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  1. chicklady21

    The Chick Inn

    Great job on the coop so far! it looks really nice. I’m sure your chickens will love it. I would enclose all holes and the run in 1/2 inch hardware cloth instead. It’s pedator proof and completely worth every extra penny. No worrying about dogs or raccoons, plus you’ll never find a snake hiding...
  2. chicklady21

    New to bantams (have some questions)

    Thanks for the advice!
  3. chicklady21

    New to bantams (have some questions)

    I’ve never had any bantam breeds, but have had standard chickens for years. I’m currently cleaning out and disinfecting a coop that I plan to use for some bantams (possibly thinking Seramas). I have a few questions: 1. My coop was originally designed for standard chickens. Will the nest boxes...
  4. chicklady21

    Standard hen raising bantams

    She is only a little over a year old. This is the first time she has ever gone broody.
  5. chicklady21

    Standard hen raising bantams

    I have a standard size hen that has gone broody. I’ve always wanted bantams so I was wondering would it be feasible for her to raise some. I’m a little concerned about them getting squished lol. Do you think that would be a problem?
  6. chicklady21

    Help with sick 4 week old bantam Cochin

    I would take him to the vet. Sorry I can't help. I think separating might be good incase its contagious. Maybe u could sacrifice one chicken to stay with him in confinement
  7. chicklady21

    Need help with quail

    It will take them several more weeks to really get settled in. Then they will increase egg production. They are still stressed
  8. chicklady21

    Mystery Chick

    Definitely a RIR
  9. chicklady21

    Rate your day with an emoticon

  10. chicklady21

    Chickens wont go into Coop

    I used to have that problem. It's easy to fix. Shut them up in the coop for 4-5 days. They will be forced to sleep there and will get in the habit. Then you can let them out and they most likely will return to the coop at night Good luck!:thumbsup
  11. chicklady21

    Cleaning sand?

    I did a lot of research on sand and it seemed to fit our coop the best. I started out with savings in the coop,and it was a hassle. Thank you for the suggestions. I will probably pick up a kitty litter scoop this afternoon :)
  12. chicklady21


    Their wings are perfectly normal. I wouldn't worry unless they show any signs of weakness or distressed
  13. chicklady21

    I am a new guinea owner.

    I have owned an raised guinea fowl for years. They will eventually fly. I can't think of a way to keep them off the patio though. I will tell you they are not the brightest birds but they will figure out that flying over the fence equals tasty bugs. Oh and :welcome
  14. chicklady21

    Cleaning sand?

    Thanks for the idea. I'll give it a try
  15. chicklady21

    Cleaning sand?

    My coop is a little large to use a kitty litter scoop. Thanks though
  16. chicklady21

    TIME SENSITIVE Chick help!!

    Hatching chicks is very stressful on the hen, so I would wait. When night falls, slip the chick under her. Good luck :thumbsup
  17. chicklady21

    Solved Signature?

    I edited my signature, but I did not see it appear on my post That's why I was wondering
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