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  1. SelfSufficientMe

    ISO Nankin bantam eggs and/or chicks

    Can anybody direct me to a hatchery or breeder that deals with Nankin bantams? I’m having a hard time locating eggs and chicks. Thank you!
  2. SelfSufficientMe

    Genetics question

    I know nothing about genetics. I’m hoping someone might know if crossing a silver welsh harlequin drake with a khaki campbell duck will create an autosex duckling? I set eggs that were purebred welsh harlequin (silver) and I also set eggs that were the mix mentioned above and I only hatched...
  3. SelfSufficientMe

    Ducks chirping but too early…a few questions

    My welsh harlequin and welsh harlequin khaki crosses are due to hatch Sunday 2/25. I checked them on 2/17 and 27 out of 28 were moving but the air cells were not quite as big as they should be so I dropped humidity down by removing water. I thought for sure I’d have plenty of time to lose some...
  4. SelfSufficientMe

    Incubating duck eggs….every egg has two air cells

    Hi. Second round hatching duck eggs. 4H project for my son. First time with a hovabator that I borrowed from a school ag department. It has a turner. The eggs are in pointed end down. Two egg cells have formed. One at each end. The smaller end has the larger air cell. The larger end has a small...
  5. SelfSufficientMe

    Central Florida….looking for Welsh Harlequin ducks

    In search of two to three welsh harlequin ducks . Willing to travel a few hours. Thank you!
  6. SelfSufficientMe

    Urgent: Assisted hatch questions

    I have another post about this hatch but I’m curious how long it looks like this one has until hatch assuming it makes it. I cannot tell based on veins. I have another not internally pipped yet but I thought it was and peeled off some of the shell. They keep making a yawning motion which I read...
  7. SelfSufficientMe

    Incubating ducks day 32…just need some moral support😄

    Today is day 32 incubating Welsh Harlequins. Was thinking day 33 for a bit but I did the math again and definitely day 32. Set the eggs 9/6. Started with 10 due to my tiny incubator. All 10 made it to day 14. On day 21, I tossed 5. They were underdeveloped and had died. Locked down slightly...
  8. SelfSufficientMe

    Looking for Silver Appleyard fertile eggs

    Hi. I am looking to buy half a dozen Silver Appleyard hatching eggs. If anyone has some and is willing to ship, I’ll gladly buy them. I ship Welsh Harlequin eggs and would be happy to trade if interested. If you’ve never shipped eggs and are unsure of shipping costs, my freight costs have been...
  9. SelfSufficientMe

    New to hatching

    This is my first attempt at hatching ducklings. I’ve set 10 Welsh Harlequin eggs. I couldn’t fit more without my incubator being overcrowded. I went cheap and bought a clearanced $20 incubator. Figured the kids would enjoy it and I know I will😄 Plus my niece told me she wanted some ducklings so...
  10. SelfSufficientMe

    In case you need a laugh this morning 😆…….

    I went out to feed and water my ducks, chickens, and rabbits this morning before work and I heard what I thought was a sickly barking dog in my neighbors yard. As I got closer I realized it was coming from my chicken coop. Yep. I know it happens. I’ve heard about it but had never seen it. MY HEN...
  11. SelfSufficientMe

    Fertile Welsh Harlequin Duck Eggs for Sale

    I live in Florida on a residential farmette. I have twenty healthy chickens and five healthy Welsh Harlequin ducks. I do not have a rooster so I do not sell fertile chicken eggs. I did not plan on welcoming a drake but it happened when I purchased my ducks. It was a package deal😄 He’s super...
  12. SelfSufficientMe

    Khaki Campbell male or female?

    Hello. I’m inquiring about whether I have two males or females or one of each. This my my first time with ducks. The lady I messaged said that she had females but when I showed up all of the ducks looked very similar. Some had more green than others and all had tail feathers. She started going...
  13. SelfSufficientMe

    Start of day 23…no pips and no noticeable movement

    Tonight makes the start of day 23 that my broody has been sitting on chicken eggs. Last year was my first hatch and all fertile eggs hatched. This year out of 12, 10 fertilized and 8 made it to day 17. That was the last day I checked. I’m pretty sure two busted around day 9-10. Found egg...
  14. SelfSufficientMe

    20 weeks and minimal combs and wattles

    I have two mixed breed chickens. I was told some sort of OEGB mix. Neither of them have very big combs or wattles. Is this a common occurrence? Thanks for any input. I’m not sure if they’re laying yet. I have others that are around 24 weeks and we are just finally getting some eggs but not...
  15. SelfSufficientMe

    Anxious about soon-to-be egglayers

    My girls are almost 19 weeks. Watching for signs of laying. Aside from the red combs and wattles, nothing yet. No squatting. Ready for some eggs. I just hope they lay better than my buff orphingtons. Still only two eggs every other day from two of the four hens. This chicken feed bill is killing...
  16. SelfSufficientMe

    Not really a gardening question…tree related

    Hi. This is not really a gardening question but I think that my fellow gardeners might have some good information for me. I have a magnolia tree in my front yard that was damaged when we moved in. I haven’t cut it down yet because I hate to cut down a tree. It has three branches that are missing...
  17. SelfSufficientMe

    Is this a Welsummer?

    Hi. I bought some chicks from a hatchery and quite a few looked a lot alike. I ordered Starlights, Welsummers, and a few others. I split the chicks with someone and I’m still not sure what I ended up with. I have one light buff starlight. I cannot figure out if this one is a Welsummer or darker...
  18. SelfSufficientMe

    Flock housing arrangement

    I have four hens that are a little over a year old. One of them hatched some chicks, now 9 weeks old. The two chicks we kept shares housing with the hens as a natural result of raising them together. I also have six 13 week old pullets that I’ve had since they were 3 days old. They started out...
  19. SelfSufficientMe

    Slacker hens

    I’ve posted before with not much luck as far as a similar situation and/or possible cause. My one year old buff orphingtons are slacking in the egg laying department. I have four total. One has two month old chicks so Ibinagine she should be laying again. No eggs again today. One here and there...
  20. SelfSufficientMe

    Breed suggestions?

    Do either of these chickens look like a specific breed? They’re strays. They could be mixed. Thanks!
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