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  1. D

    Greetings my BYC Peoples!

    Welcome to BYC! Lots of good info and friendly/helpful people here. Thanks for putting in some research on your chickens before bringing them in. They will benefit from the effort. :thumbsup
  2. D

    Hot composting safe around chickens?

    It's more a question of if the chickens will be a problem for your compost pile. Chickens won't go into an area that is too hot for them if they have alternatives. From my understanding, hot composts aren't uniformly hot and the main heat is actually well inside the surface. Chickens do love...
  3. D


    Not necessarily. Moldiness can happen long before feed is expired. It has more to do with being exposed to water. The feed in your picture appears to be fatter and lighter color than I'm used to seeing, but that could be normal for that particular mix. The blue-green spots is generally how...
  4. D

    HOAs are for the birds... except when they're not.

    You do know that you could have saved the inappropriate lecture (forums are not formal writing exercises) and more quickly/simply asked what an HOA is, right? HOA- Home Owner's Association- Local governance, typically restricted to a suburban subdivision. Rules are enforced by contract and...
  5. D

    HOAs are for the birds... except when they're not.

    Since you will be right across the road from the HOA, you might want to get a rusty old pickup and put it up on blocks directly across from them. <evil grin>
  6. D

    HOAs are for the birds... except when they're not.

    HOAs- For those who feel that federal, state, county and city governments just aren't enough levels of people telling you what you can't do.
  7. D

    Chickens and poison ivy

    Link please. Just did a search. Read a bunch of posts and found them to be generally scare mongering and fact free. You should be far more concerned about the 'Roundup-Ready' grains used in most feeds and your corn chips.
  8. D

    Chickens and poison ivy

    It is being used as a spot application for toxic plants, not as a blanket spray for food plants. Unless you can identify an effective and safer alternative, I don't see your point.
  9. D

    Chickens and poison ivy

    Not sure about safety for chickens, but they make special poison ivy/oak/sumac versions. They use a different formulation than basic Roundup, however.
  10. D

    Think these are raspberries!

    Very nice. Raspberries have much lighter undersides than blackberries, nearly silver. They also have many more/smaller thorns The same basic care applies to both. Individual canes last two years and flower/fruit in the second year. They die after the second year and ideally should be...
  11. D

    Martha... or Marvin?!

    Yup. Leaning towards cockerel.
  12. D


    Where are you located? That makes a big difference on what predators might be involved. As stated above, pictures of your setup would be very helpful.
  13. D


    Good luck protecting your little friends. Also, please read about how to predator-proof your coop/run to avoid such problems in the future. Many critters prey on chicken, so it is up to you to provide the best environment possible.
  14. D

    chick starter

    Which ever version you buy, just make sure it is a crumble, not full sized pellets which the chicks will have problems consuming.
  15. D

    I need help! First time chicken owner!

    Grit is small, hard rocks. It is a necessary part of chicken digestive process if they eat anything other than commercial feed (which breaks down in water). It varies in size- smaller for chicks and larger pebbles for adult chickens. If they free range, they will be able to get their own. If...
  16. D

    Pellets or crumble, and why?

    Check the tikktok link under Lazy Gardener's post above. It has everything you might want to know.
  17. D


    Oh, I can do that too... Durn old timers!
  18. D


    Not so much on this board as I tend to answer newbie questions being only a 1-year chicken owner, but I've seen it elsewhere. You can only offer the help. It is up to them if they accept it or not. If they have been doing something for decades, they are less likely to be open/willing to...
  19. D


    Sorry, but this is very short-sighted. People don't know what they don't know. BYC is largely an educational site so it is important that we continue trying to help people take better care of their chickens.
  20. D

    Hi from Utah!!

    Welcome to BYC! Unfortunately, lots of things like to eat chicken (and possibly duck). If you haven't already, you should do some research on how to predator-proof your coop and run. Plenty of info here. Good luck.
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