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  • Users: eenie114
  • Content: Threads
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  1. eenie114

    Leonard Nimoy, onto the other Final Frontier
  2. eenie114

    Lethargic, purple comb, breathing rapidly

    Posting for someone else: Hen is lethargic, breathing rapidly, her red comb has turned plum colored and her eyes have white boogers in them. She's around five years old. Any suggestions?
  3. eenie114

    Romney and Polypay sheep- flock reduction in Northwest Missouri

    We will be moving, and must sell most of our sheep. We will be happy to help put together breeding groups of ewes and unrelated rams. As of right now, none of this year's lambs are really old enough to wean, so we are selling lambs with their mothers. (We don't like to wean before 3 months of...
  4. eenie114

    First time ewe rejecting lamb AFTER bonding

    So we've never seen THIS before. Our yearling, first-time ewe had one white ram lamb two days ago and everything seemed fine. He was nursing, she was standing, licking, making "mommy noises," everything. Today we went to move them out of the maternity ward pen and into the pasture to rejoin the...
  5. eenie114

    Um, did we redecorate in here? TSC promotion, or...?

    Sorry if I'm missing a thread/explanation, but why is BYC yellow with a giant TSC advertisement?
  6. eenie114

    Time to make it BYC official- we're moving!

    Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's back to Washington we go... My family and I have been living in NW Missouri for about seven years now, and we've decided to hightail it back to our original home of western Washington State. It'll take some doing, considering that in the time we've lived here we've...
  7. eenie114

    Two milk cows- Jersey and Gurnsey in Kansas City area

    We will be moving out of state next year, so we have decided to sell our family milk cows. They are both fantastic, gentle cows that would be a great asset to any family farm. First is Rosie. She is 3/4 Jersey, 1/4 Angus. She is 5 years old, and as of today, we do not believe she is bred. She...
  8. eenie114

    What are the best materiels for building a chicken tractor?

    We're looking to build a chicken tractor (or two ) and while we don't want to spend a fortune, cost comes after functionality. What would you all recommend for building materials? PVC pipe? Plain ol' lumber? Chicken wire vs. mesh? Hoop house style with hog panels? Wheel size? If anybody could...
  9. eenie114

    I'm looking for good camping prank ideas- anybody know any?

    In a couple of weeks, my JROTC group + some other kids are going on a camping trip. One of my best friends and I are planning on pranking everybody... somehow. Unfortunately we won't have showers, or we would put drink powder in the shower heads. We don't want to do anything mean that will hurt...
  10. eenie114

    Green stripes? Yellow flowers? It's lovely, but...

    I'm so confused!! When did we redecorate?! Am I in the wrong place? And it randomly switches back to blue sometimes.... Are we in THE CHICKEN ZONE?
  11. eenie114

    Make-A-Wish foundation

    Somebody very dear to me just received a call from the Make-A-Wish foundation, granting the wish they made to go to the pro-bowl in Hawaii. I knew it was an amazing organization, but I never knew how amazing until somebody I know was selected to have a wish granted. This is just a huge public...
  12. eenie114

    Christmas wishes to all my BYC friends

    *ahem* In this season of love and friendship, I feel it is only appropriate to sing a song. Chipmunks roasting in a forest fire, Jack Frost ripping off your toes. Yuletide carolers being mugged by a choir! And folks dressed up like Navajos. Everybody knows the turkey ate the...
  13. eenie114

    On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....

    ... A bunch of dwarfs in a fir tree! Who all is going to the theaters to see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey? Personally I want to go to an IMAX theater for the sneak preview of the new Star Trek movie!
  14. eenie114

    Lumpy has joined the mafia.

    Yesterday evening I came home after being in Washington State for two weeks visiting my dad, and apparently Lumpy missed me, because she wouldn't stop hugging me. We're talking nonstop hugging here, folks. Every five minutes. It would have been adorable, but when I am tired, I cannot STAND...
  15. eenie114

    PM drafts option?

    I've had an idea rolling around in my head for a while, (amazing, I know ) so I thought that I'd post here and see if there are any plans for it already or if anybody else likes this idea. I would LOVE for there to be an option to save PM drafts. So often I start to reply to a PM, and then...
  16. eenie114

    Funny story- Large families should not ever cook.

    ...Next sibling comes into the kitchen. "Can I-" "Didn't you just hear my answer to Lumpy and Bunji?" "Yes, but I thought maybe you would let *me* help, 'cause I'm bigger." Yeah, by eight months. "No." Then, the cookies come out of the oven. "Can I have a cookie?" "No, they're for after...
  17. eenie114

    Attention, Lumpy fan club: Be very afraid.

    Miss Lumpy is beginning to show her dark side! My friends and I had a party at my house last night, and ended up playing the game Murder. (You draw cards, and whoever gets the King is the gravedigger, Ace is Detective, and Joker is Murderer. All other cards are Civilians, and you have to try...
  18. eenie114

    I hit the ground running, but I really wish I'd stayed in bed.

    Seven AM, I got out of bed and went to start my laundry. Had to spend 20 minutes wrestling with a coffee stain on my work slacks. (I have a semi-part time job with a local catering company.) It only mostly came out. I hope my apron will cover it. 10:30 AM, Benjamin came in the house and said...
  19. eenie114

    Anybody else have ping-pong ball weather this year?

    Two days ago, it was sunny, 67 degrees, and beautiful. Yesterday, it was pouring rain and windy, but still about 60 degrees. I woke up at 3:30 AM today and when I looked out the window it was SNOWING. Huge, cartoon-like snowflakes! Falling from the sky! Landing on my car! Okay, the landing is...
  20. eenie114

    "Well, I don't know what 'awkward' really means..."

    Every so often I'll use the term "awkward". Apparently it has caught on, because we were all watching a movie when somebody mentioned what would happen if the two male leads accidentally kissed each other instead of the girls. Bunji said, "Well, that would be awkward. I don't know what awkward...
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