cost of feeding 6 or so chickens?

midwife mama

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 1, 2009
Wise chicken lovers, can you give me a ballpark estimate of what kind of monthly costs I am looking at for feeding 6 or so chickens here in Montana? I recognize that prices may vary regionally and seasonally, and depending on the product, but any feedback is much appreciated. I plan to feed my chickens all the kitchen scraps, some garden foraging, and part-time yard free-ranging. I'd like them to have as close to a natural diet as possible, but if the "organic" feeds are exorbitant I may reconsider. We have snow on the ground half the year here. Thank you for any input!
I feed the Layena Pellets. I have had no problems with behavior (picking there was information out there that they get mean or aggressive on pellets from the feed store guy). My egg production did not change either. I have 23 chickens (four of them are bantams), I free feed and I am going through about 50 pounds in a week and a half to two weeks (more in the winter when they are locked up). It costs around $12-$13 a bag here. The reason I switched from mash or crumbles to pellets was the waste. It was very apparent how much food was wasted just by what was under the feeder but then after the switch the amount of food I was buying was almost cut in half. Just estimating but you would probably only go through a bag a month if that.
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I have 6 RIR hens and 1 silver laced polish roo. I will give them 2 cups of scratch to supplement their crumbles and I will use 1 bag every 3 1/2 to 4 weeks. They have been giving me 5 eggs every day, even through the winter.
I also have 6 hens. I'm currently feeding Grower crumbles which in my area are $13 per bag. I last purchased feed on Feb 3rd when I was pretty much out. I'm getting low now - I think I have about 1 week's worth left. So the 50lb bag will have lasted me 6-7 weeks by the time its gone. I feed whatever kitchen scraps we have and they free-range all day long. I guess rounding that out to the cost for 1-month, it will have cost <$9 for a full month's worth of food. I'm also hoping that future bags will last longer, because halfway through this bag I discovered I have a mouse problem and they were eating everything that was spilled - which was a lot. I have since found a way to contain the spillage and have not had to fill up the feeder nearly as often since doing that (about a week ago).
I get my 6 chicks in a week Yay! and you don't want to know how much I have spent on their feed I'm making my own organic feed because of allergies but they will be some healthy little chicks and feeding them won't make me sick Lol! so it's worth the money to me
on another note I saved money while doing their tractor by using mostly reused materials...
Hi! I have 10 hens (5 RIRs, 4 Barred Rocks, 1 leghorn) & 2 fat & sassy ducks. We go through 1 bag of feed ($15) & 1 bag of scratch ($10) in about a month in winter & in about a month & a half er so in summer. We feed some scraps. During the spring/summer/fall we let them forage after they lay their eggs for the day. So $30 a month approx. (We buy grit (aids in digestion in the crop) about every 4-6 mths & its $7ish...) Pine bedding for the coops...$10 a month for 2 cubes. ($5 each) So $40 a month total cost. We get 150 eggs a month just from the 5 RIR & 1 Lghrn, approx 12 doz., $25 worth at $2 a doz. So were out $20 a month for fresh eggs at this point. The 4 Barred Rocks haven't started laying yet, but when they do we should pretty well break even. But they also keep the bugs down in the yard A LOT too. That's always a plus!!

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