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  1. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I got some taters that grew out BIG time, but it's like they are getting a second canopy or regrowth now. Not sure if I should dig them up or let them totally stop new growth and die off. Aaron
  2. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Vanilla Cinnamon. tell me more. Home extracted / grown vanilla or just a dash out of a bottle. Either way, oh man those look good! Aaron
  3. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    The squash is actually fairly flavorful even though it was not ripe. I think I am going to figure out something to have chicken with the squash.. Maybe like a chicken cordon bleu but stuffed with Tahitian Squash and some cheese instead. Or just probably better off with chicken soup / stew...
  4. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    THIS is why the one is going in the cooking pot tomorrow. Time and time and TIME again, this happens with her. The others are not a problem, only THIS one insists on squeezing past the chicken wire etc. You are done tootsie, your eggs are small anyways. This was a Tahitian squash that was...
  5. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I am about to have chicken for dinner. I HAD a nice Tahitian squash growing, the ^$ bi$^$$ tore holes in it. Im about ready to put a bear trap up and whomever gets their head chopped off, is in the crock pot tonight:( :😠: Aaron
  6. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    That explains it. The kool aid - bug juice cream chipped beef - creamed *what a golfer yells: skins Biscuits and gravy, but served on toast - $... on a shingle. some of the others i wont repeat here THe fillippino's especially on the west coast, had a fish oil, if i remember the brand name it...
  7. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I grew up in Chiraq, on the south side. I never heard the elephant sweat thing. That sounds more like a name someone in the military would give something. Was your dad ever in the Navy? Went to Great Lakes for bootcamp, training perhaps? The gravy on fries, I believe I was in wisconsin when...
  8. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I can't remember all the details, it was long ago, but there was a company that tried to market a better 'catsup' instead of the usual sugar, they used honey instead. Well the catsup industry, for lack of a better word, sued them and won, forcing them to take the word catsup out of it's name...
  9. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I remember the old 7up commercials, with the upside down glass. the Uncola.
  10. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Glad to hear. I don't want your old one to goto waste so feel free to send it to me if you want. can't let a good bread, or even a mediocre home made one goto waste now can we!! Aaron
  11. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Since we are bringing up regional. Soda or Pop ? Say the P word down here and all these rednecks will spit tabaccer on your shoe! :D My aunt used to get mad ITS SODA NOT POP !!!!! My neice was over once, she had a jack in the box, I was cranking it and kind of dum dumm ing along the...
  12. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    ketchup, catsup on eggs. a LOT of people do it. It's ok I guess if you like catsup, but not something I go out of the way to do. I know one guy who put catsup on his steak, we were in a very high end restaurant... I thought the cook was going to come out and machete him! :D the frozen...
  13. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    yah, my rotten buzzards got the blackberry bushes. I managed to save most the blueberry, but blackberry. fugeddaboudit !! Aaron
  14. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Th That is true! and sometimes just being able to take 5 minutes to throw the ingredients in and walk away and not have to babysit for hours is well worth the time. Aaron
  15. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Ive brewed beer before and the yeast can get temperamental at times but the biggest problem there IS the wild yeast getting into it. Most often you'd have to let it ferment longer and hope it don't get bacteria in it, else it's a done deal. Now im wanting to get the bread machine out and make...
  16. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    When I make, I will call this 'exotic bread' since it's not just plain ole whitey tightey bread... I always tend to watch for it to rise, Yes I know recipe's say mix, let it stew, beat it down, let it stew again for xx time, but as you said, sometimes the yeast are not quite up to the job...
  17. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Any reason's why your sourdough did not rise? I have constant troubles with my pumpernickel. I can literally make one HUGE batch, bust it into two loaves and one will rise, and the other will be a pumperBRICKle. It's hit or miss, as you said, it happens but it'd be nice to know WHY at least...
  18. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    If you find people objectionable, you can click on their name under their avatar picture and then click the IGNORE button, that way you don't have to see what they say. It's easy really and it's instant. Aaron
  19. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    But by saying you won't join the convo, instead of just staying quiet, you kind of did. We'll save you a seat when you want to come back, oh wait.....
  20. Ascholten

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Speaking of Pink Powder. I have some Blood Orange Freeze Dried Juice, I need to rehydrate into something good to drink! One of the other nice things about my freeze dryer, I can save a bunch of fruits for later w/o having to load up the freezer or worry about them going bad. Aaron
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