Apr 30, 2022
Recently I've been having a septoria leaf spot issue with my tomato plants. For most of the growing season I've had no trouble with it, but in this last month or so most of my tomato plants have caught it. I've been trying to trim off all or most of the diseased foliage, but this is quite the task when your growing over 100 tomato plants.

Any tips would be appreciated!
Thank you! For sharing; not for having it

I'm sorry you have this but I didn't know what I had until I looked this fungus up to see what you are talking about.

I found this website helpful https://www.epicgardening.com/septoria-leaf-spot/
I'm glad you figured out what your issue is!

That website has good information. 👍

I've just continued to prune away diseased leaves and the spread seems to be slowing.
I know you're supposed to disinfect your hands and tool(s) after every trim (when dealing with diseased tomato plants) but there's no way I can pull that one off. 😆

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