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  1. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Nice idea Leigh.. and great pics!
  2. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I lost a girl a few weeks ago, was out most of the day with a school trip and when I got home I went to the coop to start chores, and open the run to let them free range, and collect eggs. She was in a nest box, and I thought she was laying a late egg. I left her be a few minutes, and opened...
  3. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Leigh,, SO sorry love,, I hate stuff like this, and even though we are animal people, and know certain things come with ownership, still sucks, and hurts. Will be interested to hear what went wrong. I lost a girl a few weeks ago, just found her in the nest box, I was gone all day and when I...
  4. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Ok, I know the answer is in this thread, and I should know it, but I don't have time to try and find it.. sorry I just read Sally Sunshine's great article about vent gleet that was on the homepage a few days ago. The question I have is, vent gleet is not necessarily the same as just...
  5. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    WOW, Gorgeous! That comb and waddles are not only perfect in color, not a nick or scratch or black mark on them.. PIcture of health Justine!
  6. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Thought there were some new tips in this I hadn't heard before... not chicken related...but good natural tips...
  7. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Oh gosh no, couldn't resist using the picture.. she is a beautiful Mama though isn't she?
  8. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Hi all,,, for all of you with a dead log you can't move on the property,, here is a nice option.... neighbor has these leading all up her driveway...
  9. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    oh boy, just reading this made me feel as if I was the one getting chased. Your description was perfect...after living with a rooster that attacked me every chance he got, I can't imagine a huge turkey trying it! Glad you are ok, and I am sorry he had to get that way, he sure is handsome! MB
  10. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Question for all experienced rooster owners, and breeders of chickens. How long should one expect after a rooster switch do you think that the first roosters sperm will still be present in the flocks reproduction systems before one can assume the second roosters sperm is now the one...
  11. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome! I know this pertains to dogs, but most of us have those right?
  12. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Mumsy, I always love reading your posts. You remind me that we all learn from experiences, done "right" or done "not right". With my own line of work with horses, I have always disliked meeting the person who was around horses their entire lives, and who closed their minds to learning. You...
  13. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Happy Earth Day everyone... Let's do our best to take care Mother Earth as well as we would our own mothers. I love this day, for all it represents, it's also my third born's birthday!
  14. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    BDM,, I can barely stand it! How precious are these chicks? Was it this breed i read that the roosters tolerate each other well? Also, are their eggs truly as large as they say, or are the SFH eggs normal size? Just curious.... MB
  15. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    My fantasy pasture setup!
  16. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    it was a great idea, and I don't think that NYC PO workers are unresponsive or not undestanding and being from a small town would make one more so, it is just the reality of the world we live in, and their training. We all wish that there was a way to get those eggs to us in a more viable...
  17. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Having a cousin who works in the post office in NYC, I don't think that writing that on a box will matter much. If they want to scan a package, they will. Unfortunately in today's world where we have to be suspicious of boxes, envelopes, backpacks, and now pressure cookers, when they deem a...
  18. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!
  19. Melabella

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Well, at least they called, and were concerned! lol.. I've heard horror stories of peeping boxes sitting on a counter for hours! Good luck with your new babies! MB
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