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  1. IridescentPals


    I hope that your move goes smoothly, Morgen. I think that the anti-Californian sentiment has faded in the last 20 years. In the 80s many Californians brought their money from the profit of homes sold in California and bought the nicest homes here sparking jealousy. It was a real problem in some...
  2. IridescentPals


    We had to carry a hen back in today, too. They don't seem to care for the snow at all.
  3. IridescentPals


    Welcome : )
  4. IridescentPals


    Welcome to Oregon : )
  5. IridescentPals


    He is so cute!
  6. IridescentPals


    Yay! Our cuckoo Marans ate a bad bug or something in early October and suffered a single sick day where she stood around and ate nothing, but drank some acv water. She didn't lay another egg for 38 days! That egg was pale and very large with a double yolk. Happily, she is back to normal laying now.
  7. IridescentPals


    The timing is wrong for us, but maybe I could check with you in the early spring and see if you have any available then?
  8. IridescentPals


    That sounds yummy! I'd like to get two ducklings (both female), either Khaki Campbell, Ancona or Welsh Harlequin this spring. I'm still researching and looking for someone selling them nearby.
  9. IridescentPals


    Is there any chance that she has a hidden nest? Two of our girls hid eggs under the goats' bedding for a few days. I spent a few mornings sipping my coffee out by the barn and placing them back in the nesting boxes and they conformed.
  10. IridescentPals


    Would you be able to build more shelter for them? We are quite fortunate to have many dry places for the girls to hang out. Some of the hens are currently on our breezeway looking in at us.
  11. IridescentPals


    I was "transplanted" in 1991 from sunny southern California and it took some adapting! I focus on outdoor projects in the summer and turn my attention to indoor projects in the fall/winter months. Photography also helps me. It takes some effort to look for the beauty in the shades of gray...
  12. IridescentPals


    Chickens seem to be very adaptable to the various housing options : ) This is a photo of our little red barn that houses our chickens & goats that I took first thing one recent morning. The goats sleep in the right end and can come and go as they please. They start grazing at first light most...
  13. IridescentPals


  14. IridescentPals


    Those are nice! I was referring to Suzierd's boots, but I must not be replying correctly.
  15. IridescentPals


    On the subject of footwear...One daughter's boots were pretty when their lovely water lily pattern prevailed and another daughter showing her California gene for comfortable bare feet.
  16. IridescentPals


    Farmer Viola, Certainly! We purchased the timer at Home Depot (but it is on a better sale at True Value/Wilco just now $3.99) and Costco is selling it in a 2-pack now for less, also. Oh, well, dh was at Home Depot the day I asked for one. I asked for a mechanical timer with a grounded (3 prong)...
  17. IridescentPals


    They (Wilco) have a sale going this morning, but the early bird prices end at noon!
  18. IridescentPals


    Karen, ours seemed to be slacking off until we added a timer to the light and now production has picked up. We had ten eggs from the twelve hens yesterday. Our first green egg, too. We set the light to come on at about 5 a.m.
  19. IridescentPals


    The white Kirkland tennis shoes are a great deal for the older boys and young men. The price is about $14 a pair and they have great traction. They don't stay white for long, but they work.
  20. IridescentPals


    My younger two children would wear their muck boots to the library if I didn't stop them at the house door! Years ago we picked up a pair for everyone à la "Yours, Mine and Ours" at the feed store and we keep them in a clean Rubbermaid trash can when they are not drying out or in use. Along the...
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