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  1. sheknitsandcrochets

    Protecting the garden during a heat wave?

    As I'm sure many of you are already well aware, there is a major heat wave across much of the US for the next week or so. So my question is, are there any good ways to protect a garden from being damaged by the excessive heat (foliage damage, dehydration, etc), or should you just water it as...
  2. sheknitsandcrochets

    Is this an Aphid, Spider Mite, or other Garden Pest on this Tomato Plant Leaf?

    When we were in the garden today we found this tiny white bug on one of our tomato plants. Does anyone know what it is? My best guesses are an aphid or spider mite. These were the best photos I was able to take with my camera (the bug was very small). P.S. There does appear to be a green aphid...
  3. sheknitsandcrochets

    Is this Septoria Leaf Spot on our Tomato Plants? Prevention and Curing Tips?

    Hello everyone. When we were in the garden today we noticed that some of our tomato plants have black-spotted dead leaves. I believe we're dealing with Septoria Leaf Spot. I had a lot of trouble with it at the end of the growing season last year, and resorted to just going through the rows and...
  4. sheknitsandcrochets

    When is it too late to plant Peas in Zone 6 for Spring Harvest?

    I was wondering until what date is it OK to direct sow peas in Zone 6 for a spring harvest? We're running a little late on our pea planting, so I was wondering if anyone in Zone 6 (or a similar zone) could share when they would say is the latest you can plant them for a springtime harvest? Thanks,
  5. sheknitsandcrochets

    Companion Planting

    Hey everyone. With the gardening season quickly coming upon us, I was thinking about companion planting. We did a little bit of this last year, but I didn't apply it very thoroughly in our garden layout. We planted our tomatoes and peppers close together, as I heard nightshade plants do fine...
  6. sheknitsandcrochets

    Gray Tree Frog

    Hey everyone! We recently got a Gray Tree Frog, and I just want to clear up a few things about caring for her. I posted this on the "Reptile Lovers Thread!!", but thought I'd start a thread on it, as well. We currently have her in a 10 gallon glass aquarium with a screen lid, but we plan on...
  7. sheknitsandcrochets

    Injured chicken with watery white droppings

    My friend was telling me a few days ago that her chickens at some point had knocked over a wooden board. When she lifted it, she found it had crushed one of her chickens to death (she's moved the board at this point). 🙁 Yesterday she noticed one of her chickens looked injured, which she...
  8. sheknitsandcrochets

    Favorite Pepper Varieties to Grow?

    A month and a half or so ago, I created a thread asking what all of your favorite heirloom tomato varieties were. Since then I've gotten lots of great information on growing tomatoes, and you all have influenced us to purchase seeds for several more promising tomato varieties (such as Black...
  9. sheknitsandcrochets

    Which Tie-Dye Tomato is your favorite?

    Do you prefer the Berkeley Green Tie-Dye Tomato or the Berkeley Pink Tie-Dye Tomato?
  10. sheknitsandcrochets

    South, East, or West?

    As some of you know, I'm interested in growing various (fruit bearing) plants indoors. I've been reading up on locating them near a sunny window. But I've heard many different opinions of which window to use! Some say south, others east or west. If I were to plant something that needed full sun...
  11. sheknitsandcrochets

    Best pest/disease resistant squash/gourd varieties?

    We had some trouble with various pest and disease related issues with our squash this year. I was wondering what you all thought were the best varieties for pest/disease resistance? Thanks,
  12. sheknitsandcrochets

    Which of these is your favorite Micro Dwarf Tomato to grow?

    I saw both of these varieties on but am unsure which to choose. I've never grown micro dwarf tomatoes before, but I might experiment with a plant on a windowsill. Not sure if I'll even try this, but I'm curious which you all like best.
  13. sheknitsandcrochets

    Best places to buy Papaya seeds/cuttings?

    I'm looking to grow dwarf papaya trees indoors. The only variety sells is called 'Sweet David', and I can't find any info on it (like if it's a dwarf variety). So it looks like I'll have to look elsewhere. I don't know if any of you grow dwarf papaya trees or not, but if anyone...
  14. sheknitsandcrochets

    Growing Dragon Fruit in Zone 6/Indoors?

    Has anyone grown dragon fruit in a cooler climate like Zone 6, or indoors? sells these live plants that I'm interested in but I'm not sure if I could actually grow them in my climate. If growing them indoors is an option I might consider it. Thanks,
  15. sheknitsandcrochets

    Growing Papayas in Zone 6/Indoors?

    Has anyone grown papayas in a cooler climate like Zone 6? Can you grow them indoors? This variety that carries seems to be a smaller (plant) variety...? Thanks,
  16. sheknitsandcrochets

    Has anyone in Zone 6 grown the Yamato melon?

    I saw that sells the Yamato Cream melon and the Silver Yamato melon. I checked the reviews of both but didn't see anyone in Zone 6 reviewing them. I was curious if anyone on here in Zone 6 has grown them? Thanks,
  17. sheknitsandcrochets

    Are ants enemies?

    I notice a lot of ants running around in the garden and crawling around in plant blossoms. Should I be concerned? Are ants a threat, or can they coexist in the garden? Thanks,
  18. sheknitsandcrochets

    Favorite Melon varieties to grow?

    I'm growing some different varieties of watermelon (sugar baby, bush sugar baby, blacktail mountain, orangeglo, crimson sweet, royal golden) and muskmelon (Hale's best jumbo cantaloupe, Sweet passion melon). So far the only melon of these I've tried is the blacktail mountain watermelon (as the...
  19. sheknitsandcrochets

    Favorite Heirloom Tomato varieties?

    What are your favorite heirloom tomato varieties to grow?
  20. sheknitsandcrochets

    Septoria Leaf Spot on Tomato plants

    Recently I've been having a septoria leaf spot issue with my tomato plants. For most of the growing season I've had no trouble with it, but in this last month or so most of my tomato plants have caught it. I've been trying to trim off all or most of the diseased foliage, but this is quite the...
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