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  • Users: LDR2
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  1. L

    ISO Olive Egger Hatching Eggs

    Looking for F2 Olive Egger Hatching Eggs. The darker the better. Thanks.
  2. L

    Day 28 - No Sign of Hatching

    Today is day 28, I haven't heard peeping from the egg. Should I keep the egg in the incubator. I'm just worried that the chick may have died . The turkeys poults and guinea keets have already hatched but they were put in a day before I put in the peafowl egg.
  3. L

    Candling help

    Today is day 8 of 28 days of incubation. I've already candled all of them but I have a couple i wanted your opinion on. I wanted to make sure i'm correct when it comes to determine if they're infertile and/or have red ring. I also need help on determining one of the turkey eggs I have. It is...
  4. L

    Candling help

    Today is day 8 of 28 days of incubation. I've already candled all of them but I have a couple i wanted your opinion on. I wanted to make sure i'm correct when it comes to determine if they're infertile and/or have red ring. I also need help on determining one of the turkey eggs I have. It is...
  5. L

    Chicken Saddle Help

    I'm not sure If I should use Athletic mesh (bottom) and regular material (top) to make a chicken saddle. I live in South Texas weather can go from 90 to 100+ depending on the day. I need a chicken saddle, my girl Pocahontas, is losing her feather from our rooster. Apparently she's one good...
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    I'm buying peafowl hatching eggs and want to make sure they get here safe. Should they be sent through USPS, UPS or FedEx?
  7. L

    Hatching Eggs

    Hi Everyone! Does anyone on BYC know of any Peafowl breeders that sell hatching eggs. I'm look for pied, white and green. I don't want to take any chances on eBay peafowl eggs.
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    Mushy Chick Syndrome?

    Could this be Mushy Chick Syndrome? Should I be worried?
  9. L

    Turkey with Swollen Eye

    This afternoon we noticed Pumpkin our Bourbon Red Turkey hen eye was swollen. We don't know when it began swelling since we were outside during the afternoon and her eyes during that time looked normal. We don't know if she got stung by a bee, got bit by a snake or our terrier/chihuhua may have...
  10. L

    Don't know whats wrong with two chicks I found

    Age: 2-3 days old # Chicks: 2 Syptoms: -Mouths open -Extending neck -Chicks aren't walking (splay leg? their legs are towards the back) -Eyes closed Found two chicks by themselves. I'm not sure if they got lost or were left behind by the momma hen. There 10 siblings are doing great. Except...
  11. L

    My New Baby Chicks :

    At 5:37 am I got a call from the US Post Office my 1st order from Whelp had come in. I had ordered 30 baby chicks and 7 Burbon Red Poults I'm happy to say that all 38 (got a extra chick) were happy, healthy and spunky. Of course I wasn't very happy or very spunky farmer waking up so early but...
  12. L

    Swollen Joint or ???

    For the last month my 3 month old RIR hen hasn't been able to walk. She had gotten Fowl Pox in early August then a couple days after we found her limping. The next day her feet didn't work. She has been paralyzed since then. I began giving penicillin shots 4 days ago and now she's hopping...
  13. L

    Swollen eye with hard dried puss

    My Little Rhode Island Red has been fighting fowl pox for these last 3 weeks. She has a little pox on her nose. This weekend we started noticing her eye was beginning to swell. Today her eye is swollen & has dried hard puss stuck in the eye. We can't even move the puss we tried using warm water...
  14. L

    Hello Everyone

    Hello Everyone I'm Kandyce, I'm currently a college student (living at home) that lives in Edinburg,Tx (2 hrs south of Corpus Christi). My dad & I came home three weeks ago with 9 Rhode Island Reds (6 are mine & 3 are my dads) (mom was not very happy with us lol). I'm a breeder of Boer and...
  15. L

    Growth on Beak

    Hello everyone I'm new to this forum. I've only ever been a member of goat forums :) 3 weeks ago I came home with 9 Rhode Island Reds. Today, I noticed one had this growth on its beak. Can you please tell me what it is and how I can treat it. I'm kind of out of my element. I'm used to hooved...
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