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  1. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Life got busy but here are my 1/2 dozen hatch! They are a little over a week old.
  2. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Then we went to get an oil change and 2 more hatched! Now, 5 was a bit crowded so they've been moved to the brooder. One remains... but yes- the incubator got real small, real fast, lol.
  3. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    3 out and 3 working on it! These are getting pretty dry so I’ll take cuter pics later!
  4. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    No, it has not penetrated it.
  5. TurkenMomma

    Closed membrane

    This duck egg pipped this morning- should I poke a hole in the membrane? I’ve put coconut oil on it to try and keep it moist and my humidity is at 65-70%. I don’t know why my membranes are drying out!
  6. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Well, what do you all think? It just pipped a few hours ago?
  7. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    They are in a Brinsea Mini Advance... humidity is around 65%. This pic is from our really active egg!
  8. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Woke up to all 6 of our duck eggs pipped! They are all making progress but I did notice one egg membrane turning a soft yellow. It's been a while since I have hatched... but this egg just pipped overnight, so I am not sure of the coloring and why. I know it is hard to tell in the picture but I'd...
  9. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    FINALLY! We've got 3 pips this morning and (hopefully) 3 more to go! You guys weren't kidding when you said ducklings take their time. Whew! Hopefully I will have some cute fuzzies to share with y'all in the next day or so!
  10. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Well, I went back and tried to calculate when I actually set my eggs, and either Sunday or Monday- yesterday- would have been day 28. We still have no pips and no movement, although last night I played duckling sounds and one egg rocked a little. I just candled all of them and I think I see...
  11. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Some ducks :) it is my first time hatching ducks and I know hatching times can vary between breeds, but I'm hatching Khaki Campbells which I thought were more "normal" in terms of hatching around day 28. I will try to be more patient!
  12. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Day 29... and no action. I am able to candle one egg towards the outside of my incubator and the air cell has dipped down significantly since lockdown. But no peeps, no rolling, no pips, no nothing! 😭
  13. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Well we've made it to day 27! I've still got 6/6 khaki campbells going strong and in lockdown. Hatching Mother's Day! I actually did not plan that at all! No pips or rolling eggs... fingers crossed for a great hatch!
  14. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    My husband walked into the house earlier this month after work... DH: What's that noise? Is that the incubator? Are you hatching eggs? Me: :confused: DH: Those eggs are really big. Me: They are duck eggs. DH: But we have chickens? Me: :confused: DH: Why did you even think we needed...
  15. TurkenMomma

    May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

    Howdy everyone! I've got 6 Khaki Campbells in my incubator, set to hatch on Mother's Day :love I was actually out to pick up some chicken eggs (we have a small flock of 5 hens) and by a misunderstanding I ended up with duck eggs, haha! It was quite the surprise when I got home and opened the...
  16. TurkenMomma

    Fodder Setup

    My newest coop is set in an area with no grass so I’m thinking of sprouting some fodder. I have an organizer similar to this... Would it work? I would drill holes in the bins and leave the bottom bins to catch the water. Just trying to work with what we have, lol.
  17. TurkenMomma

    Broken leg? Dislocated bone?

    Help! My 6 year old went to pull a chick out of the brooder and forgot she already had one out and slightly sat on the poor thing. It is standing up and walks every now and then but then falls over. I fear something has happened with its legs. It’s 2 days old. How do I start diagnosing what...
  18. TurkenMomma

    What comb is this?

    My EE has the same thing going on :) and molting quite horribly, lol!
  19. TurkenMomma

    September Hatch-a-long!

    WHEW! That was stressful but it’s OUT! A little blood at the navel but it stopped shortly after. It has 5 toes! And some bits of black on the legs. A little weak but hopefully it will make it! The shell was really quite thick and I don’t think it could get through. I don’t know why I keep...
  20. TurkenMomma

    September Hatch-a-long!

    I’ve helped it a bit more but that’s all I’ll do for awhile. I will try and wait until 8 this evening to see how it has progressed... since that would be about 24 hours since the initial pip. It keeps opening its beak and sticking it out of the hole but nothing else. I tried to get a pic of...
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