Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Okay, does anyone know why my ducks STILL aren't laying? They hatched in September, so they're nine months now. They already went through the spring molt. I feel awful because I owe Goin Quackers and Bakin some eggs but they just aren't laying! And it's not that they have a hidden nest, I've kept them locked in the run for the past three days and nothing.
Okay, does anyone know why my ducks STILL aren't laying? They hatched in September, so they're nine months now. They already went through the spring molt. I feel awful because I owe Goin Quackers and Bakin some eggs but they just aren't laying! And it's not that they have a hidden nest, I've kept them locked in the run for the past three days and nothing.
Most of my ducks are laying horribly this year. The only reliable layer is my Welsh Harlequin. I noticed they were all laying when the weather was nice, but then stopped again and the temp dropped and it started raining again...
Most of my ducks are laying horribly this year. The only reliable layer is my Welsh Harlequin. I noticed they were all laying when the weather was nice, but then stopped again and the temp dropped and it started raining again...
Mine are inconsistent this year too. Between the out-of-season molts and all the starts and stops, I'm almost considering selling all but my favorites and starting over.
Mine are inconsistent this year too. Between the out-of-season molts and all the starts and stops, I'm almost considering selling all but my favorites and starting over.

Unfortunately, my favorites are the worst layers! I think I might still rehome a couple of the good Ancona layers to make room for some ducklings from my Coyote Night eggs. Oh well. I got enough from mine to hatch while they were laying. I'm sure they'll pick up again soon (I hope!).
first day out for babies....and first bath as well....they finally got big enf to enjoy peas if i smash them...but they learn very quickly i am the keeper of the peas, so when i go in there it looks like a feeding frenzy! love these little guys!
first day out for babies....and first bath as well....they finally got big enf to enjoy peas if i smash them...but they learn very quickly i am the keeper of the peas, so when i go in there it looks like a feeding frenzy! love these little guys!
I know it's crazy how much they love peas isnt it! I dont know how many bags Ive gotten through in the last month!
I got my first duck egg of the season today!! :weee So, Quackrrs, if they keep it up I can FINALLY send yours to you. I guess the hot weather finally convinced them it was time.
I got my first duck egg of the season today!!
So, Quackrrs, if they keep it up I can FINALLY send yours to you. I guess the hot weather finally convinced them it was time.
Great news!!!

I'm running out of hatching eggs, so this news is a thrill to me!
I forgot to share my drama of the day.

Took my son to a friend's birthday party and then stopped at the grocery on the way home. Got a panicky call from hubs. He was mowing the front lawn and disturbed a rabbit nest. 9 little baby bunnies. We couldn't put them back because he did a number on the nest, so we ended up calling a friend who does wildlife rescue. He gets here, we load them into his carrier and one squeezes out... and under the back seat of his Prius. 45 minutes later, we finally got the little booger out.

Here's hoping the rest of the day is uneventful. I wouldn't have minded having those rabbits, but I just can't handle adding the feeding schedule of another set of completely helpless animals right now. The rescue guy said they were likely a wild/domestic cross.
More drama. Glad today's almost over. I posted this on Facebook and just copied it to pass along to the rest of ya'll...

OMG. Had a weird feeling and went up to check the hatchlings. They are all fine, but the other Incukit was malfunctioning and was over 104 degrees!

Lucky for me, I was stabilizing another bator. Moved the goose eggs to that bator, two were happily chirping or honking at me.

Unplugged Incukit and now it's working right again. I'm really going to have a talk with Incubator Warehouse now. I think I'm going to tell them I'll send in my units and they can send me a Hovabator 1588 and we'll be even. (hahahaha.... I wish!)


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