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  1. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    One a week.......

    I am losing about one hen per week. Here are the symptoms. I notice one eye 'mattering' and closing. They just slow down and then I find them dead. I have seen Mareks before. These do not have the symptoms where they lose balance and eventually cannot walk. They just have one eye closed up and...
  2. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Cattle Panels Beyond

    Adventures With Cattle Panels A while back, I was in need of a new coop and run to separate my prized Barred Rocks away from my "Eating Egg" flock. I read online about hoop houses made with cattle panels and thought I would give it a try. My 1st one used two cattle panels and has a...
  3. Mikeeeeeeeeees Page

    Mikeeeeeeeeees Page

    Bethany Farms Vicki and I are part time missionaries and grandparents to 6! Bethany Farms is our little way of earning some extra income to help us do what we love. Helping orphans! Love The Children Ministries We live on 5.5 acres of woods. We have virtually no land for crops, so we...
  4. 8x8 Coop

    8x8 Coop

    Building a 8'x8' Coop We needed a larger coop. We have a 4x8 tractor with penthouse that serves as a soil-builder for our raised beds. Also we have a mini-tractor/brooder that sits in the garage. We need the garage space. So the plan was to build a coop that will serve two purposes. 1-...
  5. Stage II Brooder

    Stage II Brooder

    Stage II Brooder Here at Bethany Farms, we hatch a good many chicks. I know that most everyone has a "tote" with a lamp and newspaper in the bottom, and that is a good place to start chicks. That is what we do for two weeks and then we move them outside to the Stage II Brooder. This brooder is...
  6. Jacobs Coop

    Jacobs Coop

    JACOB'S COOP ________________________________________ Jacob is a normal 11 year old boy that loves chickens. He lives one road over from Vicki and I with his mom and 8 siblings. Jacob and Katie are the children of their mom, Rebecca. The other 7 precious ones that range from 2 years to...
  7. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Blue Orp roo

    Free to a good home. A beautiful, HUGE, Blue Orpington Roo. Just a little under a year old. I was given some eggs to hatch and he was in the bunch. I have no other blues. Come get him. Central Alabama
  8. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Chicks sleeping by coop door?

    Because that is just what chooks do! trust me, they will start roosting soon. we have raised countless chicks and they all do the same.
  9. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    2 broodies down, 3 to go...

    I understand. I have a BO that hatched 8, Buff silkie that hatched 4 and a Barred rock that has 2. I let all of them free range all day.
  10. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Hoop Coop DISASTER!

    I build all my hoop houses from Cattle Panels. Far easier to work with.
  11. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    HELP-Has anyone ever successfully moved a broody with eggs?

    I had a set of BOs that went broody together over 26 eggs. I moved them about a week into it all, and they never minded one bit.
  12. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! Dog Incident...

    BB gun. I use a Daisy Red Ryder. About the time I pull the trigger, I also shout NO. Took 3 shots for my 12 year old mutt. Took multiple shots for all the cats Still working on the new puppy. She is a work in progress. Not strong enough to Penetrate the skin, but stings like the dickens. How...
  13. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Purplexed over my Barred Plymoth Rocks

    The males will have a large white spot on the head at birth. When the head begins to feather, it goes away.
  14. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Purplexed over my Barred Plymoth Rocks

    100% Roos. I breed Barred Rocks. Below is Rocky, my one and only breeding roo. Notice his bars and the girls bars are different. His bars are smaller. The girls are more defined and darker as well. Here is one of the girls................... Here is a good comparison shot of his head...
  15. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    I'm ordering an incubator NOW!

    Brower Top Hatch.........
  16. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    2010 HomeMade Brooder Contest - Win $20 BYC Store Gift Cert. Ends 5/9

    Here is mine. I had no plans, but I think you will get the idea! Stage II Brooder
  17. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Alabama Bantam Club hosts show- April 17, 2010. You're invited!!

    The motor in the Brower went out! I got up this morning and temp was 98, but not turning. I took the whole thing apart even down to the gearbox level and no dice. That motor was shot. I called Brower and talked with a very nice gentleman who told me the whole history of the Top Hatch. It was...
  18. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    18 Barred Rock eggs.

    18 big brown hatching eggs from Rocky's girls. Rocky is my prized Barred Rock and he has 6 girls that he takes care of. These Barred Rocks are not from a hatchery, but have good bloodlines. They lay BIG brown eggs on a consistent basis and are very well mannered. Shipping will be USPS.
  19. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Guineas and Chickens together

    I raised 3 females with a brood of chicks. very adult now and get along good. then a few weeks ago 4 others wandered up and took up residence here. I have about 60 chickens and 7 guineas and they manage fine.
  20. Mikeeeeeeeeee

    Why did my always calm RIR rooster just attack me?

    Once I had a BO roo who was magnificent. His name was Herb. .................................. Later I changed his name to Drop Kick. A few days later I started calling him Herb again. Fine rooster.
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