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  1. midwife mama

    can I simply fill a bucket with water?

    I have been using a plastic waterer that is a huge pain in the butt. While house sitting for other chicken owners I learned that they simply fill up a bucket with water every day? Is there a problem with doing this? I assume their chickens had no problem slurping it out. They seemed healthy...
  2. midwife mama

    straw or hay?

    I have been told conflicting advice regarding which to use in the coop (deep litter) and in the run. The feed store folks and others have told me straw, but an old time chicken owner told me straw blows too much and hay stays in place better. We can be kind of windy here in Montana. Your...
  3. midwife mama

    is scratch a necessity?

    I don't really understand the purpose of scratch. What is its function in the chicken diet? When do people start feeding it? Is it necessary?
  4. midwife mama

    they're hardly eating any feed?!

    My 15 eight week old chickens used to need their feed tray filled a few times a day when they were younger. They were started on medicated feed, then I switched to an organic non-medicated feed at about 6 weeks. This feed looked like much higher quality and I could actually see the flax and...
  5. midwife mama

    outside time? when?

    AT what age and what outside temperature can little chicks start spending some QT in the grass? I keep reading about people letting their chicks outside for short periods to expose them to more bacteria, dirt, stuff in the grass, etc., but I am unsure of the details. How old were your peeps...
  6. midwife mama

    food - handling - boredom - germs ???s

    Ok, more newbie questions: 1) I have 13 chicks who are almost 2 weeks old. The folks at the feed store told me that handling the peeps stresses them out, burdens their system, and can make them grow at a slower rate on account of the stress. I had been thinking that I needed to handle them...
  7. midwife mama

    newbie numbers question--overshoot?

    I am allowed only to have 6 chickens per city ordinance. I came home today with 7 hoping that if they all make it, and are all in fact pullets, that no one will notice given my yard is fairly private. Now after reading on here about all baby chicks not making it, other issues requiring...
  8. midwife mama

    are you using a non-medicated starter?

    Please help me decide! We plan to raise our chicks as naturally as possible, free-ranging them and supplementing with organic feed (probably one that make), as well as garden foraging. The feed store was adamant I go home with medicated feed but I'd really like to hear arguments supporting...
  9. midwife mama

    getting feathers & overnight temperatures

    I've read that once they are fully feathered they can go in the coop--but how do you know when they are "fully" feathered? Is it obvious? Also, I suspect by the time my chicks reach that point we will still have freezing nighttime temps. Will they be OK to overnight in the coop at that point...
  10. midwife mama

    silkie questions--thanks!

    Are all silkies bantams? Are they considerably smaller than standard breeds? I'd like to have cochins and silkies but I'm worried about the size difference between the two breeds and bullying issues. We are very cold in winters here and I don't want the smaller birds to suffer. And lastly, I...
  11. midwife mama

    run door/predator question

    So I'm planning my run design and materials, the space is already more or less defined by existing structures, and I'm thinking about how I am going to bury my fencing deep to prevent predators. I think this is wise since I live in Montana and we have plenty of arial as well as land based...
  12. midwife mama

    natural/organic hatcheries?

    I came across one natural hatchery in arizona where chicks are incubated by their mamas and are fed a natural, organic, and free-ranging diet. Are there any other places like this that will ship peeps out of state? Thank you!
  13. midwife mama

    cost of feeding 6 or so chickens?

    Wise chicken lovers, can you give me a ballpark estimate of what kind of monthly costs I am looking at for feeding 6 or so chickens here in Montana? I recognize that prices may vary regionally and seasonally, and depending on the product, but any feedback is much appreciated. I plan to feed my...
  14. midwife mama

    a chicken garden?

    I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate chickens into our yard and garden in keeping with permaculture practices. We have an old coop established but the run is small and it seems odd to me to keep the chicks all pent up when perhaps they could be aiding the garden directly. Now, I...
  15. midwife mama

    kitchen scraps only?

    Is it possible for chickens to thrive only on kitchen scraps? Do they require grains for nutritional purposes? Could these needs be met another way? Any favorite resources for learning more about raising pasture chickens who are fed primarily whole foods and scraps? Thanks
  16. midwife mama

    how long will a feed bag last?

    Do feed bags come in standard sizes? How long will the "big" bag last, for say, 10 chickens? Assuming you do scratch and other foods as well. Thank you!
  17. midwife mama

    anyone in northern new mexico with chicks for sale?

    We are outside of Espanola and would really like to buy local chickens. I'm having a hard time finding anyone that will sell me less than 36! Is anyone out there?
  18. midwife mama

    To those who did NOT or will not vaccinate

    Please can you share your reasons for choosing NOT to vaccinate, for any or all of the available chicken vaccines? What are your concerns with vaccines? What has your experience been? Would you choose to NOT vaccinate again in the future? I am hoping to collect as much information as I can...
  19. midwife mama

    Standard vs bantam: newbie questions

    What are general reasons, other than space, to keep Bantams over Standard sized chickens? Are there advantages to keeping standards? Can you keep both together? I am staring out with a small flock of around 12 chickens (after I sort out the roos). I am attracted to Aracaunas, Silkies, And...
  20. midwife mama

    small and large breeds together?

    Do smaller breeds generally work OK with larger breeds, or will the larger breeds tend to gang up on smaller birds? thanks!
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