anywhere on the property actually) and I’m worried about my chickens getting Fowl...
  18. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Chicken acting strange

    I have an 18 week old cockerel who was acting weird. I walked outside and it almost seemed like I startled him he jumped up and ran forward then seemed a little disoriented and started walking backwards a few steps. He then shook all the dirt from his feathers (he was in the dust bath) and...
  19. HeathenHavenHomestead

    18 weeks trying to mate 10 week old

    I’m sure this has been discussed before but for some reason I have a really hard time using the search engine on BYC. Nothing ever comes up of relevance to what I’m trying to search. I usually wind up googling what I’m looking for then actually getting close to an article on BYC that I need...
  20. HeathenHavenHomestead

    First Egg at 17 weeks

    Eeeekkkkkk! :wee Today I discovered my first egg from my flock. My husband and FIL saw her in the coop earlier and I went in to check (as I have been daily for a few weeks) and I found the first egg! My girl who laid it is a California Tan and is 2 days away from 18 weeks old. The egg looks...
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