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  1. T

    Dog got in pen.... HELP PLEASE!!!!! PICS

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It's amazing how attached we can become to our chix. We too had one of our dogs attack my favorite barred rock. She lost a bit of flesh and never grew back her feathers in the rear area by her vent, but she recovered (kept her in the spare bathroom for a week and...
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    OMG...I am Shocked!!!

    I don't see a problem either. I see this as a positive from all sides. I love my birds, but I also have snakes, dogs, cats, fish, etc. Circle of life.
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    Rat Terriers and Chickens

    I have a ratter and she's very well behaved around the chickens, but she thinks that their feed is hers sometimes and will chase them away from it, until I tell her otherwise that is. The only issue I really have is that she loves to eat their poop (gross!). We also have a Jack Russel/Shih...
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    Cat Pic Thread:)

    Here's Tom-Tom, he turned 2 this month. This was taken on Christmas Eve 2007: Here's Tom-Tom again. He loves to hang out on the back of my office chair, check out his paws. He has extra toes on each paw. One paw has 4 extra! His brothers all had extra toes as well. Somewhere along the...
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    Doggie pics, please

    This is Moxi, she's our Jack Russell/Shih Tzu mix, 3 yrs. This is Cleo, our Lab/Shep mix, our 1st pup, 8 yrs. (Nimble, Rat Terrier in the background, may she rest in peace) This is Sydney, our Great Dane, 8 yrs. Jetta, our Rat Terrier, 2 yrs.
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    Gross question but I have to ask

    Our 2 little dogs do that too. Well, they don't whine to go out just to eat it, but when they are in the yard, they eat it if they can get away with it. I think it's gross and I give them a breath strip if I catch them. We've had chickens over a year and they've never been sick from eating...
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    What to do about broody?

    I have 3 broody hens right now. 2 Australorps and 1 adopted feather legged Banty (I think). All 3 have been squeezing into a little nesting house for about a week. Finally I decided enough was enough, so my husband helped me put all 3 into a wire bottom coop/hutch today. We have no roos and...
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    Never mind (Plucked feathers...)

    Never mind, I think I found the answer....
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    City Folk

    Some people! I must defend us city folk though. I live in the city, but I certainly know the difference from a sheep and a goat and I definitely know that ALL chicken eggs come from a 'chicken's arse'!
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    Newbie here...

    I appreciate all your responses. I figured Aspen would be okay as I was under the impression that it was the 'most healthy' of the wood shaving type of substrate. I am going to start building a coop this weekend, but I'm not sure if I should build the tractor type as I would like it to be...
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    Newbie here...

    Meal worms are indeed wonderful treats for your birds. I would suggest raising them to have a ready supply it is not difficult. I can send you the information I copied if you are interested. I would most definiately appreciate info. on raising meal worms, thank you!
  12. T

    Newbie here...

    I'm a newb to raising chicks. I purchased 2 Barred Rock pullets on Saturday (am I correct in calling them pullets? They are under a year old and they are indeed females). They will be a week old tomorrow. Anyway, I live in Tampa and have educated myself quite a bit. However, I am still...
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