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  • Users: OFWGKTA
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    Is pose this normal? If not how do i get him to stop??

    This is a 1 day old baby chick, hes a mix of a bantam hen and modern game bantam rooster, hes sleeping very oddly? Hes normal other than his sleeping pose. Is just just because of his age or something else? (Ignore the mess im about to clean it) Also pls move this if this goes under the medical...

    Is this spraddle leg

    This baby hatched and a few hours in she started to spread her legs apart. I thought it looked like spraddle leg but in the pictures the legs are spread more wide so idk

    Is this a deformity on this baby?

    My about 1½ week old baby chick's foot looks weird. She is a silkie mix and has those 5 toe feet but one looks weird, personally i dont think its that serious but im just checking in

    Lice problem and more sickness what do i even do atp

    I went to a chicken swap today, my mom spent 80? bucks on 4 japanese bantams. I was so happy, but i realized they had a VERY familiar smell and it put me off, and one had a dark red comb. Honestly me being stupid i thought it was the breed or js the chicken with the dark comb and thought nothing...

    Is this baby chick a rooster?

    Ok i GENUINLEY dont know if i posted about this or not, so sorry if i did i dont got good memory This babies tail is throwing me SO off, "he" is the 3rd youngest but looks like hes developing faster than the oldest, both born by the same two parents, both silkie mixes, but the younger babies...

    Umbillical cord still attached

    My babies cord is stil attached, i know its normal but will the chicks peck at it or will it get infected if it stays on for too long, and how long should it be on there? They're all about a day old just minutes/hours away from eachother

    Balance problems

    My rooster butterscotch has been acting weird, i cant tell what is wrong! He has been loosing his balance recentley, like on the roost i would have to assist him with getting up and he would use his wings to balance, he fell off the second i took my eyes off him so i didnt put him up there...


    My babies were eating and one baby randomly started moving her neck alot i picked her up and apart of her neck was kind of twisted to the side but its normal now and now she is puffed up and has one eye open and one closed she is also sneezing alot but idk if that has to do with anything idk if...

    Injured wing?

    I had recently brought home a few new chickens, and i realized that ones wing is a bit droopy and poking out, she moves it a bit but when she flaps her wings, one just stays in place and only one moves, help? is it broken?

    Is this normal

    Never seen an egg like this on day 12

    Hen is acting unusual

    I dont know if this should go under the emergincies/cure forum, or this forum, so sorry if this is the wrong place. My girl ruby has been acting unusual lately. She is always running around and flying but lately shes been standing still as a statue and puffed up. I went to the coop today and...

    Best breed to attack hawks

    Im so mad i hate hawks so much they keep killing my birds ive lost 3 roosters and a whole flock of ducks. What breed is strong enough to fight predators but not attack the flock, like aggresive but also not


    I Just wanted to know if there are any kinds of treats i can give my babies, just for fun and for them to experince new foods :) i googled and all it said was bananas but they dont like it, youngest is around 2-3 weeks and oldest is almost 4 weeks

    Which chick is older?

    i hatched these two chicks who look exactly alike, either from my silkie hen, chip, or my silkie rooster, pringle, ive always deemed the bigger one to be older, and i still personally belive that the big baby is older, but the tail growth is just throwing me off, ive seen signs that the smaller...

    Is this a turkey egg

    My sister found this egg and it was big and had purple brown spots idk what else im too lazy to type

    Rooster or hen?

    I got butterscotch at a chicken swap for a dollar along with some other roosters, was told "he" was a rooster, but then "she" started to act like a hen, NEVER crowed, but also NEVER layed, NEVER mated, she has sat on a few eggs but i cant tell if she layed them or was just tired. Now she has...


    This is my almost 2 week? Old chick, im trying to figure out the breed. all i know is that it is DEFINETLY a bantam mix since my only non-bantam rooster is a silkie (who has 5 toes). This chick is getting stripes on its wings, and has "eyebrows"..i dont have any rooster or hen with eyebrows but...

    Name ideas 🙂

    This is my baby, they are a striped bantam (maybe mixed), i want to name them after their dad as a tribute because he sadly passed away last week, his dads name is Mr. Hay Hay (cuz my sister said he looked like that chicken from moana lol) and i want something similar, ideas? :)

    How do i wing sex a chick?

    I didnt know wethcer to put this in this fourm or the breed/sex forum so if this isnt the right place just let me know This is my almost 3 week old mixed silkie chick, and i just wanted to know how to properly identify the sex. Ive seen pictures saying to look at the sharpness and/or curves on...

    What breed?

    My mom got these from a lady on facebook and the post said "bantam chickens", they appear to be bantams but then my sister went outside and saw this bitty egg that one of my hens laid, this looks awfully like a serama egg? Are these seramas or just very small bantams? (One compared to standard...
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