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  1. ChickHotel

    Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

    Thank you, thank you for this wonderful message board! My 20 wk EE Turtle was suddenly very weak, most notably her neck which she had trouble holding up. I separated her and within the day her neck was long, hunched over and she could barely get around, but she would eat and drink with my...
  2. ChickHotel

    My Sweet gimpy hen has taken a turn for the worse, advice please!

    My 10 mo. BO, Sweetie Pie has had a bad leg since she was very young, but has managed to get along just fine until the last couple weeks. Recent cold weather seems to have almost completely immobilized her (despite a heating lamp on the coldest days). I have babied her, put her in the warmer...
  3. ChickHotel

    My chicken and dog tales.

    My little schnauzer Lola adores our 5 chickens and they don't mind her much either. As much as Lola digs the chicks, she is hell bent on keeping the squirrels out of her yard and chases them across, up and over the fences. Needless to say, the squirrels stay away when she is out to play...
  4. ChickHotel

    Girls didn't tuck themselves in tonight?

    Strange night tonight. It is summer solstice and my 18wk girls were making a bunch of racket by my kitchen window earlier this evening (this is usually their way of telling me they are hungry for a snack). But even after I fed them, they kept making a fuss. Finally quieted down as the sun was...
  5. ChickHotel

    Sick 14wk EE - Advice Please!

    Starting about 2 weeks ago my Queen of the Coop Americauna Gretel, would end up on her back unable to get up. When I put her right side up she would be a little wobbly at first, but then back to normal. About a week ago she stopped walking altogether, no balance/strength? There are no...
  6. ChickHotel

    Average BYC life expectancy poll!

    I am fairly new to the world of chickens, but am already addicted and adore my 5 byc's (RIR (Rosie), Buff Orp(Sweetie Pie), Barred Rock (Lily), Golden Sex (Monster) and Americana (Gretel)). So when my Statistics teacher gave our semester end project and left the topic up to the student I...
  7. ChickHotel

    Chick limping

    My 7 wk old Orpington is doing the exact same thing. Started about a week ago. Still eats, drinks and plays a little. She is not as active as she was and carries her leg funny...almost swings it while she hops and only relies on it for some balance. Can't find any sign of a...
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