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  1. Sassy Hen

    Animal in suburban city killed a chicken - how to keep other hen safe?

    Sometime during the day today my friend’s 3 year old white silke hen was killed by an animal of some sort :( Right now they have one hen (also white silkie) and since they don’t know exactly what happened they aren’t sure how to prevent this from happenning again. If anyone knows anything or has...
  2. Sassy Hen

    Help! Hen has dark droopy comb, yellow substance around vent and lethargic

    Has not laid an egg this morning yet, will check later. Yesterday she did not lay, I'm not sure about Sunday, but she definitely laid an egg Saturday. She seems to be a little better, comb is not so dark and droopy. What is Calcium Citrate, where can I get it? Is there something else I could...
  3. Sassy Hen

    Help! Hen has dark droopy comb, yellow substance around vent and lethargic

    This is my white leghorn hen who is a little over a year old. Her comb is usually slightly droopy because it really is massive, but seems more droopy than usual. On the tips her comb is a dark red, maybe almost purple? She was normal yesterday but now is lethargic and seems to be sleeping a lot...
  4. Sassy Hen

    Bloody yolk with what looks like embryo? But hen has never been in contact with rooster

    I'll be sure to pay extra attention to them. Currently, she's perfectly normal except for that rather strange egg. Eggs are normal now.
  5. Sassy Hen

    Bloody yolk with what looks like embryo? But hen has never been in contact with rooster

    That makes some sense. It's been really hot in the past few days, but the hen that laid this egg is still pretty young, though. Only about 9 months.
  6. Sassy Hen

    Bloody yolk with what looks like embryo? But hen has never been in contact with rooster

    Is a broken blood vessel something I should be concerned about, or is it something that just happens occasionally?
  7. Sassy Hen

    Bloody yolk with what looks like embryo? But hen has never been in contact with rooster

    Cracked two eggs for dinner, one is completely normal but the other is bloody on the inside. There is a dark spot, which, if I’m not heavily mistaken, is an embryo? The egg was laid by our 9 month old Black Copper Marans, Oreo. We do have a White Leghorn rooster. We have two coops, one for the...
  8. Sassy Hen

    Someone STOLE my ducklings!!

    Oh no! That's terrible. I am a chicken person, not a duck person, but if the ducks are gone, the cage was latched, and there weren't feathers all over the place to show there was some kind of struggle, then they were probably taken by some person. I don't know what to tell you, maybe ask around...
  9. Sassy Hen


    Hi Noelle! Welcome to BYC!
  10. Sassy Hen

    Review by 'Sassy Hen' in article 'Signs you have a broody hen'

    Very informative! I have a broody Blue Ameraucana, she has plucked out a ton of feathers that are in the nesting box and I was always wondering why. For some reason she likes to go broody in late June-early July. And my friend's silkies are the most aggressive broody mamas you could every find.
  11. Sassy Hen

    Sneezing? Chicken

    I think chickens sneeze when they got stuff stuck in their beak, like dust, or tiny bits of their feed. It can sometimes mean they're sick, but if she has no other symptoms and is eating/drinking fine, you shouldn't need to worry too much. I could be wrong about that, but for now you should keep...
  12. Sassy Hen

    Greetings from Minnesota :]

    Welcome to BYC! This place has a bunch of really knowledgeable people that are reliable if you ever need help. Great job joining!
  13. Sassy Hen

    3rd Silkie with a problem

    So sorry about that! I don't really know what you can do about that. My friend has owned many silkies (I believe 8 or 9 in total) but most of them died and she only has 2 now. I don't think silkies have great genetics from all that breeding to make them look fluffy, so don't blame yourself.
  14. Sassy Hen

    Selling eggs in GA? Or in general!

    I don't sell eggs (my chickens are for pets, not for profit so we don't mind spending on them too much), but I can totally believe that. Where I live, healthy feed is not cheap. If you were to sell the extra eggs to attempt to make a profit, you would probably find yourself loosing money. In...
  15. Sassy Hen

    What causes a broody hen?

    I believe certain breeds have a higher chance of being broody. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I find that "the fluffier/softer-feathered hen is more likely to be a broody hen". For example my very fluffy Blue Ameraucana sometimes gets broody, and my friend's silkies are extremely...
  16. Sassy Hen

    No eggs!

    I recently had a problem like that too. However I did know that they were laying, but they were eating their own eggs! Solved that with a roll-away nest box, because nothing else worked. I think they might not lay eggs if they don't have enough calcium/other nutrients?
  17. Sassy Hen

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I have 10 laying hens, got 9 today! Yesterday I got all ten
  18. Sassy Hen

    Review by 'Sassy Hen' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    Very informative- have had strange-looking eggs and wondered why, this perfectly explains it
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