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  1. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    I feed the older ducklings, then sneak the new babies in while the others are busy eating. I also do it at night, before I shut off the lights. I let them eat, then lights out. That way they all seem to just snuggle up together and go to sleep.
  2. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Hey Marty! I agree, swans are beautiful. I seriously considered getting a pair, but after talking to a breeder, I decided that it was a bad idea with kids. I can try to find her name if you'd like to talk to her, too. She was really nice and honest about what living with swans is like. It...
  3. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    They are obviously not ready for swimming yet, but after their yolk sacs are absorbed and they are fully hatched, I would let them have supervised swimming time. You'll have to make sure to get them dried off really well afterward. I've noticed that swimming dramatically improves the leg...
  4. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    I have the same incubator here in Olympia and I've been keeping the wells dry until hatch time. The air seems to be humid enough without adding water.
  5. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Unfortunately, my favorites are the worst layers! I think I might still rehome a couple of the good Ancona layers to make room for some ducklings from my Coyote Night eggs. Oh well. I got enough from mine to hatch while they were laying. I'm sure they'll pick up again soon (I hope!).
  6. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Most of my ducks are laying horribly this year. The only reliable layer is my Welsh Harlequin. I noticed they were all laying when the weather was nice, but then stopped again and the temp dropped and it started raining again...
  7. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Here are the sticky topics:
  8. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    If the veins have disappeared, they are probably dead. At this point, though, the eggs should be so full of duckling that it would be hard to see anything. Do you see any movement? Eggs internally "pip" (break through the membrane into the air cell and then externally "pip" (break through...
  9. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    He probably didn't do any harm to the other eggs. It happens. 30 days is more than "normal." Did you have your temp too low? That will delay the hatch. Have you candled the eggs to see what's going on inside? Have they externally pipped?
  10. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    I have the same Brinsea mini. I open mine during the hatch to add water, take out hatchlings, etc. I just refill the well and pour a little on the paper towel. The humidity in that little thing jumps right back up in no time.
  11. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Hi guys! Good luck with all the hatching. RG - I'll see you tomorrow! I love goslings. I see now what everyone has been talking about.
  12. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    I don't up the humidity until they've internally pipped.
  13. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    I don't know... I wonder if a goose would break duck eggs. You could try.
  14. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    The dark gray usually turn out to be blue. The lighter ones could be lavender or silver.
  15. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    Hi Bakin! Awesome incubator psue. Those emu babies sure are cool looking. Utah, I'm really curious to see what I get next Ancona hatch, too. I'm trying to figure out of one of my drakes is lilac or silver. Was still expecting some blacks, though, with the black ducks.
  16. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month Top 10 Toxins and Poisons for Dogs Chocolates Insect bait stations Rodenticides (mouse and rat poison) Fertilizers Xylitol-containing products such as sugar-free gums, toothpaste and candies Ibuprofen Acetaminophen Silica gel packs Amphetamines, such as...
  17. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    There are different ways to measure humidity. When I think of humidity, I think in terms of relative humidity (RH), which is noted as a percent. I think the number Metzer's is referring to is the wetbulb humidity, which is different. How are you measuring your humidity? If you have a...
  18. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    This is just a guess, because I've never had scovies, but my Jumbo Pekin's eggs were about the same size as regular duck eggs, so I'd say the big ones are scovy. I'm so excited! I got my ship date for my American goslings - last week of April!!!
  19. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    You could hatch it and then bring it to a wildlife sanctuary to raise and release. The air cell looks pretty big, so I bet it's getting close to hatching.
  20. ChristineR

    Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

    I forgot it was April Fools. My mom told me my sister was not divorcing her cheating husband after all. I think my blood pressure spiked 30 points in an instant. Then she says, "APRIL FOOLS!" Geez, she gets me every year.
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