The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I will for sure! I've been anxiously waiting for the last 10 weeks :) I think my Wyandotte and EEs are still very far off - maybe by summer!

And I didn't have to wait 24 hours!! First little egg this morning. It is a pinky tan colour - from the Lavender Orp. So fun!!
Del - I'm thinking you don't FEED all of those herbs you listed but use some of them for nest boxes, etc., as insect repellant....

Can you specify which ones you DO FEED vs. the ones you use in the nest boxes, etc.? the coop for repellant..they don't eat it.
I feed fresh Oregano, and cilantro quite often..I do not add it to anything. I let them choose it out of a bowl. If I am out of fresh oregano I do add dry to the top of the feed maybe once a week during the winter.
I use hay and a few fresh herbs in the nest boxes. I do not use anything for any spacific reason per sea..when lavender is in bloom I add that..when thistle is I use that..etc I will even add purple clover tops and rose petals. Its nice and they love to wallow in it.

In this nest is hay and yarrow flowers..some chickweed

hay ..lavender..I see some oat stalks and possibly some thyme in there.
Very nice! Thank you. Now when you say laying stimulant, what exactly do you mean? It will encourage late bloomers to start, or hens that have stopped laying to start again?

With everything that can be used for antiseptic, fungicide, and pain relief; how do you apply these? Through the feed or would I make a solution and directly apply it to the chicken?

The sedatives and stress relievers, how would one apply these to calm a chicken down before a stressful situation, ie. before a physical examination, during a move.

Can any of the herbs that fall under the anti-parasitic and insecticides be ground up and the powder be placed directly on the chicken?

Last but not least, are there specific amounts(eg. grams/per lbs of chicken) that have to be.measured before administering? I know some plants can be super beneficial in small amounts, but can cause toxicity issues when overdone. I guess that is the case for anything though.

I am putting all this wonderful information into my chicken notebook for future.references. y'all are so nice and sharing with all your wonderful knowledge. Thank you! I can't say the same for other threads I've been on.
Free feed them a few herbs here and there and let them choose what they not add anything directly to the feed unless you are treating for something spacific. I would than add it to the FF just before service.
The best thing to be put directly on a chicken for parasites is wood ash.
The best antiseptic is comfry and Oregano for wounds and burns.You can make a mash and apply it.
ACV is the best thing to give your chickens in the water for stress.
I do not like to give the birds anything to stimulate laying. I want to know why they are not laying. There is always a reason.
Anyone sprout chia seeds for chickens? I have some in the cupboard and was going to give it a try if they are safe to use.
yes..that is just clover sprouts
I just checked in with the woman I found on craigs list who is hatching eggs for me - she said she has only a 10% hatch success rate with swedish flower hens, and overall a 40% rate. I know the eggs are being shipped, but wow, doesn't that seem low?

Hens came through the molasses flush just fine. Because they were confined, I could examine the poops, and they were uniform, no problems. Everyone still alert, responsive.

I did bring one in for treatment, her bumblefoot was ready to work on. I should have taken pics - it was a peanut sized lump, all hard mass - soaked her in epsom salts, and just scraped off the bottom gunk and pried out the kernal. Swabbed the cavity, used nustock, and off she went.

Now, that sounds easy, doesn't it? But no! That kitten landed in the sink with the hen, and there was a commotion. I wasn't prepared, and the hen was pretty upset. Feathers everywhere but thank goodness I managed somehow to hang on to the hen who was trying to get airborne, and haul the kitten out of the sink. I learned that trying to pick up feathers with wet hands isn't the way to go.

these clods of dirt...could someone explain? and we've had rain/ snow...would clods of MUD work?
Look for a clod of dirt under a bush or a tree...if you can't mud will work..just dry it out first.
Quote: You need to treat that foot..if you treat it now it might not be a don't treat it and it probably will become a problem. Soak it in epsom salt.
Our Barred Rock has always been the friendliest we've had.
When oh when will these ducks stop eating the shavings? I bought an eight pack of cheapy paper towels, and we've used three so far. I wait two minutes after I pull it all up, to see if they're still eating it, and they haven't stopped yet.
We have started our spring projects. Had the barn wired last week, that'll come in handy. Hubby is insulating the shed connected to the barn, and the ff and worm bin will go in there. I have trees and bushes being delivered every other day. We're going to block off the fruit bushes with plastic fencing, to keep the chickens off them. Really wish it would warm up all the way, having two days of warm doesn't make up for six cold days.
The best way to brood ducks is on a metal grate. No bedding at all. They are easy to make. Just cut 1x2's to fit your box and tack hard wire to it. Make sure you tack that hard wire on the bottom so no feet can get to any edges.
Does anyone know where we could purchase dried liver or meat meal? I've been looking around for a source with no luck.
Yes..check dog treats of dry your own. It is pretty easy..just use a meat tenderizer and pound it flat. Put it in to oven at 100 till it is dry.
Hmmmm.... I wonder why so many people say citrus and parsley are poisonous to them then?
Quote: According to many birds would be dead by all the stuff around here for them. The citrus scraps are placed in nest boxes and tossed on the floor. They may pick them up but usually do not eat them. I don't put them in for them to eat. They are in for bug control
This is my clod I also added sand for them to take a dirt bath
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Baby pictures! Swedish Flower Hen chicks hatched on the 19th:

No matter how many chicks I raise, I never get tired of watching chicks!! As you can see with this group, I got a "party pack" color mix just by chance and great luck. The yellow - I'm pretty sure it's a boy. He'll be the perfect compliment roo to my Gunnar. Gunnar is black-based with no blue. This little guy is white based with blue. I'll be able to switch hens about and get all different colors between the two roos and the various color hens I have.

And yeah - these babies are staying in the house. Not taking any chances with them while the nights are still cold!

Baby pictures! Swedish Flower Hen chicks hatched on the 19th:

No matter how many chicks I raise, I never get tired of watching chicks!! As you can see with this group, I got a "party pack" color mix just by chance and great luck. The yellow - I'm pretty sure it's a boy. He'll be the perfect compliment roo to my Gunnar. Gunnar is black-based with no blue. This little guy is white based with blue. I'll be able to switch hens about and get all different colors between the two roos and the various color hens I have.

And yeah - these babies are staying in the house. Not taking any chances with them while the nights are still cold!


They are gorgeous!!! Amazing range of colors; I heard they are great chickens to have around.
Baby pictures! Swedish Flower Hen chicks hatched on the 19th:

No matter how many chicks I raise, I never get tired of watching chicks!! As you can see with this group, I got a "party pack" color mix just by chance and great luck. The yellow - I'm pretty sure it's a boy. He'll be the perfect compliment roo to my Gunnar. Gunnar is black-based with no blue. This little guy is white based with blue. I'll be able to switch hens about and get all different colors between the two roos and the various color hens I have.

And yeah - these babies are staying in the house. Not taking any chances with them while the nights are still cold!


I can barely stand it! How precious are these chicks? Was it this breed i read that the roosters tolerate each other well? Also, are their eggs truly as large as they say, or are the SFH eggs normal size? Just curious....


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