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  1. Fritatta

    Not laying in the nesting boxes

    None of them have ever layed in the boxes? Is it especially hot where the boxes are? Pine shavings would be better as bedding.
  2. Fritatta

    Concern about my eggs

    Is there any way for you to distinguish which egg comes from which hen? by color, size, shape, speckles, etc. How many next boxes do you have? Tell us more about your setup. What are they laying on? bedding? Mine lay on 3-4 inches of pine shavings, and I have actually seen one drop an egg from...
  3. Fritatta

    Starting out

    are you getting adult birds? We need more information about where you will get them, age, breed, etc. Pictures?
  4. Fritatta

    Broody Brahma. New to broody...

    yes, the eggs can be there for several days. when Mom sites consistently, night and day, they will start to develop. And yes, they can be ANYONES eggs. give her a turtle egg and she'll mother it. they are GREAT and indescriminate Moms. 20-21 days from the first day she sits they will hatch. If...
  5. Fritatta

    Broody Brahma. New to broody...

    yes, the eggs can be there for several days. when Mom sites consistently, night and day, they will start to develop. And yes, they can be ANYONES eggs. give her a turtle egg and she'll mother it. they are GREAT and indescriminate Moms. 20-21 days from the first day she sits they will hatch. If...
  6. Fritatta

    Help! Found 3 chicks newly hatched!

    Holy smokes lets momma do her thing. As long as they all have enough room to spread out, and hide when necessary. Mom will protect them from the flock while introducing them to the flock. IF you separate them, you will have a tough time getting them back. Plus its about the cutest thing to witness.
  7. Fritatta

    (creepy?) way to get barren hen to lay?

    aha! obesity could certainly be a factor. I am SURE she does not lay in a private nest. very sure. done the Private Eye work and I know who lays each egg. Oh well, I will keep doing it and report back with results, even tho it doesnt look like it will work.
  8. Fritatta

    Is Dovie developmentally challenged, blind or just dumb?

    it does sound like she doesnt see very well. and the other chickens will know this. does she have enough room to get away or hide when needed? Is she getting pecked to the point of blood? I would set up 2 or 3 places to eat and drink. if they arent pecking her to injury, she may be just fine...
  9. Fritatta

    (creepy?) way to get barren hen to lay?

    My year old buff orp has never laid an egg. everyone else lays very well. She is very healthy (my fattest), gets to free range with the group, and appears to be the top hen. she is also the one who comes running to me when I am near, and crouches for me. I've seen that some folks reach down an...
  10. Fritatta

    Introducing new chickens - or actually, making a new flock

    I would put the youngest ones in first. They will get the lay of the land and stake out their places. Then a week or so later add the next group. then another week, add the 2 year olds. under supervision, of course. Make sure there are lots of hiding places (hay bales?) and lots of roosts. and...
  11. Fritatta

    Hard shells now soft

    what are you feeding them? My girls existed on Purina Layena and layed perfect eggs for 6 months. Now they free range with no change in egg quality. (except they are happier eggs!)
  12. Fritatta

    Loner Pullet

    Quote: when one of mine got injured, she avoided the others and was MUCH more approachable. she knew she needed my help. Can you get hold of her and look at that leg? IF it is deformed or broken you may want to cull her. rather than let it go on.. Or, you may see something obvious that you can...
  13. Fritatta

    Tags/leg bracelets for my chickens

    looked interesting:
  14. Fritatta

    Serious question I really need to ask...

    feed him some live mealworms. from a pet store. and offer water. maybe hes had a good enough start with mama and you can finish it off-
  15. Fritatta

    Hawks..... lots of them!

    Hawks dont normally "circle". Are you sure you arent seeing buzzards? Hawks are very territorial. They will only tolerate their mate nearby. they will sit in a tree or perch, then launch an attack. Buzzards circle looking for carrion and do much more soaring on air currents than hawks...
  16. Fritatta

    Bought a whole flock and some are really pecked up...

    the only way I know to see who's laying and who's not is by observation. I check my nests several times a day, and often I will see a girl sitting, or one just walking away. However, I do have one 52 week old buff orp who faithfully sits on a nest every day, but she has never laid and egg. The...
  17. Fritatta

    Black snake invades (pic added #7)

    heres a good thread on using rolled up bird netting:
  18. Fritatta

    Bought a whole flock and some are really pecked up...

    can you spot the troublemakers and isolate them for a while? fence them off in groups of 4-5? you can get very cheap and portable plastic fencing at Home Depot/Lowes. might give you a chance to monitor and see if there are any standout agressors.
  19. Fritatta

    You might be a crazy chicken lady/gent if...Go on, post yours!

    I spend my evening hours reading old thread on BackyardChickens Forum..
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